If You Met The Litster Above You In a Dark Alley, WWYD?

When he least suspects it I would just suddenly blurt out, "Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father" and completely ruin The Empire Strikes Back for him.

I'd totally dress up in the Princess Leia slave costume for him then shoot him in the nuts with my blaster.
I'd give him two right-handed gloves and watch him try for hours to figure out what is wrong.
Engage in a mime activity showdown.

I'd ask her to show me the mead hall of the Valkyrie's Retreat in person. I can't even imagine how much more beautiful and inspirational it would be than this dirty dark alley...
I'd ask him what's a nice, dark alley doing around a seedy feller like him.
Produce a micrometer from my pocket and measure his cranial diameter.