If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

Show him the DD sides.

And, wait, you’ve SEEN ME??!

Ask both of them to walk me out of the dark alley.

Oh yes, I saw you.
Got pictures to prove it.
Wrote about it in my journal.
Use the event to write a story and post it on Lit.
In talks to make a movie of the event.

May even have it inscribed on my tombstone: He saw her 7/8/2019
Offer him ...

Oh yes, I saw you.
Got pictures to prove it.
Wrote about it in my journal.
Use the event to write a story and post it on Lit.
In talks to make a movie of the event.

May even have it inscribed on my tombstone: He saw her 7/8/2019

Offer him a handkerchief .... got a little sarcasm there on you
Slip some soporific drops into his glass, get the timing right, slide an air mattress behind his back and wait.