Come take a peek inside Aussie's marriage

Glad things are moving along in fashion that pleases.

It sounds like you've decide to continue living together, in spite of the romantic uncoupling? Which is fantastic for the kids, and not something most people could manage.
We're really lucky because our house is set up to be dual living. He's got one space and I've got the other. The kids exist in both and it's going okay right now.
The biggest key to our success is me getting an office and leaving the house during the day. I think that space has done wonders for us as we aren't around to trigger each other and it's kind of hard to blame someone for something when they're not around.
I’m so excited for you! And curious how it all happened because it’s a big deal.

There’s been a ton of changes in your life recently, so I’d be more surprised if there weren’t mixed feelings about going alone. Personally, I think it’s a great example to set for your kids that both parents need to do things for themselves. They’re people as well as parents and have to take care of their needs to be the best parents possible.

I love that my niece and nephew think it’s totally normal for adults to travel without them - alone, as part of a couple, or with friends. It’s also opened the door to taking them on trips individually and carving out time for just them separate from their siblings.
I could write a novel as to why you should go and stop feeling guilty after a few seconds of it, but since I had to hear you sob... 🫂 😘
This is spectacular, Aussie. I'm the caretaker in my family and it becomes such an engrained habit to put oneself on the back burner. At some point you realized no-one is taking care of you, not even yourself. 🤷‍♀️

I agree with @LadyLascivious1. This is a great example to set for your children. The best example.

Have a spectacular trip!
There's a sweetness in parting that I've not recognized before. Especially when there's a ritual around it. Spending time with someone I love brings me intense joy and I try to be as completely in the moment as I can. I'm also very intentional about leaving things with love, knowing that if this was the last time we've spent together it was left in a way that honors what we share.

I'm still learning to hold the joy and grief that comes with love. It breaks my heart to say "goodbye", so instead I take a page from my daughter's preschool teacher and say "good morning", "good afternoon" or "good evening". A salutation with a dash of hope that there will be a next time.

I don't take for granted that there will be a next time. I make this time count.

And I love that much harder because of it.

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It's a long one, but that's because it's a lot:

Again, please break the link if you quote this. Please, and thank you 🧡
AGG. I had a major stroke in January 2023, with brain surgery and a significant period of rehab and time off work and can relate to so much of what you have said in this vocaroo. It changed all of the things. ALL of them. If you want to chat reach out.
It's a long one, but that's because it's a lot:

Again, please break the link if you quote this. Please, and thank you 🧡
I think I missed this originally while I was on vacation.

That is a lot to go through and the timing with everything else going on really unfortunate. I admire you for being so open and self aware as you’re working through it all. I really hope some opportunities arise that allow you to build more positive pathways in regards to Mr. Aussie.

It wasn’t a brain injury, but I spent most of December and January in either excruciating pain, the hospital, or drugged in bed before and after surgery. I’ve never been that ill nor taken off that much work. Being somewhat dependent was so incredibly foreign to me. And really fucking uncomfortable - and I don’t mean physically. It made me question a lot of things and I think permanently changed my perspective in certain ways. I most definitely cherish the people who were there for me even more than I did before. That support and love during a time when I needed it the most is permanently tattooed on my brain and heart.