Stop fucking Republicans

Now here’s a statement I fully support! My kind of Dominant ;)

Question for discussion: can political standpoints be a kink or fetish? I wonder if some prefer to submit to someone who isn’t aligned with them, someone whose viewpoints actually actively harm them. Is this a type of masochism?
I'd say yes. Anything can be a kink or a fetish or just a walk on the wild side. (do do do...).

There are probably half a dozen ways it works as a kink or fetish or just sexual desire. In the sub/dom arena any perceived or real power difference can be the source of that sexual attraction. Add in the psycho-sexual tension of shame and humiliation and you've got another route into sexuality. Heck, just opposites attract sexual tension is powerful enough for some people. The "bad boy" attraction is potentially another. And of course, it could venture into masochism or sadism. We humans can take anything and turn it into a form of sexual attraction/fulfillment.

Personally, I have never asked a person's political alignment, nor have I every rejected a person because of their political alignment. Of all the things that form my psycho-sexual identity, politics isn't even in the mix.
In my opinion, I don't think it's necessarily self-harm. Just like how other forms of masochism are not self-harm.

Oh, I agree if we are talking about BDSM play.
The self-harm comment was about those who hold and somtimes even promote values and political ideas that go starkly against their own self-interest.

That doesn't mean race & BDSM are uncomplicated, since kink doesn't exist in a vacuum, but no kink does.

No, it doesn’t and quite honestly, I hink that goes for a lot of things in BDSM if you scratch the surface.
I think part of what makes it interesting is the complexity, the juxtapositions.

Don't mind me, just the... lil librarian

As I said, this is part of what makes Lit interesting to me.
a walk on the wild side. (do do do...).

I read that ”in music”, haha!

There are probably half a dozen ways it works as a kink or fetish or just sexual desire. In the sub/dom arena any perceived or real power difference can be the source of that sexual attraction. Add in the psycho-sexual tension of shame and humiliation and you've got another route into sexuality. Heck, just opposites attract sexual tension is powerful enough for some people. The "bad boy" attraction is potentially another. And of course, it could venture into masochism or sadism. We humans can take anything and turn it into a form of sexual attraction/fulfillment

Yes, as I wrote earlier, I think the complexity of those power gradients and built in conflicts are a big part of what makes it all interesting.

Playing with the ”topic” is quite different from playing with someone who really holds those beliefs, for me though.
As @Primalex wrote, enjoying rape fantasies is not the same as enjoying the reality of it and I’d say that a person who enjoys playing with these kinds of things from the top side of it with willing partners is not the same kind of person as the sort who thinks it should be the reality for everyone.

Personally, I have never asked a person's political alignment, nor have I every rejected a person because of their political alignment. Of all the things that form my psycho-sexual identity, politics isn't even in the mix.

There was a thread here once, about what would be a deal breaker or what percieved flaws you could accept in a partner. For me, the first thing that comes to mind is a certain kind of arrogant ignorance. It often comes out in political ideas and it is always going to be a hard no for me. It’s just fundamentally unattractive.

There is also a line for me when a person has a value system that makes it hard for me to respect and trust them.
I wouldn't be interested in a Republican in real life. I assume there are Republicans who feel the same about Democrats. I've learned that to have a more enjoyable time on Lit it's better to not discuss politics much privately. It's my experience that men from across the political spectrum have their kinks, but there's nothing like a Republican with the kink of thinking he knows exactly who you are and what you are because he believes he knows exactly how liberal women think and what they believe. I imagine in the background for each woman on Lit he cyber fucks, he adds another notch on his wannabe Alpha belt. My advice is if you want an enjoyable OL experience, don't use private messaging to discuss politics or as a way to bash the other person for their politics.
There is nothing less fuckable than a fascist magat.

I also find it gross when people (specifically Americans) act as though ‘politics’ is something optional to consider. When someone tells me that they don’t do politics, they’re essentially saying that they are insulated from danger, and don’t give a shit about the people that aren’t.

I could fuck someone that has a different opinion on capital gains tax than I do. Because that’s politics. I‘m absolutely not going to fuck someone that doesn’t think I’m a person. Who doesn’t think my friends, family, and I, are entire valid human beings, entitled to the same rights that they are.

I do have empathy for those who, for a variety of reasons, fell for the con in 2016 and voted for the grifter. Good people fall victim to con artists all the time. It’s frustrating to watch, but it doesn’t make them bad people. However, anyone that is still on board after seeing how the past 6 years have played out, is part of a cult. I don’t fuck cult members, and I don’t try to reason with the unreasonable.

magats are unfuckable, no exceptions and forever.
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Something could be said here about "gender-critical" feminists, their history, and their current political track, but I'm not about to start THAT fire in my inbox... it's already on my front lawn!

But often times, I think it has to do with common interests. A very modern example:

Cisgender lesbians, homophobic women, and hyper-conservative men all band together on anti-transgender issues. Under that anti- "gender ideology" banner that deems my identity some grand conspiracy theory.

But not all those women would stand each other if they didn't have a common cause. And those men have values that undercut what many feminists believe to be women's inviolable rights. So?

Not a problem for them. They have an internal enemy to disenfranchise, castrate, and/or exterminate. (And no, that's not hyperbole.)

Either way, accomplishing the big issue first is more important than pressing identity politics in a way that carves out selective alliances among the New Right. They use identity politics, but not to isolate into separatist groups. That's where the New Left is struggling to find the cohesion that the Right has. (U.S. American POV. Also, strong conservative contingent in U.K. as well, especially with example provided above.)

Oh and maybe you're thinking, won't they come after cisgender women next? They already did. That's called Roe v. Wade, which was overturned. Those who align with "gender-critical" theory (oh whatever, they're TERFs) used this as an opportunity to raise the alarm over the relatively very few healthcare providers who use gender neutral instead of feminine language to refer to prospective OB/GYN patients-- pregnant people instead of pregnant women, for example. This is treated as if women are suddenly being erased.

So yeah, they don't seem to be giving enough of a shit to be focusing on the problem at hand. It's drumming up panic over some conspiracy. Which maybe shows "self-harm" like you say, but I think it's just that cultishness that KatieDoes mentions above.

People have a political issue. They are going to push it to its (il)logical conclusion so help them god. No matter what it takes.
Their ‘policies’ are unpopular, they’ve lost the popular vote for 20 years, and their base is getting smaller every year.

All they have to offer is grievance, fear peddling, and gerrymandering with voter suppression.

Too many people now have gay friends and relatives that are just regular people, so they can’t convince us that the gays are coming for our babies. So they moved on to make trans people out to be a threat. Meanwhile, more people have been sexually assaulted in public restrooms by Republican congressmen than by trans folk. Scared people accept authoritarianism more easily, so they need people to be scared.
I read that ”in music”, haha!

LOL - yeah, that song popped into my brain as I was writing my answer.

There was a thread here once, about what would be a deal breaker or what percieved flaws you could accept in a partner. For me, the first thing that comes to mind is a certain kind of arrogant ignorance. It often comes out in political ideas and it is always going to be a hard no for me. It’s just fundamentally unattractive.

There is also a line for me when a person has a value system that makes it hard for me to respect and trust them.

I think you put your finger on it for me. Political alignment doesn't really influence me. If you're an ignorant, arrogant ass, I am not going to have much to do with you - though a grudge fuck dynamic might work.

Millions of people, at this moment, are in relationships that are not good for them - domestic violence, psychological abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, etc.. In comparison to that, political differences are minor. When I look across the spectrum of my friends and acquaintances, on all sides of the political spectrum, they're their because I find them to be interesting and fascinating people, regardless of their politics. They're welcome at my table (and welcome in my bed) because of their very humanity.

As for those who elect not to participate in the politic process, I respect them too. That is their choice.

I simply don't believe either of the political parties are monoliths where everyone who has a D believes X and everyone who has a R believes Y. That's a failure of basic logic and subscribing to the black/white dichotomy, which isn't reality.
Maybe it's because I haven't been back that long and don't recognize usernames, so don't take this as gospel truth or anything, but it's interesting that people who don't seem to normally post in this forum have come out of the woodwork because of the title of the thread.
There's an actual forum for politics here. Should take your oh, so intelligent insights there.
Oh, wait, you'd get blowback there, and there's mostly men, no one to try and score points with.
I've spent years involved in the causes of rape, domestic violence, and women's rights.
I can smell a creeper a mile before I see them, and you reek.
I ghost here a lot, and rarely post, but when I see this frat boy online pick up game crap, I call it out.

Oh please, you've been obsessed and mad since I wiped the floor with your arguments in a discussion.


These days you just skip the arguments. You have no special talent besides being an annoying and whiny fuck who can't argue.
But often times, I think it has to do with common interests.

Yes, the idea that my enemy’s enemy is my friend is not uncommon. Sometimes I guess there aren’t many alternatives, but in many cases it seems both unnecessary and naive in the extreme.

Oh and maybe you're thinking, won't they come after cisgender women next?

As far as I can see they never quit.

Scared people accept authoritarianism more easily, so they need people to be scared.

Yes, we have seen a lot of that where I am.
I just don’t get why some seem so willing to be scared.
No, how many?

What does their juices get flowing? Corporal punishment of the children? Book burning? Getting paid less than men?

Maybe I can optimize my call to reach them better in not fucking Republicans.

I've never entertained the idea that a woman who enjoys a rape fantasy is also going to enjoy it in real life.
-How many? Lots. More than you will get.
-What gets their juices flowing? Not telling you, cupcake.
-Fantasy and reality are two different things. Duh.
-Women will not listen to you. Liberal men are obsessed with contolling women's sexuality. What kind of creepy dude are you?
-Interesting that you came up with "rape fantasy" as an example. Like many lefties, that is more your style. All my play is consensual. Very consensual.
This I know: If we hate each other, nobody wins. But dammit, there's no love in my heart for the people who would burn my house down. I just don't know how to get there from here.

Also, I know this is anecdata, but I run in a LOT of liberal women’s circles and groups and I’ve never heard one woman say anything remotely close to fantasizing about MAGA men, most certainly not submitting to them. It may be men posting those scenarios online; we see a lot of that here at Lit, too.
Do you discuss your sexual fantasies in these forums? Do you talk to friends about them? Do they tell you/post that they crave soy boys who will read them poetry? Do your friends divulge their deepest, darkest fantasies in political forums?
All my play is consensual. Very consensual.

As are rape fantasies and rape play too for that matter.

Interesting that you came up with "rape fantasy" as an example. Like many lefties, that is more your style.

Do they tell you/post that they crave soy boys who will read them poetry?

So which is it - rape or poetry readings?
I guess if it was Vogon poetry, perhaps these two posts might make sense together?
Do you have any idea of how many liberal and lefty women crave Republican and conservative men? The RP is one of my favorites and it reaches across all types. Personally, that is why I think most cases of [url redacted] involves liberal women saying they were ambushed by tall, blonde, muscular Maga men.
So yeah, keep up the good work. I appreciate it.
It's the other way around. Getting liberal women to do what you want is one of your many kinks. At this point I find Republican men repulsive. Sure, you have a hot af voice. But so what? I'm willing to talk to men on the right on an adult site if they're smart enough to stay off politics and not bash liberal women in pm's. BTW, soy boy is weird af.
It's the other way around. Getting liberal women to do what you want is one of your many kinks. At this point I find Republican men repulsive. Sure, you have a hot af voice. But so what? I'm willing to talk to men on the right on an adult site if they're smart enough to stay off politics and not bash liberal women in pm's. BTW, soy boy is weird af.
Nice to see you too.
And yes, soy boys are weird as fuck.
As are rape fantasies and rape play too for that matter.

So which is it - rape or poetry readings?
I guess if it was Vogon poetry, perhaps these two posts might make sense together?
My point is that he came up with that. Typical liberal male.
What is a ‘soy boy’?
Google it.
They are males who love to brag about their wonderful, healthy lifestyles, much of which is based around the consumption of soy products. They are typically not stereotypically masculine and almost always espouse very left-leaning politics. Since soy has massive amounts of estrogen, well, it became a meme.