~Post baseless lies about the person above you - V.6~

Leaves his feet uncovered at night cuz he is friends with the monsters under the bed.

Is not scared to cuddle with a monster from under the bed. In fact, has an open invitation to all monsters that hide under beds or in closets for a free cuddle.
Is not scared to cuddle with a monster from under the bed. In fact, has an open invitation to all monsters that hide under beds or in closets for a free cuddle.
Moonlights as a monster that hides under beds
He takes his fishing gear to the pet store every Sunday and drops his lure in the goldfish tank. Hasn't caught one yet, but he'll talk your ear off about "the one that got away".
He takes his fishing gear to the pet store every Sunday and drops his lure in the goldfish tank. Hasn't caught one yet, but he'll talk your ear off about "the one that got away".
Insists on drinking his hot tea with 6 lumps of sugar, cream and lemon...and with his pinky out
Loves it when you talk dirty to her in sign language

Oooh you may have inadvertently spoken a truth lmao!! Love to be fucked in another language, why not sign - those fingers could then go to so much use afterwards lmao

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