~Post baseless lies about the person above you - V.6~

Sounds like he’s playing the wrong game

What he’s really playing is cuff a brat and see if the others can solve the riddles to unlock each other while UM watches in hysterics.
No one can solve his riddles!!!!! No one!!!!!

She is currently trying to fish the key from his pants because she knows no one can solve his fucking riddles
Plays disc golf on Ecstasy
Once played disc golf. The disc hit him the head and now he remembers only that he saw a duck that day
No one can solve his riddles!!!!! No one!!!!!

She is currently trying to fish the key from his pants because she knows no one can solve his fucking riddles

Once played disc golf. The disc hit him the head and now he remembers only that he saw a duck that day
My riddles aren’t that hard. Batman could solve them 😏

She goes around flashing boobs on the golf course when she gets behind. It actually works.
While playing disc golf, believes he is on the PDGA tour and is the top ranked player on the tour.
Likes to blow at discs in the air to knock them off course.
My riddles aren’t that hard. Batman could solve them 😏

She goes around flashing boobs on the golf course when she gets behind. It actually works.

Likes to blow at discs in the air to knock them off course.
Purposefully acts like boobs don't affect his game. Any game. Gets red in the face trying hard not to look.
Is the disc golf caddy dressed in a banana suit
She gave him that banana suit. It's cut some very interesting cut outs
is carrying around multiple lightsaber dildos, singing bruce springsteen, and trying to blind some guy in a banana suit driving a golf cart...

ma'am! this is a wendy's!
Drove the golf cart into the Wendy's to get away from being blinded. Got a lot of weird looks. Realized he was wearing a penis costume, not a banana, too late 😱
Was permanently banned from competition and all future DG events for lewd and lascivious acts while trying to create a banana split on the course in front of all the spectators.
Tried to create a calendar on DG courses while eating banana splits... it had mixed reviews
She opened a popsicle stand across the street. It's just a stand where people can pay to watch her eat popsicles. It's quite lucrative

And since I'm here, actually hates being nude and has joined the "Never Nudes" a la Tobias Fünke.
heard that @Sammysub07 was sucking down popsicles for money in full view of the public and came running...just like i did 🥵🤤
He thought he would get to eat a popsicle 🙄 Texas is fucking hot
I don't care what color they are!

Claims to hate popsicles, but loves getting sticky from them.
He actually does care. He wants her to pick blue because Smurf penis
Uses monopoly money to pay the IRS

Thank you for your patronage! Come back again soon! Tomorrow it’s orange popsicles!

Was never able to qualify as a monopoly banker
Runs a side hustle selling maps for the location of all the lit ladies who will now be downing Popsicles on street corners across the world.
And setting up a Popsicles fan site.