OOC: It takes a Village...Strategy Game Thread

The Great Rone is pleased with the response to his turn! My Rath is curbed thanks to a brilliant reply. My own brilliant reply will be forthcomming soon, I already have some great ideas for improved defenses. I think my reply shall be worthy of my Greatness!

Oh, and once again....v look down there
To Lady Rose Congrats

Jagged and I spoke and we all should give Lady Rose a CONGRATS. She has been MIA receintly due to getting married. So we all wait for your return and your wonderful post. And we all wish you the best of luck and good fortune to you and your husband.
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Married?? Gadzooks and all of that!!

Gratzi Lady Rozes, I wish you both hapiness and a speedy return. Bring your new hubby and get him to join the game too! :nana:
this sounds liek alot of fun

i both speak and know alot about the asian cultures mainly japan and china i also speak the languages and know the mythology if u want to call it that however most of it is still believed today. id lvoe to try this game and if you had questions about anything japanese or chinese ask me id love to help you out.
Good Luck Blueyes

We Already Have A Asian Player Ronelith. I Would Suggest Korean Or Hun.
But Either Which Way Welcome.
Well another player is always welcome.......hell there is over a hundred islands still open for occupation. Now I have one culture covering both Chinese and Japanese.....Ronelith though I believe is heading more in the way of Japanese though. Thanks for the offer I can always use more information as I learn as I go around here........But right now I am open to any other cultures you want to play unless you make a case for why we should have another budding Asian empire out there......oh and watch your spelling. I always like to know what people are saying. Look forward to your submission of character and culture eyes........look at this thread for ideas.
I think in your case the land down under as in the UK the spellings for some words are slightly different. I just know like is spelled...........LIKE anyway we all need to watch our typing skills.

I was wondering if it was too late to join this thread? Are any cultures left open?
Welcome Elayne, There are still several empires which could use a leader, come on down! :)

Now a question for Jag, Do our 'industries' automatically make stuff or do we have to specify what we want? For example, I build a siege workshop which produced six catapults, does this keep on making catapults or do I have to tell the boys 'Hey, fire up the shop and crank out 10 more!"
Here's what Jagged posted at the begining of the game, but he may have added or removed others:

Romans (That's me)
Vikings (Taken)
Asians (a mix of chinese and Japanese) (Taken)
Eygptians (Taken ..and hoping she returns soon)
Greeks (Sparta/Athenas city state types)
Visigoths (Taken)

There was a Celtic player, but she hasn't been by in almost a year.
Hi Elayne,

Always looking for new players.......if you read the earlier material you will find a starting package and a idea of what you need to do if you want to submitt a plan. Sunday I will be online updating my turns. If you have questions please post them here or Pm me........Don't see a group you like or want to play one already chosen please let me know. Plenty of room for people with creative roleplay and strategy ideas.

Thanks for the interest.
Open cultures

Other possible cultures are

Native American
Dutch (but who would be Dutch)
or Figi Natives

just some ideas I've been kicking around
What's wrong with the Dutch? Grumbles.

Of the options, I see the French, Russians, Greeks, and Fiji Natives as being the most appealing to me.

What culture would you like to see more of the game? What would be the most fun?
Nothing wrong with the Dutch.........though the Danes would be alot of fun. That was my starter list at the time I am very open to other ancient historical cultures.

That second list is general......lot of different native American tribes and Europe was home to many different groups of the centuries.

Me I have my favorites but what do you think will be fun? Classic enemies or a group that never got their day in the sun. For example.......The Shuar tribe that was in Peru. They were brutal headhunters who kept their part of the world safe at all costs...........until 1950AD btw. They didn't expand much, but you have to wonder what they could have done with a different leader.

Feel free to pm me about your ideas. I am pretty open minded to anything.....just had to be real at one time.

Anyway I can recommend either a good seafaring race or warrior group. Have fun.....and put thought into your leader. I am sure we can come up with a good back story. Would love another female leader to enter the fray...
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I Can Feel The Spears At My Throat

I Have Nothing Against The Dutch. They Just Never Did Much War Wise In History. But I Could Be Wrong. It Wouldn't Have Been The First Time
The Russians are coming!

Dobry den, comrades.

After some thought, I'd like to take over the Russian Empire.

Name: Katarinya Kerenin
Age: 24
Description: Katarinya is a tall woman, around five feet and nine inches, with long auburn hair that falls to the middle of her back and sharp green eyes. Her skin is fair and smooth, her body slender and lithe. She is nimble and gracefully on her feet, favouring elegant gowns of silk and satin.

History: Katarinya grew up in Moscovy, the small city of the Russian people. Her father, Andery, was the Tsar of the City and his right hand man was Vladimir, his finest general and a brilliant infantry commander.

The youngest of Andery's children, and the only girl, Katarinya was often overlooked by her father and considered valuable only as a potential bartering chip for political marriage. Her mother died of a chest cold when she was young in the harsh winter of Moscovy, and Katarina was raised primarily by a nun who taught her languages, spoken and written, along with a hefty dose of theology and history.

At the age of thirteen, Katarinya was sent to a finishing school for young women, a common practice of the nobles of Moscovy. Isolated from the undue and potential corrupting influences of the court and men, Katarinya was taught the tools of a noble woman; primarily etiquette and heraldry, how to dance well and how to converse pleasantly with a suitor, how to dress and apply cosmetics. Katarinya also showed a flare for finance and learned how to manage a household, the basics of trade and economics for use when her husband had to attend more important affairs.

Cut off from the courtly world, Katarinya studied and waited the day her father would introduce her to the Court in a Grand Ball.

That day would never come.

Vladimir, her father's trusted general, rouse up against the man he called brother, deposing Andery and executing Katarinya's brothers. His troops came to the academy to seize the young woman, returning to Moscovy, for what ends she would never know.

But along the road, she was rescued by a band of Cossack horsemen, proud loyalists who hadn't forgotten her father, and with the held of the wild tribesmen, Katarinya lead a counter coupe, deposing the treasonous Vladimir and installing herself as the Tzarina of Moscovy.

Now, Katarinya seeks to reunite her Court and rule her people in her own right.

In short I love it....and we will have to get you up and running this week.....Summer time on my world. I will update the others and take care of you, but you will be up this week. I am of Cossack stock so I am pleased to see a player taking them as their main group. A refined Russian lady among riders of the steppes intersting.....smiles.

I will have to change the starting package a bit for you.....Moscow is the capital city of the island with 5 other Russian villages under its rule of your father but now the traitorous Tzar who is busy putting his own people in control and keeping the boyars in line. As to religion let us say the people are early Christians.....Russian Orthodox church still small but important. There are plenty of Viking Pagans around as well as religion of many foreigners (perhaps some crusades..).

Anyway your in one of the small villages where Cossacks are a large number of the residence. They winter there when not doing mercenary work (riding or piracy) they have a good relationship with the local villagers who embrace you as the heir to the throne. The local priest and boyar support you quitly though......VANYA the Nun who taught you when you were young has come to join you......leaving the church she comes to you one day with her wagon filled with books and other items of learning.

I will work on the details but here are your starting gifts.....

You did leave school with all your baggage intact and it was taken with you by the cossacks. It includes all your valueble jewelary, furs, dresses including some of silk.....your family Bible (contains history and shows your right to the crown) and your mother's crown (another important piece).

Your families' blessed battle standard. Meant to be carried into battle it proudly displays your family crest and is blessed by the head of the church.

Cossacks are not the only group loyal to you since the coup. A Norman Viking ship has arrived with 50 men led by Freki. He pledges his loyalty, his men and his ship to your cause to retake the throne.
Welcome Elayne

Always Good To See Another Player Get Involved. I Wish You The Best Of Luck And Hope To Meet Katarinya Kerenin On The Field Of Battle For A Good Fight.
The Norse people welcome you too Elayne.
Jagged, I am sorry for my tardiness again in posting my reply. Not only have I been unbelievably busy, but this is was a difficult turn for me, to work out what I wanted to do, however, I believe I have worked out an adequate solution. I hope to be posting soon.
Hope all are well.
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