Sex & Shenanigans

You don’t like things living in your house that you don’t speak the same language and yet you love their stupid fluffy faces even when they chew all your shoes.
Correct 🤣

I do understand the appeal though! Just as I understand people who don’t feel a strong desire for kids. There are a lot of negatives that come along with each that affection easily surpasses, if you have that affection.
Yummy food vs candy and scary decorations?

Hmmmm… that’s a tough one for me.

I mean, Thanksgiving is more special cuz it’s only one day whereas you can “celebrate” Halloween for a whole month.
I can roast a turkey any day. The neighbors get tired of me begging for candy door to door by December or so.
I certainly think individuals can and do and was not calling anyone out in particular.

I think the larger culture still recognizes it as a pro-colonialism holiday though. Folks still celebrate Columbus Day too even with a full on rebrand.
I celebrate Columbus Day by driving around, getting lost, then claiming wherever I end up as my own.
Do you know anyone who celebrates it or even acknowledges it?
Well, every government building, school and bank closing down sort of acknowledges it.

Columbus day was a political ploy to get votes from the large, powerful at the time voting block of Italian descendants. Even if you take the dubious track that someone can discover a place filled with people already, he didn't have anything to do with any part of what is now the US . But government workers are not going to give back a paid holiday.

Also, being of tribal descent, I celebrate it differently.