Comments That Make Your Day

I need a new hat size!
This comment has my head swelled to at least two sizes larger.

ToughSailor has commented on your story
CUM and DIE with ME!
6 hours ago

Oh my Gawdd, I loved this piece of work to the Nth degree. The homogenization of Mike Hammer and Shell Scott into a Damon Runyon framework was brilliant beyond belief. Even sans the sex it was a terrific and most enjoyable read. I'll assume that the events took place during the 1950s as there was considerable mention of Studebakers, Hudsons and no mention of the pesky TSA (Betsy being carried). I would almost pay coin of the realm for an other like story in the Runyonesque style. Oh yeah; A rabbi, a proctologist and a magician walked into a bar...sugar . . . .
Anonymous1 day ago
This has got to be the worst fucking thing I've ever had the misfortune to try and read on this site. Please - please don't publish anymore shite before you have learned to read, and learned something about how it is supposed to be done. Perhaps you should consider taking at least one creative writing course!

Anonymous1 day ago
Someone has been at the AI website.

Anonymous2 days ago
I already know about this guy. The writer is an asshole, so everything he writes is going to come out of an ass.
Got the following Feedback via e-mail ...
Hi Candy,
I have absolutely loved every one of the Virginia Verse stories and the side stories please keep up the good work and write more. They way you write is wonderful and well thought through. Thanks for the memories and pleasure you gave me
I just love sex so much, I write gay male stories, because I am queer. It's not humanly possible to write so well every individual will like or hate it. I do love positive comments but know readers do not understand overwhelming lust that conquers a man's fears. He has done that with his mouth. No one has to like except him. He has given freely of his own will. That is fucking intimate. It is real.
Kind of don't mind to much that this fan doesn't know English. Comments like this let me know I'm achieving my goal of reaching people...

@ShelbyDawn57, you wrote an incredibly beautiful story, very emotional, full of feeling and showing a man who can love, despite bad experiences and also a man who is strong, physically fit and yet in need of care and love.
From the beginning I fell in love with the person of Jesse and found myself in him/her and many situations I would like to be like him/her. A wonderful personality is Carter, who despite unpleasant experiences and betrayal by those close to him finds love thanks to Jesse. Thank you for such a touching, beautiful story.
ps. I apologize for errors and inaccuracies in language, I do not know English.

--All About Jesse
OK, Anonymous does come through occasionally. I mean, FUCK, they name dropped Tolstoy in a comment on one of my stories. I love Tolstoy, especially his short stories...

Beautifully written. In particular how the Joseph backdrop is set out in a few lines, beginning just with the dropping of his name, but without losing any of its power. (And for what it’s worth, much like Tolstoy offered up sketches in his “novella” Hadji Murat.)

--Lessons my Little Sister Taught Me
I smiled at the comment from bidickulous that I just received on my first Valentine's Day contest entry, "Last Dance."

"Damn it, you’re too good. Your writing style, the way you delve into the multitude of lifestyles you depict in your stories and the great sex scenes you create make me jealous. You so often provide what could be just a ‘rent boy’ or scheming dancer with a far more interesting persona making it fun to go through their journey with them. Many thanks; you put the literature in Literotica."
This came from my story, "Laura's Cardinal Ch 2".

In my opinion, it's one thing to get comments on how great the story was, but to get a comment about how a reader can be "touched" by a story that I've written, just makes all the time, effort, and emotion worth it.

"I lost my wife almost 7 years ago now and this story has renew my faith that I have another soul mate out there. I too have seen a Cardinal when I visit her grave. Funny coincidence is our boys school mascot is a Cardinal. Then you for a beautiful story. 5 stars!"
One of my biggest stories is called STORMWATCH, it started with one character, Josh, having Stormwatch duty, his job was to make sure the exits were clear and the data center remains working during a Buffalo NY blizzard. Today, 01/14/2024, the Buffalo Bills were supposed to play against the Pittsburgh Steelers but the game was postponed because of a blizzard.

I just received this comment that cracked me up:

This message contains feedback for: Duleigh This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


Just wondering if Josh has snow watch duty this weekend. Lol
More than six years after she rode her bike on to his wharf, and more than three since their story concluded, readers are still falling in love with Mary and Alvin

Some recent comments on the final chapter:

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 5.16.20 PM.png
It’s not the same as a comment, but I get a small chill of pleasure when I am the first person a new reader follows or one of my stories the first they list as a favourite. It is to me a real compliment, with all the solid stories and imaginative, talented authors on Literotica, to be chosen first.

(Yes, yes, I see the analogy but let’s not push this too far. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.)
It’s not the same as a comment, but I get a small chill of pleasure when I am the first person a new reader follows or one of my stories the first they list as a favourite. It is to me a real compliment, with all the solid stories and imaginative, talented authors on Literotica, to be chosen first.

(Yes, yes, I see the analogy but let’s not push this too far. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.)
Totally agree. Always wonder what it was that made them follow me first, especially when they created their account that day.

It can be disconcerting, though. Had one recently that has the same name as my niece. 🤔
More from @Omenainen who isn't into BDSM at all, re Accredited Sadist:

I really liked this. ... Also a prime example on how to write consent and safety so that it’s still sexy.

Consent is sexy, hell yes!
Totally agree. Always wonder what it was that made them follow me first, especially when they created their account that day.

It can be disconcerting, though. Had one recently that has the same name as my niece. 🤔

That, right there, is an award-winning plot bunny.
It was an unusual day in that I haven't published anything new in over a month but I received several nice comments today. This one, from a registered user on my older story "On the Dishwasher," is excellent and sort of unique:

one of the BEST Literotica stories that I have ever read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To the best of my recollection, I've never received a comment with that many exclamation points! 😆
It was an unusual day in that I haven't published anything new in over a month but I received several nice comments today. This one, from a registered user on my older story "On the Dishwasher," is excellent and sort of unique:

To the best of my recollection, I've never received a comment with that many exclamation points! 😆
Repost in milestones…😉
Talk about an over-entitled jerk reaching out via email. The only comments I deleted were nasty and violated the new comment policy I posted a couple of years ago. A troll living in Mama's basement, no doubt!

Awful thin-skinned for a writer, huh? Moderating comments? Handling criticism is part of being a writer, might want to develop a thicker skin

And he/she might adopt a nicer attitude toward people who try to entertain FOR FREE!

The irony of telling me to develop a thicker skin when it's his/her THIN skin that makes them lash out! Anon, of course!
My newest story, Friend Zoned, landed this morning, it's getting beaten up (of course it is, it's a contest story) and I got a comment in a personal email account of mine. I don't know the reader, I don't know how he got the account but he thanked me for the memories of being stationed in Korea and shared a story or two of his own. How cool is that!!!
My newest story, Friend Zoned, landed this morning, it's getting beaten up (of course it is, it's a contest story) and I got a comment in a personal email account of mine. I don't know the reader, I don't know how he got the account but he thanked me for the memories of being stationed in Korea and shared a story or two of his own. How cool is that!!!
You should probably post in Milestones. I mean it's your 69th story, after all... :)