Comments That Make Your Day

Wow. Love this…

That was probably the best story that I have read here on Literotica. I don't normally read long stories but this one captivated me. It also reminded me of my life growing up. Although not as interesting as this story. Congratulations on a well written story.

The Pulitzer
Just got this on the wrap up chapter for my Acting 101 series:
Heh.. so you’re pretty good at this: “leave them wanting more…..”. Aren’t ya? 😂
Nice to see an Anonymous commenter who has read enough of my stuff to know that I always torment my readers with dangling plot threads… er, always leave plenty of open-ended, tantalizingly unfucked characters to provide them with fuel for their own imaginations…
I love reaching out to my fellow veterans with my story. On Friend Zoned I have found a few brothers-in-arms. I received a lot of comments like this:
Excellent read. It reflected some of my own experiences of military life. I began at a SAC base with BUFFS. Great experience for a "newbie". Wouldn't have traded it for anything.
I'll disagree with the criticism of @Comentarista82's feedback, if only because they rated four of the five stories in my series The Rivals with five stars, and the other with four stars.

Snippets from their comments on the last three instalments:
You described their escape plausibly; you accounted for the intervening time in a expected manner; you definitely succeed at detailing many of the emotions the feelings the thoughts.. but somehow the caterpillar and the ending battle with the demon just seem so anti-climactic that it seemed slightly awkward and somehow unsatisfying. For those reasons the best I feel like I can rate this is a 4.
(On The Demon Hunt)

This chapter is exactly what the last one should have been, as it had snark, repartee, intrigue, deception, and fairly decent planning on the male lead's part. It was also very comical that basically the male lead got it on with Ispara in the tomb, and I appreciate it how you reversed him basically leading the guards away while she left with the loot this time. They had many good remarks together, you wrote their dialogue in a comical way, and I can't even fault the fact that you kind of left us with a cliffhanger but basically, we finally see that male lead truly plans as much as he can for this robbery, and it's obvious that she came along for the ride, although aside from just having visited park, didn't seem that she had really planned anything except for providing the other two rocs.. So the way that you keep actually holding off their final meeting, I actually approve of, because there's really been nothing they've had that's truly allowed them to enjoy that time together yet. So I must again compliment you on how well and how much I've enjoyed this installment, and I have no problem rating it a 5.
(On The Black Tomb)

You finished well and you finish the tail strongly! It pleases me to say that you saved the best for last. (...) As I began with, I say you wrote this final installment well; none of the devices you used could really be said to be overused; you provide an easy out--although a believable one - - to both of our main characters, so that they can kill Nemez, yet live to tell the tale. I will say that using the Shadow guard proved interesting and unexpected, although the story didn't provide any reason for it being there, as before it was having the female lead kill a demon because it stole someone else's soul. So if I were going to say there were some weakness in the story, I would name that as maybe some type of omission that could have been addressed. However I enjoyed how you concluded this, and because of that and how well you wrote it on the balance, I rate it a 5.
(On Orgy of Death)
Anonymous 1 day ago

As for the story, I hope you are just overly modest, rather than selling yourself short. The score I believe simply reflects how the somewhat unique structure of the story doesn't have the space to build up momentum in any one scene, so it would likely not get people off, which - I assume - is why most come to read lit stories.

On the risk of sounding like a fanboy: you had me hooked and I was blazing through it to see where the story goes. The story was engaging and I turned pages without even realizing it, meaning I was engulfed in the story deeply enough to not pay attention or care really where I am in the piece.

The reflection and behind the scenes look was also worth a ton, thank you for sharing.

— Comment on The Writing of A Hard Day’s Night, but also about the story I was analyzing
I'll disagree with the criticism of @Comentarista82's feedback, if only because they rated four of the five stories in my series The Rivals with five stars, and the other with four stars.

Snippets from their comments on the last three instalments:

(On The Demon Hunt)

(On The Black Tomb)


(On Orgy of Death)

I'm not really "criticising" him, per se; I've left his comments untouched at the end of my story. It hasn't occurred to me to delete them.

My concern is that he seems to have downvoted me because I'm not Isabel Allende.

Which is entirely his prerogative. I'm pleased he let me know. I'm also certain I'd never have presumed to do the same to any writer on this site. Or anywhere else, for that matter. I judge writing on what it's saying, not on what I wished it would say but didn't.
It was two and a half months since I last received a comment by email. Then I received two within the space of 12 hours. Different stories, different senders.
So... a dude named Commmentarista82 just left a series of comments on my VDay story that, frankly, is a little weird. I'd paste it here, but it's literally about 3k words.

He cites Isabel Allende in his critique, and suggests that one of my characters might be Oedipal, based solely on the fact that I chose to give the character a Hispanic name. And why? Because it's "Cruz" and I was watching a news story about a cruise when I came up with the name.

Holy shit. It's amazing what some people will read into these things. He did spend most of the review saying how great the story was, which was gratifying until he told me he'd left a 3*.

I got told in one comment that Secrets After Midnight was a masterful takedown of the Deep State and that I clearly understood the danger inherent in… something. And I was like, “Dude, I just wanted to have fun with a pun about someone’s ‘secret fetish.’”
So... a dude named Commmentarista82 just left a series of comments on my VDay story that, frankly, is a little weird. I'd paste it here, but it's literally about 3k words.

He cites Isabel Allende in his critique, and suggests that one of my characters might be Oedipal, based solely on the fact that I chose to give the character a Hispanic name. And why? Because it's "Cruz" and I was watching a news story about a cruise when I came up with the name.

Holy shit. It's amazing what some people will read into these things. He did spend most of the review saying how great the story was, which was gratifying until he told me he'd left a 3*.


He has commented on a number of my stories. Much of his input is very thoughtful, but he can get absurdly esoteric. He spent a good amount of effort trying to figure out the real world locations of some of my imaginary settings.

Also, he bailed out of reading Queen of the Roller Derby when he realized it was about lesbians, but I had posted it in Novels and Novellas.
Lovely praise for my story Caring For Carrie.

shadrachtabout 4 hours ago
Wow. What a moving and passionate story. His grief was still palpable, and as he was remembering his lost love while with his daughter, it brought a tear to the eye. "Smut" has no business being this emotional. Well done. 5*
So... a dude named Commmentarista82 just left a series of comments on my VDay story that, frankly, is a little weird. I'd paste it here, but it's literally about 3k words.

He cites Isabel Allende in his critique, and suggests that one of my characters might be Oedipal, based solely on the fact that I chose to give the character a Hispanic name. And why? Because it's "Cruz" and I was watching a news story about a cruise when I came up with the name.

Holy shit. It's amazing what some people will read into these things. He did spend most of the review saying how great the story was, which was gratifying until he told me he'd left a 3*.

I just got my first Commmentarista82 comment, on my Valentine's Day story as well. Three long paragraphs, with another two very short ones. At least he liked it, heh.
Buggered if I know what it actually says. She said she came from an Akkadian dictionary and was the closest she could manage for, "This female is submissive and breedable," which is the gag in the piece. (Is it a gag? Its kind of a gag.) It might be phonetic. Its not cuneform, I know that. Either way, it could be Esperanto for all I know, I just loved the effort.
I woke up this morning to find that Too Late Not to Fuck had been published and had already got two comments.

From @AchtungNight:
That last sentence should be a setup for the next chapter. Overall very hot work here. I’ve been hoping for this for a while. Well done.

From @ShelbyDawn57:
I was hoping this chapter would end here. So much potential for so many more vignettes. Great work. Super hot.

Thanks, both of you!