Ask Doctor Liz ... Again

Dr. Liz -

As you know, I take great pride in my work, and like to follow-up with my clients to see if everything is functioning as expected.

And yes, I do realize that the Demerit Room assistants interview process was a success, having had firsthand (and second- and third-hand) experience with that demerit education process. But that did involve some level of inexperienced individuals, and I would hope to be able to observe an occasion wherein two "experts" (both in terms of giving and receiving) were involved, and thus make sure that all parties are extremely satisfied with the furnishings and application implements of the Demerit Room.

I note that you and Lorelei are scheduling an upcoming appointment in the Room. May I please, please (pretty please) be allowed to observe? Purely in the interest of post-purchase reinforcement of course.

Your "impartial observer" Contractor
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Dear Dr Liz,

My girlfriend has said she wants another woman to go down on me so she can watch, have me tell her all about it, or see pictures (or all of the above).

Is this a trap?

To good to be true...
Dr. Liz -

As you know, I take great pride in my work, and like to follow-up with my clients to see if everything is functioning as expected.

And yes, I do realize that the Demerit Room assistants interview process was a success, having had firsthand (and second- and third-hand) experience with that demerit education process. But that did involve some level of inexperienced individuals, and I would hope to be able to observe an occasion wherein two "experts" (both in terms of giving and receiving) were involved, and thus make sure that all parties are extremely satisfied with the furnishings and application implements of the Demerit Room.

I note that you and Lorelei are scheduling an upcoming appointment in the Room. May I please, please (pretty please) be allowed to observe? Purely in the interest of post-purchase reinforcement of course.

Your "impartial observer" Contractor

Dear Impartial One,

I'm sure if you stop by, Lorelei and I can see to it that your partial one becomes a full-on raging one ;) :)

- Doctor "If You Like The Show Prove It" Liz :devil:

Dear Dr Liz,

My girlfriend has said she wants another woman to go down on me so she can watch, have me tell her all about it, or see pictures (or all of the above).

Is this a trap?

To good to be true...

Dear Suspicious of a Good Thing,

I believe that we all live in a loving and abundant universe.

Unfortunately, not everyone else does and many people act out of fear, or they spend their time thinking about what they don't want rather than what they do want.

Is it a trap? Probably. But if you let your girlfriend pick the other woman you will gain important insight into what she finds attractive about other women. Then, after you give her her window of opportunity to watch, listen and take pictures of you co-mingling with this other woman of her choice, all you simply need to do is ask her to put down her camera and come over to join you before you, you know, express your gratitude all over her and this other woman.

By including your girlfriend in this "too good to be true" situation, you actually avoid the trap she is probably setting for you and trap her into embracing her bi-curiosity WITH you rather than by breaking up with you.

- Doctor "All Women Are Bi-Curious Deep Down" Liz :D
Dear Impartial One,

I'm sure if you stop by, Lorelei and I can see to it that your partial one becomes a full-on raging one ;) :)

- Doctor "If You Like The Show Prove It" Liz :devil:



(Put that little blue pull away, your not gonna need it. :))

(Put that little blue pull away, your not gonna need it. :))

She means blue pill, not blue pull, btw Partial But Rapidly Improving One.

She's doing her best, but she only has one free hand to type with one hand at the moment ;) :)

I'll be sipping scotch in the Tasting Room if anyone is looking for me.

"Hey, I'm the new IT girl Doctor Liz just hired.
Do you know where I can find her?
I thought she told me her password was EatMyPussy
but we may have had a little misunderstanding about that."

I'll be sipping scotch in the Tasting Room if anyone is looking for me.

I do like a scotch, how about a tasting. Then I might like a Scotch too;)


"Hey, I'm the new IT girl Doctor Liz just hired.
Do you know where I can find her?
I thought she told me her password was EatMyPussy
but we may have had a little misunderstanding about that."

IT eh, Perhaps we should take a look at the IP's, and sort the perving.... Oop's security cameras.:rolleyes:
Hi, Doctor Liz.

Sorry. Wrong couch.

Thanks for listening.

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Dr. Liz enjoying sunset at the beach vacay? Sure hope that's hubs and not the Cabana boy . . . ;)

Well, she can't be spending all her time at the beach, can she . . . gotta wash that sand off sometime. :)

Someone we know, during first vacay beach walk? ;)

I actually don't mind a little paparazzi following me around on vacation - especially if they're cute!


Dr. Liz enjoying sunset at the beach vacay? Sure hope that's hubs and not the Cabana boy . . . ;)

The best vaca's ALWAYS includean indiscretion or three with a rando Cabana boy (or three :devil: )


Well, she can't be spending all her time at the beach, can she . . . gotta wash that sand off sometime. :)

Gosh, I've washed all the sand off. But now my entire bod is glistening from head to toe with these silky lavender emollients that makes my skin so soft and buttery. I better go lay down in bed and call for room service so that I don't slip and fall down. :rolleyes:
I actually don't mind a little paparazzi following me around on vacation - especially if they're cute!

The best vaca's ALWAYS includean indiscretion or three with a rando Cabana boy (or three :devil: )

Gosh, I've washed all the sand off. But now my entire bod is glistening from head to toe with these silky lavender emollients that makes my skin so soft and buttery. I better go lay down in bed and call for room service so that I don't slip and fall down. :rolleyes:


Knock, knock, knock. Room Service, I’m here for the full body oil massage you ordered. You didn’t order one? Well, I’m here anyway so lie back and enjoy. I’ll get undressed, I mean you get undressed while I set everything up.
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I was planning on coming back to work this week. Honest I was. But then this yoga instructor rented the cabana next to mine and we sort of hit it off so .... we're going to take a little nap-nap together and see how we feel tomorrow. Or next week. :D

Knock, knock, knock. Room Service, I’m here for the full body oil massage you ordered. You didn’t order one? Well, I’m here anyway so lie back and enjoy. I’ll get undressed, I mean you get undressed while I set everything up.

Well who am I to resist free room service?!! :D

("Yes, hello? I would like a well-oiled, petite little blonde sent to my cabana so that I can practice some massage techniques I was watching in my room on You Porn last night. Yes, put it on my husband's credit card. Thank you!")
So, uh, Doc ...

It's come to my attention that you did not seek proper permission for your latest absence. You understand there will be penance to pay, do you not?

Dr. Liz -

I think I'm developing a new spiritual interest in yoga. While on your vacay, if per chance you and the blonde yoga instructor next door happen to have a session or two, please record it for educational purposes. The tapes could well become an informative element of your practice.


A flexible patient is a happy patient :)
So, uh, Doc ...

It's come to my attention that you did not seek proper permission for your latest absence. You understand there will be penance to pay, do you not?


Standing by to issue demerits. :kiss::heart:
Hi, Doctor Liz.

Sorry. Wrong couch.

Thanks for listening.


Dear Over Your Own Pity Party,


If you're honest about what you need, you might be surprised by what your wife agrees to. Especially if she's lost interest in sex.

Just be sure to tell her that you love her more than anything and that the last thing you want to is jeopardize your relationship with her in any way.

Good luck!

(and keep me posted!)

- Doctor "Talk About It, Don't Bury It" Liz