What do you want?

I want..... (MWT)
to lay my head on his chest,
to feel his strong arms around me,
to drift off to sleep...
(everything else would pale in comparison)
I want:

- to find a part time job

- to have a peace of mind and stop worrying about things

- to embrace life fully without being hesitant or scared

- to have more fun

- to be truly fulfilled in every part of my life
I want:

- to find a part time job

- to have a peace of mind and stop worrying about things

- to embrace life fully without being hesitant or scared

- to have more fun

- to be truly fulfilled in every part of my life

Wow. I just want a burger.
Love, company, happiness, a complete new start, and at least three weeks a year back home.
1. I want to break the traditional family lifestyle that was laid down before me.

2. I want someone who understands why I'm breaking away from it all.

3. I want someone who can match the sexual hunger and ferocity that I often feel.
i want...

...to feel the heat of a woman rise as she nears me...
...knowing she yearns for me, awaits for my touch, my breath caressing her skin.

1. I want to maintain happiness, because that's a fucking great quality of life that I don't want gone

2. I want my life focus to be on me, I don't want my life to revolve around trying to make other people happy and fulfilled and forgetting about my own happiness/fulfillment (preferably want no children or a husband)

3. I want to find an interest that could benefit me in the future work/career wise and I want to make future goals for myself, because as of right now I have none :p and I'm sure there's more to life than just drinking partying and fucking
1. I want to maintain happiness, because that's a fucking great quality of life that I don't want gone

2. I want my life focus to be on me, I don't want my life to revolve around trying to make other people happy and fulfilled and forgetting about my own happiness/fulfillment (preferably want no children or a husband)

3. I want to find an interest that could benefit me in the future work/career wise and I want to make future goals for myself, because as of right now I have none :p and I'm sure there's more to life than just drinking partying and fucking

I recall those days. Balance. have goals but enjoy life today as well, darlin'. Nice to meet ya' btw.

I want...

...to feel someone completely give herself to me
...to submit completely to my pleasure
...to let me use her body to arouse pleasure that leaves her writhing, squealing, pleading between panted breath
she's about 5'4, blonde hair, awesome smile and personality to match! Can't stop thinking about her!?
...to feel someone completely give herself to me
...to submit completely to my pleasure
...to let me use her body to arouse pleasure that leaves her writhing, squealing, pleading between panted breath

somedays ...
Health for those I love.
To live in the moment.
A partner to share the journeys I'll take.