Things You’ll Never Understand 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔

No comment on hairy clits

Is an ounce of water an ounce in weight ??

(Yes, apparently but not any set length measure .. or is it 1 cubic inch ?? Naw! That would be crazy ! )
Yeah but the clit is about as sensitive as an eyeball right
Huh? Are eyeballs really all that sensitive? If I dug at my partner's clit the way I go in to take my contacts out, she'd smash me in the nuts with a 90mph snowball.
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Why does the baseball World Series only have two countries in it??
That means I'm the World Champion Golfer in our house.
Have you ever tried to get your feet out of the water like that??? It's hard!
But I wonder who came up with it and why. 😂
Oh, pfft! You just drop a coin on the bottom and then go upside down to pick it up. Your feet are out of the water and you probably just won a gold medal for it.