The old woman snorts in response to Drec's greeting. "It's been the same as always. Much nicer than it would be if you lot hadn't arrived on time." In response to the news of Cassandra's death, she shrugs. "There are risks in any business. Besides, I'd bet that that one was meddling with powers beyond her control." She fixes Leanna with a piercing gaze. "If I'm to sponsor you into the guild, young one, I hope you'll remember to be cautious. Power and danger lie together like a courtesan and her master." She chuckles at her strange attempt at humor.
Addressing Thor, she says: "You can have her share. I hired four and I'll pay four. If you want to charge for saving lives, take it up with those whose lives you saved." Then, including the rest of the group in the conversation, "Since you've made it early, you'll each get an extra 10 gold, which makes 80 each in total. That's assuming that the merchandise is intact. Let's see it."
Ezmi steps forward, and kneels down before the old woman, working the mechinism that hides her goods within the boots she wears. She checks the vials over, to be sure they are still sealed before handing them up to the old woman. Rising to a stand, Ezmi stands aside, waiting for her payment. She is quite anxious to read the note that Melda slipped her, and once payed, she will go to a spot she is sure to be alone, to read it. (PM?)
IC: I went into my pack and pulled out the boots from our fallen comrade. I then handed over my scabbard taking the sword from it.
"Everything should be in order."
I then turned to Thor. "I respect you for trying but don't expect any compensation from us. The spiders were not our first challenge, nor did you find this business, nor did you actually carry the cargo. In exchange you have received a full wage and I believe we all find that to be adequate."
Leanna also hands over her vials (I'll assume). The old woman checks them all carefully for cracks or spills and then gives a small nod of satisfaction before turning away with Drec's scabbard. You see her give a jerk of effort and then she pauses for a while, keeping her back to you. Stowing something away in her robe, she hands the scabbard back to Drec. "Here you can keep this. It's not of any use to me anymore." Smiling at the group, she reaches into her robe and pulls out several pouches. She hands one to each of you and rummages in the fifth, taking out four platinum pieces (worth 10g each) and handing one to each of you.
She speaks to Leanna, "Wait here for a few minutes and I'll be taking you to the guild hall. I just need to store these things. The rest of you had better leave. I don't sell much in the way of equipment for adventurers and I don't want anybody getting suspicious."
Thor waits calmly as the old women pulls free the pouches of gold. Takeing his share he quickly judges its weight to make sure its all there. About to speak up about the bonus he sees her dip back into her pockets. Tossing each of them a bright silver coin he smiles.
"I always have loved platinum pieces."
The group continue listening till leanna and the old women walk off shooing the group from her shop.
"Shall we meet in the town center in a few hours?"
OOC: Okay, apparently we may have another player (assuming that I hear back from her(?)) Also, *blushes*, I forgot to give you guys end of quest xp. Everyone gets 500xp. If that puts you within 50xp of a level, you should level up now. The xp will come soon and I'd sooner avoid totally staggered level-ups. Send me an updated char sheet when you're done, please.
(I have no idea how much total experience I have. Anyone with a good estimate? I think we're at around 800.)
Leanna nods impatiently to the dwarf indicating that meeting later at the town square is acceptable. As soon as the others leave, Leanna pockets her purse of gold and turn to the elderly witch.
"Well, shall we?" she inquires, eager to get to the guild hall.
OOC: Raven and I have gotten more story awards and so I am sure we have leveled. I believe raven has more exp then I. But truth is I will have to go and total mine later. So I volunteer to get every ones total. As stated earlier I am adding cleric.
IC: I didn't notice Leena and the witch walk off. "I am not sure thats a wise idea. But the Silver Charger Inn is fairly close to the town center and is both reputable and cheap. Why don't we simply stay there tonight and meet in the mourning. That way we don't have to worry about keeping track of time."
OOC: Ok, after Elayne's post, I decided to go through and count up xp. From now on, I think that I'll post xp totals on the first post (I'll update with each batch of XP)
So you should all work out your leveling and send me updated char sheets.
Also, I figure you guys can agree how much downtime you want the adventurers to have before looking for another quest. Just let me know what your person is doing and for how long and we'll fast-forward that. I know at least two of you have a bit of 1 on 1 RP to do with me for personal goals.
About the city: It's massive and has no clear centre, though the grand plaza in the temple district is fairly close to one. You can't carry weapons there, though. The nearest large public area which allows weapons is the main square of the Tarik district. Or you can choose to find an inn and meet there, etc.
Edit: I'll accept the Silver Charger inn, though it will be just off the main square of the Tarik district.
I am looking at pelor probably as a true neutral priest. Healing will be one domain the second I am undecided. That is one option any how. Feel free to suggest any. I may also look at the Eternal lover in the Libris Mortis, and good old bahamut or a dragon god from the draconomicon. Assuming those are valid materials.
The Pseudo Taresque was something I planed on making and didn't. I joking told one of my friend at random to make a level 50 character. She took me seriously and started to and so I had my girl friend make a second one. From there I planed a short adventure starting with a taresque, moving on to war trolls with a dragon monkish class, sort of jack of all trades. 2 of those working for the main boss which would be introduced right after the taresque. The boss is next and was a level 56 mystic theurouge. When he dies his god is released into the world which was a pseudo natural taresque. I figure 3 god feats, 20+ attacks, 60+ damage plus con damage with each hit and 30 regen plus 20 fast heal would make a hard but strangly winable fight. It had low hp, very low for level.
IC: Having heard the responses of my allies I made my way to give thanks for a safe journey. I quickly reached the gates of the temple district. There I stopped for a brief reflection. Who had given me safe passage?
Ok, I haven't got any of the source materials that you just mentionned, so if you want to use something from there, you'll have to outline it for me. Pelor, of course, is easy.
IC: One of the guards at the gate to the temple district notices you and waves you over. "Oi! You there! The one with the iron toothpick." You notice that except for yourself and the guards, no-one seems to have any weapons.
IC: I take a look around as aproaching the gaurd. I was resonably sure all weapons would require concealment from here on out. Pity I had none of that kind.
IC: "Yes, you can. You're going to have to leave that sword here if you want to go into the temple district. We've had far too many fights over religion to risk weapons there." He grins. "If you hurry, it might still be here when you get back."
The old woman nods. "I let the others think that we'd be using the public platforms so that they wouldn't pester us to come along. In fact, I'll teleport you myself." Saying so, she takes your hand and murmurs a spell under her breath. In the space between one blink and the next, the shop fades from around you and a view of great majesty appears before you. You stand on a busy street, which is spotlessly clean. Bright lights flash and objects float around various stalls by the sides of the road. Most of the magic on display is well within the abilities of an apprentice, but the sheer quantity is overwhelming. The wizards' guild hall appears to be built of fire and light. It shimmers in the afternoon sunlight and appears to stretch to the sky. Far above, you see floating rooms with narrow bridges linking them to the main citadel.
The old woman looks at you, the first signs of a positive attitude manifesting on her face as she takes in your reaction. "Impressive isn't it. Not as nice on the inside, but still very impressive." She walks towards the front door.
He grins at you, suddenly in better humor. "Well, there's temples to just about all the major gods as well as a few who are sufficiently minor that only their worshippers have heard of them. It's a big city. If you name one, I can probably tell you where the temple is."
"About the only one that you won't find are Erythnul," he spits on the ground, "Gruumsh and Nerull. Most of their worshippers have been arrested for various crimes against citizens." He shudders, "rumor has it that some of them still have small secret meetings where they plan to murder us all in our beds."
IC: "I wouldn't put it past those clerics, although the grumush sect might be satisfied with enslavment. I'm not to fond of orcs, only thing I dislike more is dragons."
"Not sure who I should see. But I had a brush with death recently and I feel I need to thank some one."
The man shrugs. "Well, just have a wander through the area, then. I'm certain that someone will recruit you. I follow Saint-Cuthbert myself, but I only go to the temple for healing and major holy days. They wouldn't dare post someone highly religious around here."