Boobs and Books

Oooh…one of the 3 free birthday books I had narrowed it down to earlier was a novella based on a song by Daveed Diggs’ group! It has a really interesting magical realism premise, but seems very emotional and possibly devastating in a way that I want to read, but may not re-read. My compromise with myself was to pick one of the other 2 ebooks to add to my permanent collection, and check out this ebook from one of my LA libraries.
I’m finally going to start this one. I don’t usually go for audiobooks over printed word, but decided to this time because it’s read by Daveed Diggs (who played Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson in Hamilton). The book The Deep was inspired by a premise in a song of the same name, by Daveed’s rap group, Clipping.

The premise of it is that when pregnant African women who were kidnapped for slavery were bound and thrown overboard (this atrocity actually happened), they died, but their babies went from amniotic fluid straight to ocean, and evolved into mermaids without ever having drawn a breath of air. Generations later, they have a mostly carefree underwater society, with the exception of one girl, whose duty it is to store and protect their histories, so that the others can forget.
I just finished reading My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix after reading a review from PLP here. It was fun, creepy, and so nostalgic of my childhood. It was turned into a movie, I think on Amazon so I'm hoping to check it out soon to see if it follows the book.
I didn’t even realize it was a book when I watched the movie … I loved the movie and I love Grady Hendrix … I’ve read like 3 of hers.
Oh, that sounds fun! I think I’ll give it a read 😍
I hope you enjoy it!
I didn’t even realize it was a book when I watched the movie … I loved the movie and I love Grady Hendrix … I’ve read like 3 of hers.
I am going to watch the movie weekend and see how it compares. Any recommendations for her other books to check out?
I'm starting Horrorstör, thanks for the recommendations!

I watched the movie of My Best Friend's Exorcism last night. It was good! It followed pretty closely to the book but you know, they cut a lot out from the book and changed a few things... Was not disappointed though, it was very entertaining. ☺️
I’m so glad! Horrorstör is so great!
Ohey, new Amazon First Reads selections for September, @LadyLascivious1 !

Of course!

• They send out an email at the beginning of every month, and you can either click that, or log into Amazon site or app and search “first reads September 2024” and click the link on top.
• It’ll show a selection of early release ebooks (usually 5-10 each month), and tell you Prime members can pick 1 free that month. Sometimes it might be 2 free, or more often 1 free and 1 bonus short story.
• Once you’ve picked your book, just click Learn More, then Read for Free buttons!
• It should automatically send it to your Kindle device or app
I know Lady L got her First Reads book for September, but last call for other Prime members! New round of First Reads picks starting tomorrow!
Also, for anyone who doesn’t know, the Goodreads app now has the Giveaways! It was previously only available on the website, and still is, here:
…but can now also be found here:

Many of the book giveaways are early release, some are reviewer’s copies that are bound differently and labeled “not for resale.” Once you win your first book, the expectation is that you will review it, and the more giveaway reviews you post, the better your chances are of winning more giveaways in the future.

I just won my second giveaway, also an early release, so I will be bumping it to the top of my queue so I can review it for prospective new readers!
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And speaking of giveaways, signing up for Simon & Schuster’s mailing list will get you a free ebook, as well as for your birth month, and any other time they’re feeling generous. I remember during the initial pandemic lockdown, they were giving away a free book every month, and they still give away a few each year, including some bestsellers!