Sex & Shenanigans

Women are usually the more sensual and almost always better looking of the sexes. There's something alluring about watching them interact, sexually. That probably has something to do with how much of a voyeur you are to begin with too.

Nothing wrong with not digging it, different strokes and all that.
Oh I "dig it", but just not in the same way that it seems (some?) men do. I can feel compersion if one of them is my partner, I can like it as a beautiful thing between two people (in fact two women kissing just looks right to me on a deep level), but it doesn't get my motor running, as such.
Has anyone watched the new Dexter show…?

I’m actually really enjoying it … and fuck me if Christian Slater still doesn’t give me a wicked lady boner still after all these years.
Has anyone watched the new Dexter show…?

I’m actually really enjoying it … and fuck me if Christian Slater still doesn’t give me a wicked lady boner still after all these years.
I've watched the first four. It feels like its trying too hard to be exactly like the orginal. But the cliffhanger was good, so Imma watch the fifth ep.