~Post baseless lies about the person above you - V.6~

Sharpest cheddar in the cheese case.
He never stops making dad jokes. In fact, he has one ready for every climax
Wants to be the reason women’s eyes roll but can’t figure out how to make it happen 😜😜🫣🫣
She only knows how to make my eyes roll... in a hot way... none of the guys are now picturing that
Rude. 😱

I need to practice, it's been a minute!

Rolls his own, but not his eyes
Tries to make his tongue roll. He keeps getting it stuck in really weird places
Here I am to keep any pace I want
Dare I to flirt and flaunt
Brats can change just like any font
Runs away yelling “catch me if you want”
Loves to bounce and tease
Catches boys attention with ease
Hates it when she doesn't please
Waits in apology on her knees
Runs only virtually because she knows she'd be caught otherwise.
He doesn't chase. He just stares on in lamenting sorrow