What do you want?

a rooftop party.

I want...

For each of my loved ones and closest friends, to know how much I cherish them...and for them to never feel unloved or alone...I am here...Unconditionally...

Genuinely said...:heart:
I want...

For each of my loved ones and closest friends, to know how much I cherish them...and for them to never feel unloved or alone...I am here...Unconditionally...

Genuinely said...:heart:

I want her to receive as much love and affection as she gives of herself. :)
I want whatever Respeito is cooking, whenever it might be and wherever I might have to go.

Yes, she's just that good. ;)

you know flattery will get you pressed italian sandwiches and a three layer coconut cake.:)
I want a strawberry surfrider to appear on my bedside table rrrrrriggghhhhtttt NOW!


Let's try this again...
I want you to want me.

Oops...was listending to that song.

I want to spend a week on Necker Island.
What do I want?
This is a deep soul searching question. I will try to keep brief, but I do have problems controlling my thoughts at times. :eek:

What I want is simple, a woman that is as open minded and able to communicate as I, not a life mate, but a very close companion that is able to understand the need for nothing committed but a strong bond. Not a FWB, but a true friend where benefits are of the sensual nature, neither of us wanting emotional control of the other, but emotional sharing. The ability to call the other for comfort or holding or walks or comfort in the other's arms.
Acceptance of each other for who we are, an emotional attachment that allows for times of passion as well as times of comforting.
What do I want?
This is a deep soul searching question. I will try to keep brief, but I do have problems controlling my thoughts at times. :eek:

What I want is simple, a woman that is as open minded and able to communicate as I, not a life mate, but a very close companion that is able to understand the need for nothing committed but a strong bond. Not a FWB, but a true friend where benefits are of the sensual nature, neither of us wanting emotional control of the other, but emotional sharing. The ability to call the other for comfort or holding or walks or comfort in the other's arms.
Acceptance of each other for who we are, an emotional attachment that allows for times of passion as well as times of comforting.

Good luck, very hard to find.