Filthy answers to innocent questions.

Molly Malone was the most famous brothel keeper in the old West, all her girls were styled like flappers and fluffers.

Why was it called racketeering?
When yoi're spread eagle on a frame it's called 'racking'. 'Racketeering' is when you're spread eagle on a frame for his cronies.

What's the biggest bird?
When yoi're spread eagle on a frame it's called 'racking'. 'Racketeering' is when you're spread eagle on a frame for his cronies.

What's the biggest bird?
Usually the one with the bigger hands will flip you a bigger bird!

When are peaches ripe?
When they blush before you spank them.

What's Twister all about?
When they blush before you spank them.

What's Twister all about?
It a Cockney game wherein the girl plays a rag doll and the boys will "twist 'er" into as many positions as possible to score in all her holes. The boy with the most scores in the most different positions is declared the winner.

What is Cockney?
It a Cockney game wherein the girl plays a rag doll and the boys will "twist 'er" into as many positions as possible to score in all her holes. The boy with the most scores in the most different positions is declared the winner.

What is Cockney?
It's a downward turn. Kinda like a cock elbow.

what's gout?
Her sweet little voice when she said, “would this skirt be ok to meet your parents?”

Are Birkenstock scandals ugly?
All scandals are ugly, but when a couple has an illicit affair in Birkenstock, people criticize them for not going to a classier resort town.

What are business affairs?
Some people are required by their formal partners to sign written contracts prior to engaging in sex with third parties; this is popularly referred to as business affairs.

What is deplatforming?
When a guy walks up to a girl in a skirt standing on a platform and raises her skirt burying his face in her panties and walks off with her. Deplatforming.

What is meant by doubling down?
There's a nip in the air. Two, in fact.

What is a cut scene?
There's a nip in the air. Two, in fact.

What is a cut scene?
A tableau of the Circumcision, usually displayed in January. Not as popular as the manger tableau often seen around Christmas.

What's a can of worms good for?
A tableau of the Circumcision, usually displayed in January. Not as popular as the manger tableau often seen around Christmas.

What's a can of worms good for?
Catfishing. Internet worms are at least nine inches long and as think as the can they come in.

Dafuk is a tableau?
'Contraction' is a euphemism for premature ejaculation, which shortens the time from start to finish.

What does 'riparian' mean?
It's a pejorative term for smelly Nazis.

How much wood would a woodchuck suck if a woodchuck could suck morning wood?