Could you be 20 today?


Dec 31, 2009
Knowing what you know about however many years it's been since you were 20, could you do it today?

I couldn't even begin to imagine the stresses and pressures you'd have to face just to be average.

I bought my first house at 20, or shortly thereafter. How many 20 year olds can do that now?
There is a saying that youth is wasted on the young. Without youth you couldn't survive being young. If I could have the maturity that I have now maybe (not that I'm all that mature, but we won't even talk about my level of cluelessness then).
Depending on the situation I would be 20 in. Are both my parents still alive? Opportunity to do college differently? Avoid bad relationships. I could do it. If I was able to know then what I know now sure. If I had to relive things with the lack of world view I have now, no thanks. I've earned that life experience.
In some ways, yes. In others, no. I miss the sexual stamina and body I had then a lot. I would love to have known what I now know about sex and my own sexuality then because I would have had a much better chance at some things I missed out on.
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I honestly think it wouldn't matter all that much for me. My problems would largely be the same.
Knowing what you know about however many years it's been since you were 20, could you do it today?

I couldn't even begin to imagine the stresses and pressures you'd have to face just to be average.

I bought my first house at 20, or shortly thereafter. How many 20 year olds can do that now?
I would not want to be 20 today.... between the prices of everything and then social media like it is now, I'm glad I was 20 when I was.
Though I would probably just do like what I did when I was 20 anyway and get into the military🤷‍♂️.
Probably not, and even if I did hack it some how, I'd be slightly too young to date My Muse, which would be a real bummer. I'd be "close enough" for her sister though. Every cloud!
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Knowing what you know about however many years it's been since you were 20, could you do it today?

I couldn't even begin to imagine the stresses and pressures you'd have to face just to be average.

I bought my first house at 20, or shortly thereafter. How many 20 year olds can do that now?
One of my mentees
An orphan in his 20s brought two houses recently
My kids are 20…and I have to remind myself that when I was their age I was planning a wedding. They don’t need me to help them with everything.
I think being 20 today is in some ways easier…you can talk to anyone anytime and get any information you might want in a moments notice. My kids didn’t work in high school or college - they were both active and being a student was their job (college has been harder because they were away from home for short period of time).
But also harder because you have to be so wary of what you say - joking around with your friends can get you “cancelled” from a career you may want later because everything is on line and it stays there! So the freedoms are a little limited…
So I don’t think I would do well as a 20 year old…I could be 30 though I think!
My kids are 20…and I have to remind myself that when I was their age I was planning a wedding. They don’t need me to help them with everything.
I think being 20 today is in some ways easier…you can talk to anyone anytime and get any information you might want in a moments notice. My kids didn’t work in high school or college - they were both active and being a student was their job (college has been harder because they were away from home for short period of time).
But also harder because you have to be so wary of what you say - joking around with your friends can get you “cancelled” from a career you may want later because everything is on line and it stays there! So the freedoms are a little limited…
So I don’t think I would do well as a 20 year old…I could be 30 though I think!
I would hate it.I reckon i could do 40 with minor adjustments
My kids are 20…and I have to remind myself that when I was their age I was planning a wedding. They don’t need me to help them with everything.
I think being 20 today is in some ways easier…you can talk to anyone anytime and get any information you might want in a moments notice. My kids didn’t work in high school or college - they were both active and being a student was their job (college has been harder because they were away from home for short period of time).
But also harder because you have to be so wary of what you say - joking around with your friends can get you “cancelled” from a career you may want later because everything is on line and it stays there! So the freedoms are a little limited…
So I don’t think I would do well as a 20 year old…I could be 30 though I think!
Yes, I could do 30 again. I was just getting to my stride with my career, and looking for a wife then. The very thought of being the right age, or rather, just a little on the old side to chase My Muse is something that fills me with strange sort of happiness on a grey Monday morning.
I could be, but I’m really glad I’m not.
The best answer, I feel the same about it. I haven't forgotten how being twenty in a poorly paid job was. But if you had the foreknowledge to know the best work trades it would be easier.
Knowing what you know about however many years it's been since you were 20, could you do it today?

I couldn't even begin to imagine the stresses and pressures you'd have to face just to be average.

I bought my first house at 20, or shortly thereafter. How many 20 year olds can do that now?
Oh fuck yes. It would be a blast. The world is a playground. 😊
Yes I could do it. I wouldn't make some of my past mistakes but live in the revelry of the good things.
A better education
Better love life
Wouldn't trade my child for the world but would make better choices for her as well.
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Yes I could…I’d still want to be a nurse so I’d do that. I bought my first house at 21 so maybe I wouldn’t be able to do that right away but I did it then and still had bills to pay. I would stay out of serious relationships as that almost got me killed back then. So yeah, I’d fuck more guys less times if I had it to do over again.