I am not so sure it is that way for me.I hear the "I'm successful and its my release" and I do understand this... but is it something that has grown parallel to the Subs success/stress.
I have a high risk, stressful job and have worked up to a high level in the industry however I do not think it has really effected my submission, I was always a sub, from my first memories, interactions at school, its just me.
I read many cliches about successful people but for me its just innate, it would be me irrespective of other life factors.
I was really abused as a child, so much so I was ultimately removed from my parents. I overdid everything asked of me because sometimes it prevented my father from beating me. Most times not, but sometimes if I worked extra hard he left me alone because I had impressed him.
That carries over to my work life. I got to where I am at because I always do well more than what is expected of me. Since I never could do enough for my father, today no one is more critical of me than... ME!
I think having a high threshold for pain certainly came from my father (he used a length of radiator hose), but its not because why I am submissive. In fact, I would think child abuse would likely cause the opposite where people would be fearful of restraint and striking.