~Post baseless lies about the person above you - V.6~

When she speaks, every sentence ends with “pika…pika…pikachu!”
Has a pikachu tail he wears… a lot
She has a recurring dream…

A knock at the door…
“Who is it?”

“What? Is that even a thing?”

Silence for a moment

She opens the door, and is attacked by…

Cactus dick!
When she speaks, every sentence ends with “pika…pika…pikachu!”
Still asks me what that means.
She has a recurring dream…

A knock at the door…
“Who is it?”

“What? Is that even a thing?”

Silence for a moment

She opens the door, and is attacked by…

Cactus dick!
Is the most uncreative and unimaginative Bear in all the lands... I mean... oh come on, who's gonna believe me after what she just posted 😂😂😂
Has a glowey thing… on his butt plug… and tries to attract mates in the woods like an angler fish does…
He was one of those hypnotized by that light.. and fell under the spell of the dancer…

And when he was locked up to the dancer’s other followers, he was happy….
Has a glowey thing… on his butt plug… and tries to attract mates in the woods like an angler fish does…
Has repeatedly asked @AlwaysDancing where he got his glowey butt plug, but then received a scavenger hunt as the answer. He's been lost wandering in the jungle ever since.
He was one of those hypnotized by that light.. and fell under the spell of the dancer…

And when he was locked up to the dancer’s other followers, he was happy….
Is the secret creator of the magical glowing butt plugs. She doesn't sell them, she says "The plug chooses the butt"
Was watching from afar and making a documentary, Attenborough style.

“The dancing angler attracts its prey in the most peculiar of ways…”
He is being kind… I was one of the dancer’s prey, and was delighted who just got caught. He didn’t seem happy with me trying to seduce him with doritos though… I just knew I should have used ruffles instead!
She surprised a lot of narrow-minded guys who don't read profiles before having sex. That's their lose.
She surprised a lot of narrow-minded guys who don't read profiles before having sex. That's their lose.
He has fleas. Not looking forward to that flea dip later. Everyone is recommended to keep at least 10ft back, and not to share your snuggy with him
She turned down the role of Billy Bob Thornton's wife in Landman, she didn't want the attention it would bring.
Jack and Jeff used to hang out together, shooting pool down at the swim club. It wasn't billiards, they kept shooting at an empty pool until someone made them leave.
She was holding her breath under water to find out if it was true that water provided excellent protection against bullets. She never found out because Jack and Jeff couldn’t even hit the pool at point blank range. They have since been recruited by Storm Troopers.
She was holding her breath under water to find out if it was true that water provided excellent protection against bullets. She never found out because Jack and Jeff couldn’t even hit the pool at point blank range. They have since been recruited by Storm Troopers.
Definite lie… top marksman here

He was waiting on the diving board until we were finished hoping to ambush Brenda naked in the pool
Was wearing a scuba mask and watching intently… also everyone was naked for some reason
Jack really hates clothes. He carries a bic and some light fluid with him to burn everyone's clothes as soon as he can. But he is a polite pyro, he waits until they take their clothes off before he torches them... giggling hysterically...