Sex & Shenanigans

*Bookmarks for the next time someone asks why @SalaciousMonkey22 was afraid of @crazychemgirl*
My mom did her grad work on serial killers. Our home was full of true crime before it was a thing. All of this is to say, I knew waaaaay too much dark stuff as a kid and definitely scared a few adults as a result. "No, honey, Mindy can't stay the night ever tonight. I have work tomorrow, so I can't stay up all night to ensure she won't smother me to death in my sleep, like that charming story she told us earlier..."
My mom did her grad work on serial killers. Our home was full of true crime before it was a thing. All of this is to say, I knew waaaaay too much dark stuff as a kid and definitely scared a few adults as a result. "No, honey, Mindy can't stay the night ever tonight. I have work tomorrow, so I can't stay up all night to ensure she won't smother me to death in my sleep, like that charming story she told us earlier..."
This is one of the reasons we get along so well
My mom did her grad work on serial killers. Our home was full of true crime before it was a thing. All of this is to say, I knew waaaaay too much dark stuff as a kid and definitely scared a few adults as a result. "No, honey, Mindy can't stay the night ever tonight. I have work tomorrow, so I can't stay up all night to ensure she won't smother me to death in my sleep, like that charming story she told us earlier..."
So I had a favorite wagon as a kid. It was a fire engine colored Red Flyer. I played with it until it broke. My mother was one of the weirdos during my GenX upbringing that locked the doors, knew where I was at all hours, and was very threatening if a stranger even said hello to me. I found out much later that the wagon originally belonged to Eric; the son of my grandfather's boss. Eric was kidnapped, and had awful things done to him before he was a man that used to live next door to mother and (at the time 6 year old) older brother.
So I had a favorite wagon as a kid. It was a fire engine colored Red Flyer. I played with it until it broke. My mother was one of the weirdos during my GenX upbringing that locked the doors, knew where I was at all hours, and was very threatening if a stranger even said hello to me. I found out much later that the wagon originally belonged to Eric; the son of my grandfather's boss. Eric was kidnapped, and had awful things done to him before he was a man that used to live next door to mother and (at the time 6 year old) older brother.

That is some Hitchcock level shit right there
So I had a favorite wagon as a kid. It was a fire engine colored Red Flyer. I played with it until it broke. My mother was one of the weirdos during my GenX upbringing that locked the doors, knew where I was at all hours, and was very threatening if a stranger even said hello to me. I found out much later that the wagon originally belonged to Eric; the son of my grandfather's boss. Eric was kidnapped, and had awful things done to him before he was a man that used to live next door to mother and (at the time 6 year old) older brother.
Haunted wagon ...
I would have to get a, um, better look to have a guess at that. I'm sure you have some tightness somewhere though...😬
How much of a better look are you looking to get to find tightness "somewhere". Do I feel violated yet? No, I wanna see where this explanation goes 🤣
What kind of cake boobs are you looking at??

Also why are your incisors biting into them???
My incisors would bite into cake boobs. Right on the cute frosting nipples. Only because I wouldn't use my incisors on real boobs. Is this weird? Should I go?
I, too, would like to think of my boobs as cake boobs
🤣 the dream
Cake boobs would be a combination of two fantastic things. Just sayin'
Need some firm or very light cake. Nothing in between. Although, I'm sure you've already thought about it all 🤭
It had every reason to be haunted but I tend to be unaware of my surroundings in the living and even less ghosts.
Well, the being completely unaware of your surroundings in the living is something that can make life more interesting. Probably. But, I mean, the ghosts. Do you wanna be aware or you enjoying the lack of awareness with them? Personally, I would love if ghosts made themselves known.