North Carolina Reconstruction after Biden Did Fucking Nothing

That's what Trump said was a possible alternative. Anyhow, we know FEMA has been doing a lousy job in North Carolina, probably due to political and DEI management imposed by Democrats. It's a good enough excuse to kill the beast.
Saying 'coordinate' and actually coordinating are more often than not two different things.
Ana: What Trump does really well is he actually listens to the concerns of the American people.....he pays attention to what people are concerned about and he speaks to those issues. I really hope this is a teachable moment for the Democratic party. So far I've seen them refuse to take any personal responsibility for their failures.

Piers: I don't see any evidence so far that the Democrats have learned a damn thing.

Has he lowered the price of groceries or gas yet?
I never comment on political threads. But this one hits home! Governor Cooper sucks!! Biden did nothing and having first hand account of family in the disaster this hits very close. Biden did nothing for the families there, even when asked he didn't know what hurricane. Facts are facts and my close family said they felt like biden and Kamala shit on them.
I will add that when Trump said Elon donated star link systems it was huge. I have first hand knowledge that this helped the effort in a big way because communication was down and this aided in getting support when and where it was needed.
Since you don’t usually comment and maybe just do drive bys, you may not be aware of customs here. It’s considered good form that if you make assertions about facts you back them up with credible supporting links. Otherwise, you risk being dismissed.

Yeah, and a friend of my husband's and I was part of a relief convoy that went in there - he went in a few times and said the only thing he knew about FEMA was they weren't there where they were needed doing anything helpful. They just got in the way.
A general contractor I know with property on the east coast said applications to FEMA was a license to steal (during both dem and repub admins). Apparently, he upgraded his properties big time with little verification. So FEMA may be ripe for an overhaul, but during the chaos of disasters, I dunno. Don’t know about outright dismantling, but that’s the trump opening gambit
Since you don’t usually comment and maybe just do drive bys, you may not be aware of customs here. It’s considered good form that if you make assertions about facts you back them up with credible supporting links. Otherwise, you risk being dismissed.

A general contractor I know with property on the east coast said applications to FEMA was a license to steal (during both dem and repub admins). Apparently, he upgraded his properties big time with little verification. So FEMA may be ripe for an overhaul, but during the chaos of disasters, I dunno. Don’t know about outright dismantling, but that’s the trump opening gambit
The evidence is overwhelming, his story is just one more of a thousand. And you aren't the sheriff around here.
Fact Check: Do away with Fema and provide additional funding to states instead, where emergencies happen, letting the state, who know their own state best, get to work
That makes no more sense than any other "states' rights" argument.
Since you don’t usually comment and maybe just do drive bys, you may not be aware of customs here. It’s considered good form that if you make assertions about facts you back them up with credible supporting links. Otherwise, you risk being dismissed.

Noooooooo. Don't say that......Hardly anyone here does that, least of all me LOL
No one ever pulled his strings.

They didn't need to. They just typed it into the teleprompter and Joe did his best to read it because if he got it close he got a cup of pudding and if he didnt try to answer any questions they gave him ice cream as well. That's how they got him off stage - his little earpiece chirped "Ice cream time, Uncle Joey" in a 10 year old girl's voice, and old Joey stumbled off the stage as fast as he could.
They didn't need to. They just typed it into the teleprompter and Joe did his best to read it because if he got it close he got a cup of pudding and if he didnt try to answer any questions they gave him ice cream as well. That's how they got him off stage - his little earpiece chirped "Ice cream time, Uncle Joey" in a 10 year old girl's voice, and old Joey stumbled off the stage as fast as he could.
Even now, Biden is sharper than Trump
Here's what's amusing. They all seemed to think that Trump isn't too smart and he sat there with them and ripped them a new asshole. This is going to be all over the media tomorrow.
No, they're worse than that. A lot of them are outright traitors and criminals.

Gross incompetence can appear that way, too.

Either way, they just don't git 'er done.

We have a board full of Lit libturds who are just as hopeless when it comes to getting things accomplished.

But they have that whinging thing down pat.
Trump has previously announced that $2 billion that was allocated to go to illegal immigrants has been stopped and is being reallocated to help the people of North Carolina instead.
Seems like a fair idea, but I'll believe he did that when it shows up on paper. Plus, call me picky, but is that the way they do things? Just swap items around?:

"Dagnabbit, what's THIS heap of steaming shit in our budget, boy? 10.6 million for LGTBITGQ+SYZG (sorry, but it seems like they add a letter every week)? Pussy-munchers and shirt-lifters? Hell, no. Fuck, no. Zip that out of the Excel cell, sure, every single sorry cent, boy, and copy it under Bulldozers for Colonist Brethren."
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Gross incompetence can appear that way, too.

Either way, they just don't git 'er done.

We have a board full of Lit libturds who are just as hopeless when it comes to getting things accomplished.

But they have that whinging thing down pat.
The way that would work is that it would take a couple of years to make arrangements for crews that would have just the right mix of gender, race, religious leanings, gender identification, and sexual preferences to satisfy the DEI requirements. But by then the administrative payroll would have eaten up all of the allocated funds and the entire process would have to start all over again.