Cock Map

Apparently not! I think sex noises sound like a lot of things, but that's not one of them.
Add some milk/cream to get that sauce a lil thick and then change the pace you stir it to match the pace that you like 🍆
I'll thank you to leave the sacred name Kraft out of your whore mouth!
If I keep it out of my whore hole then how am I supposed to enjoy it?!?! I'm not boofing this one
Like stirring macaroni?
This is one of the funniest descriptions I’ve ever heard!
Apparently not! I think sex noises sound like a lot of things, but that's not one of them. I'll thank you to leave the sacred name Kraft out of your whore mouth!
True. Stirring macaroni sounds closer to masturbation than actual sex, but default’s recipe might just work with some suction sounds added. 🤣
This is one of the funniest descriptions I’ve ever heard!
It's not funny, it's yucky. I know that sounds childish, but that's the only word I can think of. Yucky. Who is in the throws of passion and makes and observation like this????
True. Stirring macaroni sounds closer to masturbation than actual sex, but default’s recipe might just work with some suction sounds added. 🤣
I'm going to need an audio from each of you, making your macaroni noise. I have not observed thus being the case. Or, maybe I just "make macaroni" differently than you two pervs 😂
It's not funny, it's yucky. I know that sounds childish, but that's the only word I can think of. Yucky. Who is in the throws of passion and makes and observation like this????
I bet it was noticed not during the throes of passion, but when stirring macaroni and suddenly becoming aroused. 😁
Or, maybe I just "make macaroni" differently than you two pervs 😂
You have to stir it with your dick. 🤣
You’re welcome.

I’m really shocked people find it so unbelievable that, as a teen, someone stuck their dick in a vacuum. All the dumb things we do as guys and that’s the most unbelievable? I’m shocked more people haven’t done it. Or admitted to doing it.

@deefalttwunnyfor has a good story he’s hiding from us about his dick.
What is it ? Im in 06378 btw.
🤣 Were you doing the searching, or was someone searching on your behalf? And are you looking for anything in particular? 😂
I was doing the searching. For an erotic parody of The Thing.

This is not quite the self sacrifice it sounds, as porn access is blocked in Texas, but I though I might at least find titles. 💁‍♀️

I did stumble onto this . . . video? Honestly, I'm not sure what to call it. 🤣

The recipient was also speechless. We have agreed the beard is the best part. Be warned. It is six minutes you will never get back.

The Thingy

Eta: It's not sexy. So, so , so not sexy.
Whilst perusing pillows for my skin health.

As one does. 💁‍♀️

I stumbled on this and felt it worthy of being shared with the class. I give you, the Pillow Bra. It stops those pesky overnight chest wrinkles that form from the girls. like, shifting about.

Naturally I immediately thought of @LadyLascivious1. I mean, I notice this in the morning sometimes, with my little 32DDs. What must it be like for LL?! 😳

With those HHs or double Zs or . . . whatever they are? (I'm too lazy to backtrack through the thread and find the exact size.)

Consider this in the nature of a public service announcement. Behold.