Sex & Shenanigans

For all you ‘Mericans out there …. With your two party system, do you feel that democracy is working or is it all a big dumpster fire?
We’re way past dumpster fire and have moved on to landfill fire.

My first post in the controversial opinions thread was that we should just let pandas go extinct
Honestly, I cannot relate to an entire species that is going extinct because they are literally too lazy to fuck…but they are ridiculously cute little silly beans and the world would be a dimmer place without them.
I so want one of then. I'd forgotten they existed till I watched Mad Men.
I love mid-century modern design! Mad Men was so 😻 for me

Yes! The last one is my fav! We could nap in there too!
Aaah…I just saved a bunch and a few didn’t make it into the post because of file format or size but my favorite are the kind with the fire pit and floating chimney/exhaust vent thing…hang on…
Yes! The last one is my fav! We could nap in there too!
These didn’t make it into the previous post. The first two have the floating fireplaces. Some of the colors, patterns and textures are way too busy for me, but I do like the concept of a conversation pit with a fireplace in the middle that doesn’t block the view!
I so want one of then. I'd forgotten they existed till I watched Mad Men.
We have an attached garage that is currently being used by my daughter as a work out room . But when the kids were little we talked of remodeling and converting the garage into
A living space . I wanted to make the room a conversation pit . I have always loved that odd quirky feel that they create
Well, every government building, school and bank closing down sort of acknowledges it.

Columbus day was a political ploy to get votes from the large, powerful at the time voting block of Italian descendants. Even if you take the dubious track that someone can discover a place filled with people already, he didn't have anything to do with any part of what is now the US . But government workers are not going to give back a paid holiday.

Also, being of tribal descent, I celebrate it differently.
Just because the government is closed on a Monday doesn’t mean 95% of people know why. Most people, including me, were surprised to find out places are closed in four days. There are only about 1% of the country celebrating a man so grotesque, he horrified people in his age in how he was treating the people he encountered here. Also, the best thing he did was give rise to this video.

Just because the government is closed on a Monday doesn’t mean 95% of people know why. Most people, including me, were surprised to find out places are closed in four days. There are only about 1% of the country celebrating a man so grotesque, he horrified people in his age in how he was treating the people he encountered here. Also, the best thing he did was give rise to this video.

Without having seen what Christina Columbus put in her “flat taco,” I will say that tostadas have beans, and tacos do not. *Glares at GBBO hosts and producers for not doing their homework.* Christina Columbus may have just inadvertently made a tostada incorrectly, which fits in perfectly with Christopher Columbus not discovering the land he thought he discovered.