~Post baseless lies about the person above you - V.6~

Nope, don’t know him, he just seem to, well, as per his next lie…

Well done thread, changed my description so you’ll need to come up with something new when I post here

Wants to learn to yodel but doesn’t know where to start
Is practicing her yodelling whilst reading the thread
Cottage cheese is the only thing he’ll let a partner gurgle in their mouth…
Once was gurgling mouthwash, but forgot how long the instructions said to do so. He couldn't find where he put the bottle, but kept on gurgling who he searched. It took three hours, but he never stopped gurgling. Hasn't gurgled a thing in his life since
It won't happen! There's no vowel!!!

Waits for a lot of opportunities in many threads. Sits there, lurking, waiting to share his genius with all of Lit... or other parts of him 😏
Also loves to squish her official blue dragon plushie.
It's a squishmallow.
I knew it!! I think I saw one at Walmart in the clearance bin.

He’s moving on to posable action figures

I knew it!! I think I saw one at Walmart in the clearance bin.

He’s moving on to posable action figures
Tried to get his own posable action figures made. But the company just couldn't get the hips right, and he fired them all. It was the closest thing to a rage he's ever flown into.
Jealous because he wants to be in a cage for her.
Keeps all his spare blue dragon squishmallows in a cage. It's to scare good girls. It worked