If you and the Person above you were Stuck On an Island

Smack @neakman with a dead fish for staring at my coconuts and then shake my head and roll my eyes as I watch him and @SirConradPeckereye attempt to build a raft with just coconuts. Even the monkeys are watching and rolling their eyes. :rolleyes:
After @JerseyJade passes out from rolling her eyes to much the monkeys take all her hair and pass it to me. Which I then use to finish my raft. The monkeys, @neakman , and I escape from the island, leaving a bald JJ with Jerry the coconut to shelter herself under.
I'd get the binoculars out and look for a tinier island...by the way, there's a brief note detailing everything. It's my fault not yours.
I killed this thread? Does that mean I've been on a deserted island since September of 2022?

OMG, I feel like Tom Hanks here. WILSON!!!!