What would you tell your younger self if you could travel back in time?

Don’t let others dictate who you are, who you like and most of all live your own future, not what others plan for you.
I did and got too long I hid my real self and missed so many opportunities
I regret this for you too, because you could have shared the details with me. :p
Details would be better than "I think it was in 2002... or was it 2009? It was with that guy who was really nice and walked me back to my apartment. It was Joe or Billy or something."
If you are walking a path and a pretty flower presents itself tobyou pick it, otherwise if you walk past and then turn around it might not be there, everything for a reason,
Would 18 year old me even listen to 50 year old me? Probably not. Teenagers know everything. Smarter than everyone else.

So the first thing I would tell myself is "you don't know all. Not even close."

I would tell me to skip college and go into a trade. Invest in real estate. Start saving for retirement at 18. No rush to get married and have kids.
And because this is Lit - Explore and experiment sexually. Find partners that are sexually open minded.

Oh! And tell your father to get his heart checked because he only has a few years left if he doesn't
Get a Hitachi!!!
I have one. And a speed control. And two attachments. One is like a sleeve. With lube I can slide it all the way down my shaft leaving the head and more free out the top side. If I stand and can keep my balance I can fire a few shots like when I was 20. The other is a cup with little fingers in it. Fits my head and maybe an inch or two. With the speed control I’ve sustained the orgasmic contractions of ejaculation over a minute. I turn it off before I pass out or get like a fully body cramp or seizure. I also try not to use it too often. I would hate to become dependent on it. But sometimes one just needs something extreme.
"Get your finger outta there!"

My time machine might have sent me back a little too far...