OOC: It takes a Village...Strategy Game Thread

Good to hear that your still with us.....please feel free to pm me so we can discuss the thread. I will help you with any points your having problems with so you can post. Well keep in touch.

Thoughs who have been reading along with this thread I hope your enjoying it as much as I have. Writing it with the others has been a fun creative process.

Now this is a strategy/roleplay and I want as many people to enjoy it as possible. If you wanted to play, but didn't want to deal with a kingdom here is your chance.

Now players who wish to join can either play at the Leader level like all current players. Now available is Adventure roles. These include roles like that of Knights, Sea Captains, and other skilled professions. If you do have any troops the numbers are low so you have more control over things. You can seek out employment with another player who has a kingdom, or be a long time friend to their character (with their permission for either).

Some are born to be Generals while others are Platoon leaders.....now you have the chance to do either.
Great Idea

I Like The Idea Of Having Secondary Characters For People Who May Not Want To Be Hugely Commited. However I Have To Ask If You Want To Make A Secondary Character. Say A Sea Captain And You Already Have A Main Character Will You Allow It?
No the characters like Sea captains etc.....are open to those who don't want a whole village to deal with....I will think about it but not right now. It would be a unfair advantage over other players who did not have the time for more then one character.
Fair Enough

If You Change Your Mind Let Me Know. It Would Be Intresting To Play A Character Who's Life Is A Little More Whimsicial Then My Grounded Structured Visigoth War Chief. Besides It Gives Us Something Else To Write About.
in responce to that comment

I would have to be the first to raise my hand to that comment. But its not so much time I've got a lot of. Just things I want to write about.
I will consider it.....and just try to improve my update speed as well.
Yes The Visigoth Are Biting At The Steel

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Tonofnoise said:

You're getting attacked by a pack of hot dogs? Feh! Ya wussies!! :D

But on a serious note, it looks like I have to hang up my Gladius for a while. In the real world, I'm a Sgt in the Air Force and my unit has been called up to deploy. Hopefully, I can work out a few things so the Romans won't be gone completely, but I doubt any of you will be seeing SPQR coming over your horizons anytime soon.

Until then, take care and I hope to be back soon.
Good Luck Mantra

You Will Be Missed Sir, I Know I Speak For All Members Of This Thread When I Say Good Luck And God Speed. The Visigoths Look Foward To Seeing You On The Field Of Battle Some Day Soon.
I have talked to Mantra and we will be setting up a line of communication though he will of coarse have as much time as he needs so that he can keep himself alive from our current enemies and keep is mind on his job.

To those of us who only play at war......we salute your service.
Mantra, I hope that all goes well for you and wish you a safe return.
Jagged, I will be posting soon as I am writing my next post right now.
Tonofnoise, I sympathise with you mate, I too have ideas pop into my head when I hear about new lines of thought and paths to follow, although I don't seem to have the time lately. It seems life for me is full of my own battles with headhunters and bezerkers! :) Still, I will not leave the vikings drifting with no sign of Valhallah in sight.
By the way Jagged, I think it's a great idea, having the creative juices flowing in a direction not so full of the responsibility of a leader.
It is hard to believe but this whole thread started just over a year ago and it has never not been fun. Some times a little time consuming, but always fun and giving me a creative outlet. I went through the OOC thread and found all the useful facts and guidlines to running the game I have posted throughout the thread. Now they are a little better organiged here if not complete. Please give suggestions, because this list will continue on over time. Since the beginning turns have changed, additions to and order types have been made not to mention cultural added. For those who have been with me since the beginning thanks for having fair and joining my "risk" thread. To those have joined since thanks for adding fuel to the fire. I am on board for at least another year and many more....

Fighting Races avaliable for players.....Some groups are less specific for a reason so let me know if you have a particularly group in mind like a select Native American or African tribe like the Siox or Zulus. Oh and just because a group is taken doesn't mean they can't be taken by another player.

Romans (Taken)

Vikings (Taken)

Asians (a mix of chinese and Japanese) (Taken)

Eygptians (Taken ....I have talked to Lady Rose. She has alot on her plate but still wants everyone to know that she is still interested. Just no time. Lot going on in her life.)

Greeks (Sparta/Athenas city state types)





Visigoths (Taken)


There was a Celtic player, but she hasn't been by in almost a year. I still miss her one of my best players.

Russian (Just taken)



Native American Groups







Each player will begin play with a small village consisting of,

100 Soldiers
(heavy Infantry Led by 1 captain with horse)
100 Militia
(lite infantry led by 1 captain with horse)
500 Peasants
(of your culture and can be used for most purposes. Can start any civilian job right way. Seamenship and Military jobs take special training.)
Basic buildings of a village (homes, food storage areas, village walls, boat docks, town hall, temple and work shops)

2 extras to be named at start of thread.

Some useful guidelines from your storyteller to living space.

Living Space


The basic family living space for a peasant. Hold roughly 5 people and possecions. Some shelter in a fight, but not much. Kicking in a door or burning it down is easy.

Need wood manly. Stone or brick helps.

Large Hut

A step up with no major skills needed. This desigh is more solidly built and requires stone and wood. Unlike a hut with a cook fire this design has a chimmey. It can hold 10 people and has a store room so each home has its own supplies. Also it has a garden to at least give that family some food. Also a small shrine is there to your tribe's relavant god (for peasants often the main god.)


Same as the large hut but with additions. It has a larger storeroom, workshop to repair tools, and make some craft items. This living space as the name suggests takes in a crop or livestock (ex. horse farm). It has a well and a shrine as well.

Same as the farm but generates food by hunting wild animals. These peasants are able to serve in combat. Unlike the farm the lodge sits outside the village boundries. There they can slaughter the meat before bring it to market or the store house.


The "warrior factory" these places are for heroes and their families. Many of your veteran troops prefer living in this type of build then the barracks. This type of building can hold 30 people and often display the trophies from the past campaigns and hunts as well as captured booty. Banners hang from the rafters of the mainhall where most events happen while others sleep in rooms of to the sides. Besides the main building there is a large workshop for making and repairing arms and armor, a shrine to your many god or war god, and a small hunting lodge and ale house. A compound that is surrounded by a short stone wall so I can be defended.

Fortified Farm

This type of building is often held by wealthy warriors, merchants, and minor nobles. It is a combination of a large farmhouse, hunting lodge and a small warlodge. Depending on who owns it it appearance varies but always has a wall around the main buildings and a gatehouse. It always produces a surplus in care of seige or for economic reasons and has storerooms to relect it. Unlike other structures which have room for basic living and little else these homes have conference areas or large grand dinning rooms to conduct businesss. Often times peasants working at these facilities will live in huts nearby if not in the compound.


For the permanent residents of a village or those who can afford the rent these facilities allow for business and residence. They are the size of a large hut with space for doing business and a workshop and store room with the family ususally living above.

Sizes (these are citizens, slaves and troops don't count.)

Hamlet 20 to 100 people

Village 100 to 500 people

Town 500 to 1000 people

City 1000 to 10,000 people ( a impressive city ususally dominates a region and popular for trade.)

Capital 10,000 to 20,000 (a marvel of the ancient world normally well know and has many sites, resources and is center for government and commerce ususally.)

Gifts of the Gods....
(all tribes)
If you have at least a shiren and a priest you can bless weapons making them stronger and more deadly. If you have a temple you may create holy banners, weapons, shields, and armor that bolsters bravery and will not dull. In battle priests may heal warriors (not bring back from the dead.)

Offerings are required since your priests will not do these actions for free...

Shiren......Good for blessings and healing.

Chapel.....Same as above but on a larger scale (two swords blessed instead of just one at a time for example.)

Temple....Holy banners, armor and weapons blessed in massive numbers. Also natural bonuses for work done on holy ground or by monks and priests.

More worshippers and the more faith the better the results.

World Facts by Jagged

The World of the War Gods is quite simply what it sounds like. It is a world set aside from earth (being a god you can do these things) to settle age old bets about who's worshippers are the best fighting machines. Time is relative to gods who thought the 10 year conflict that was the Trojan war was but a skirmish. That being said they have no problem watching you all kill each other for centuries. You all have no idea about this and the 110 island world has always been home.

The islands themselves are a balance of different enivornments found all over earth. The key difference is that like Hawaii you can find them all in one place. Many islands have both palm trees, oaks, and even pine trees. On the same island you pick pineapples you will find snow in the winter. Many types of animals team on these islands and most are farmiliar to the cultures that dwell there. The oceans are cold like those of the Atlantic for the most part but are warmer in the summers. Like many facts this is the way the world is because the gods not science say it should be (you find any errors in my information let me know but for the most part it won't hurt you and your plans.) You are all in the fall cycle right now for the most part. It is possible for Harvest to be part of every turn though in that it has to do with the food supply in various stages.

Keeping it clean......kinda

Now many cultures from our past do not think of age in the same way. Many it would not be odd for young teens to be married and have children. Here at Lit we have to follow the rules....you have sex with someone they are 18..always. I don't think this will interfier with the roleplay so just keep the rules in mind as always.

Faith and Religion have played a part in human development since the dawn of time and in a historical roleplay it shouldn't be left out. That being said religion is another way to bound your people together and keep up moral. It inspires great things and some of the worst acts. It enpowers just and is a shield to greed and corruption. In game terms it means that weapons and holy relics cared into battle shall inspire and do more damage. Also keep in mind a relic or holy sword lost or captured can be a major blow. This goes for your regular standard as well.

Characters.....What would a roleplay be without them? On the market there are many "strategy/roleplay" games that I feel fall short on the roleplay aspect beyond saying....who will marry who and whether you produce a child to rule after you die. Let us all try to give personalities to our characters and those in the house hold and villages. Friends and allies are always important so let us write them well. Let us not make this just a game where you submitt a turn. This roleplay with a grand scale to it.

Another world according to Jagged

Like many historical films you do have to take a creative license because some things you just don't know but have to be there for things to take place.

So here are two troop types. They are general terms but with so many different cultures being used in the game some common terms are necessary to identify what is being dealt with in the RPG.


A term I find mostly in medieval text but it is very useful for the rpg. A Man-at-Arms is a warrior of great skill and prowess on the battle field. A master of many weapons of his own culture as well as enemy and ally. Often speaks more then two languages and is stronger then fast then the rest of his unit. He is the NCO who has been with every army over the centuries in one form or another. He is a natural leader and keeps the troops together and even after the death of the officer this individual can often keep things together or at least insure the unit survives the fight. In peace time he keeps order and sees the training is maintained.

To create a Sergeant you need a veteran soldier who is highly skilled in the type of unit he is being sighed (best swordsmen in his unit of swordsmen). Next he is given better gear and trained in the art of leadership. Many times you will have veterans in your villages long before you begin you campaign so it is up to you to seek them out and train them.

An alternative way to use this class is form whole units of these elite warriors. With better gear and training they can turn the tide of battle and put fear in the hearts of men. They are battle hardened warriors that won't run and are of great loyalty. They are the killer elite infantry.

The knight

The elite mounted warrior of noble birth. Like the Men-at-Arms this soldier is the leader in battle, but this time is the cavalry elite. A master of over 20 weapons and of horsemenship. They are the partian class that fights. Unlike the Men-at-Arms who will gladly take an increase in pay The knight will want large spoils like land and treasure. These armored fighters are loyal to you and often have ties to religious institutions in your community. They are professional soldiers though and sometimes wish to go off on quests or fight for gold or land for other leaders in time of peace as they continue their search for glory.

A whole unit of knights from many noble families is very expensive to maintian and keep together, but is a powerful force on the battle field. As I said above this troop type more then others is adventurer class. They travel where there is work and glory. So while at war you may find more then a few come to join your banner, but in the dull winter months or a peaceful summer they may be off to the next "hotspot" for battle.

Another plus side to these warriors is as they gather wealth they will build "strongholds" where they will produce food, weapons, and even troops and other knights.

What I have written here is a guideline for players to create troops to help them in battle. Often cultures have their own but this gives us some common ground. Also the guidelines help in creating troops like cavalry for cultures like the Aztecs who never developed that type of troops. Well I hope this helps and please give me feedback and ideas.

Lastly a new option to the game.....

Thoughs who have been reading along with this thread I hope your enjoying it as much as I have. Writing it with the others has been a fun creative process.

Now this is a strategy/roleplay and I want as many people to enjoy it as possible. If you wanted to play, but didn't want to deal with a kingdom here is your chance.

Now players who wish to join can either play at the Leader level like all current players. Now available is Adventure roles. These include roles like that of Knights, Sea Captains, and other skilled professions. If you do have any troops the numbers are low so you have more control over things. You can seek out employment with another player who has a kingdom, or be a long time friend to their character (with their permission for either).
All Those Races

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Saga Africa ?

As a first post on a forum about erotic stories, I thought it would be original to post in the not-so-erotic section. :D

So, to put it short, I'd like to play with you. I'd like to play some kind of African village. I don't have a precise reference in mind, because I don't have a lot of sources about ancient Africa, (The main one being wikipedia. Good but not perfect :D ) but I think I'd take inspiration from the empires of West Africa during the Middle Ages, such as Songhay, Dahomey or Mali.

I also have a practical question : how long does a gaming turn last in game time ?
Well to answer you last gaming question turns roughly are three months of game time. Often though there is something primary going on while typical things happen in the background. Battles, roleplay and other things are typical examples of things that stand out.

African Empires.......interesting option. I know little about those cultures other then their later history and involvement with the slave trade. I know more about South Africa and the tribes like the Zulus. I am not saying no but just need to do a little research so decide which one.......give them name. I am sure their is information out there on the net (has been for every other group in the game.)

Thanks for the interest though. Start developing your ideas here I am sure we can work something out.
Ok, I've looked for info about medieval Africa, especially West Africa. The problem is, little info exists at all, because there weren't written texts. Most reports come from Arabian travellers and historians.

This has something about the Kingdom of Mali and some others : http://www.isidore-of-seville.com/mansa/4.html There's even a comic strip about it. :confused:
That one is more general : http://webusers.xula.edu/jrotondo/Kingdoms/welcome.html ; I like the focus on trade.

I'd be more interested by the Empire of Songhay, partly because it wasn't Muslim. (Paganism or animism looks more fun than Islam in a roleplaying game. Or maybe that's because I'm used to D&D's polytheism.)
There's a wikipedia page about it : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songhai_Empire

The only problem is that beyond the basics of "said empire ruled said part of the world between xxxx and xxxx AD" it's hard to find something about the culture of these ancient people. But then, it's only a game so I guess we can make it up, can't we ? ;)

And I really wonder what Dutches would look like here. I mean, their country didn't exist until the XVIth century. I guess Dutch guilders with wooden spears and polytheist shrines would be fun, but not for me. :D
Well I read about both cultures that you posted and are both interesting economic and military powers and a welcome additon. I enjoy having the cultural diversity because that is my idea of the world. As to general cultural things common traditions of Africa can fill the void. My big thing is you need a resource of names. Also there was alot of inclucion of Arabs. These were black Africans that ruled the empires themselves correct? Otherwise I like it.....post your ideas here.
Our friend Mantra has just informed me that he is now serving overseas despite this he is still wishing to play. All I ask if anyone finds themselves involved with his island that they be patient with his response. I am sure the major of the man's time will be spent not trying to get killed and doing his job. I know we all wish him well.......we simply play at war.....he is living it so that we can play.

Râleclins..........On a lighter note have you made any decisions when it comes to your empire??? Let me know I am sure we can work something out.
Wow, you actually managed to get the accent in my name... That's impressing.

For the names, Ta-daah ! http://www.gaminggeeks.org/Resources/KateMonk/Africa/Western/Western.htm

All right, about Arabs, I think they are not needed. It really seems that the kingdoms and empires of West Africa were ruled by black men. The Arabs had contacts with them (Especially after the pilgrimage to Mecca of the muslim King of Mali) and they eventually sent scholars (who gave us the only written reports of what happened there in that time.), merchants, scribes, and of course clerics...
The only problem is the lack of writing. But that can be solved by a small group of Arabs, or, why not, by Franks, Greeks, Azteks, other Africans... Or the village of Ghosa will have to do without writing, which is possible too. (hence the importance of the Griot ; see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Griot )

And the empire of Songhay looks funniest to play. If I manage to make my village look like it, that is. For now, it's a bit smaller than Songhay was. A little bit. :rolleyes:

And here comes our star...

Name : Danjuma Angana

Description : Danjuma is a tall and thin African man, muscular and without an ounce of fat. He keeps his hair and beard short. He is 20 year old, and hasn't learned to master his pride yet. This pride is one of the few things that can make him lose his cool blood. He is better at listening than speaking. A gifted archer and hunter, he still likes to train with the warriors.

Background : Danjuma was born the son of the village's king, in the village of Ghosa. His father, a cunning man named Ngoli, had been at first a mere peddler, but his travels between the different villages of the island had brought wealth to him. He started to bring abundance to the rest of the village too, and gained respect from the others.
Twenty years ago, Ngoli intrigued the whole village on the day he came with an unknown woman with a necklace of feathers. The woman was named Lolovivi and her beauty was unearthly. He told that he had found her while hunting a large black bird in the savannah, and had forgotten all about his hunt as soon as he had set his eyes on her. Lolovivi did not speak a lot, but her presence blessed her husband, for all the men and women in the village started coming to him for advice. When the former king died without children, several years after Danjuma's birth, the villagers nominated Ngoli as their new king. But the responsabilities of power needed all the attention of King Ngoli, and he started losing interest in his wife, hardly noticing when she grew ill. Between the illness of his mother and the weariness of his father, young Danjuma was pretty much left alone, which allowed him to practice his archery with the warriors, and to listen to old Okon, the village's griot, who could be described as a storyteller and musician.
When Lolovivi died on Danjuma's eighteenth birthday, his father was struck down. Because he felt his wife's death was his fault, Ngoli fell into despair and became totally restless. This was also the time he started to become violent toward his son Danjuma, which made the teenager go and walk in the wild lands for whole days, using the skills he had learned with the warriors.
Maybe driven by madness, or in an attempt to bring more wealth to the village of Ghosa, Ngoli eventually decided to attempt to trade with other lands and set sail on a flat, wooden ship, toward the broad ocean, with only half a dozen of fellows...

It has been two months since Ngoli's departure, and the villagers have turned to the young man for direction. Most think that the old king will never return...
Greetings Raleclins

May I Be The First To Welcome You To One Of The Better Threads. I Hope To See Your Man Danjuma Angana On The Field Of Battle Some Time Soon. Or If I Feel Nice You Man Could Eat With Tufa Der Munthas And Put A Little Weight On Your Man's Bones.
I Laught Loudly

Thanks for your welcome, Tonofnoise. If we meet on the battlefield, let us hope it will be on the same side. (maybe against those filthy Dutchmen) If we have to fight each other, then may the dirtiest one win ! :devil:

And Danjuma is not skinny, he's just slim !