~Post baseless lies about the person above you - V.6~

Wears a Riddler T-Shirt .. it only comes off if someone solves her three riddles
Has yet to solve even one riddle. They aren't hard. But he is 😏
Fooled you… she takes that off all the time, even for wrong guesses.
Hey!... well... you do the same with my shirts! Just taking them off me telling me that I need to let the girls breathe
I do a good imitation of Vincent Price tho.

She goes to the ballet just to check out the male dancers packages.
Tried to dress like a ballet dancer so I would check out his package. But he couldn't get the moves down right
Loves to shop at menards and buy paint and paint the words Fuck you on her face.
He keeps adding a question mark at the end so my face reads "fuck you?"