What's the worst PM you've ever got?

This predates my time on Lit, but happened on a similar site.

I got a random PM from someone claiming to be female and asking for a cum tribute. As I didn't even know what they looked like, let alone actually knowing them personally, I thought that was fairly ambitious. But they had helpfully attached a pic, which probably dated from the 1980s to judge by the hair, and seemed to think I would want to print this out and cum on it.

The coup de grace, however, was their final request. Having cum on this picture, would I please mail the stained paper to an address in the US? And that is why, when I politely declined this uniquely resistable offer, it was on the logistical grounds that sending bodily fluids internationally would violate Customs laws.
See! I told you I wasn’t your type! :ROFLMAO:
At least a decade ago, some dude slid into my DMs as a response to something I posted, and threatened to murder me and my family. Now at the time I had a girlfriend I lived with and some dogs, but they were still my family. Or maybe he meant my brother and his kids, who knows?

I posted publicly with my real name, address, phone number and asked him to come see me, because when he showed up, I would shoot him in the face. My post was taken down of course, and I was chastised by mods. I understood why, even at the time.

I reacted badly, lost control of my emotions and did something stupid that put not only myself, but others in real danger. But this person had crossed a line beyond a line. All because I said something he didn't like on a message board.
Are you only talking about PMs on Literotica? I once got a PM on Twitter telling me that I must be lying about having been sexually assaulted (when I was 20 years old) because I'm so ugly. I've also gotten death threats, unsolicited dick pictures, and rape threats. You know, just the standard stuff.
At least a decade ago, some dude slid into my DMs as a response to something I posted, and threatened to murder me and my family. Now at the time I had a girlfriend I lived with and some dogs, but they were still my family. Or maybe he meant my brother and his kids, who knows?

I posted publicly with my real name, address, phone number and asked him to come see me, because when he showed up, I would shoot him in the face. My post was taken down of course, and I was chastised by mods. I understood why, even at the time.

I reacted badly, lost control of my emotions and did something stupid that put not only myself, but others in real danger. But this person had crossed a line beyond a line. All because I said something he didn't like on a message board.

This is what blows my mind about humans, repeatedly.

The fact that they're willing to end someone because of a trivial (in the grand scheme of things) impasse.
There was a guy who used to post here who would repeatedly target whatever woman he happened to be obsessed with at the time and threaten to kill himself if she didn’t speak to him. It was disgusting and scary.

And then, of course, the men who are really into you, until you tell them you’re not into them: “Ugly stupid old fat mean fake whore bitch slut…”

My reply to anything that involves "I will kill myself if you don't....X" is, go right ahead. In real life, too. Have had more than enough of that kind of shit in my life.
I've never really gotten violent threats, surprisingly. One of my pet peeves are ones like this "Hey want to chat hit me up xxxx" from people I have never seen and have no post history.

I've had the save my soul from eternal damnation guy. I have been told I am everything that is wrong with lit because women like me scare away the sweet young girls, he never elaborated. I assume they are afraid my tits are going to come right for them or something. I've been told I am everything that is wrong with the world because women shouldn't behave like I do. Those guys always get me. When pressed they deny a double standard but admit they don't go off on men who post similar things, and other men who post similarly have confirmed not getting messages about how they are the root of all evil. God damn it, just admit you're a misogynist or angry that your wife left you. I haven't gotten any of these in a long time though.

My biggest annoyance, just because it is so very common, is gems like "deperate wife and mom..mmhmm...sounds so hot...i can be ur son mommy" or "mommy, I made a mess. cum clean me" followed by the cum shot dick picture. I guess my annoyance though is because I know it is my fault. I thought about my username, I wanted my user name to impart that I was just another cliche, just another women with desperate housewife syndrome, that mother who spent so much time focused on her family, that she stopped thinking of herself, just complete forgot herself. Day one, there was a pm or two from men who told me to change my name, but I didn't understand, and they didn't explain. Newbie me totally didn't see the incest fetish coming. The absolute last word I want to see is Mommy, unless it is a joke about #momlife. It doesn't bother me enough to change my name, but I think I am bothered by the fact that I failed so spectacularly to convey what I intended.
I think I posted the suicide hotline number and reported his posts.
I wasn’t the woman in question.
You are a better person than I am. I'd not even have answered. I resent people trying to use their emotions to manipulate me, especially like that. I wouldn't see it as a suicide threat, I'd see it as a personal insult.
well thank you. you are very kind. I still don't like missing something so obvious. I so should have seen that flag. I don't like being so blind.

I will reiterate that it was not your fault. And It is possible to change your name if you wanted to, people do it all the time. I did, long time ago. You wouldnt believe the crap I got for being Needfull Thing. In my defense, I thought it was clever, I was a horny kid and of a literary bent.
oh oh another one I get every now and then. The well meaning just a "nice guy" stranger who introduces themselves by recommending what plastic surgery procedures I should be having. Ok, if you aren't a plastic surgeon, or offering to pay for it, just don't. Like how did this become a way to introduce yourself? Change the scenario slightly, Hi, I'm Dave, your nose is too big, you'd be pretty if you had a rhinoplasty. Then they always get pissed when I recommend they don't introduce themselves like that because it can come off rude, and they tell me they only have my best interests in mind, and I am just a bitch. I need a link to a penis enlargement center to send these dudes, ya know because I worry about their best interests.
I will reiterate that it was not your fault. And It is possible to change your name if you wanted to, people do it all the time. I did, long time ago. You wouldnt believe the crap I got for being Needfull Thing. In my defense, I thought it was clever, I was a horny kid and of a literary bent.
good to know. and that makes me feel better. I'd have interpreted the name as to convey someone who is attracted to the darker, more sinful things in life, or as a Stephen King fan. I'd have never gone the "um honey, so what do you need" route. Clearly I am not the only one who didn't quite get Lit at first.
good to know. and that makes me feel better. I'd have interpreted the name as to convey someone who is attracted to the darker, more sinful things in life, or as a Stephen King fan. I'd have never gone the "um honey, so what do you need" route. Clearly I am not the only one who didn't quite get Lit at first.

I was like 18 when I first came here. Not quite one of the Originals, but close. 1st generation. I sorta kinda grew up on Lit. These crazy, perverted fuckers raised me. God help me.
Sometimes I feel like it is worse because I have an ampic thread…

I got this gem yesterday:

I'm [Real Name Redacted Because I’m a Good Person] and I saw your pics and I wish I could kiss your beautiful sexy body I would suck on your nipples every night and wake you by eating your yummy pussy

This is the first PM this person has ever sent me that I recollect and I have not responded. I get a lot of these “I want to do things to your body” messages, and when I do get the inkling to respond it is with something close to “thanks, but no thanks- I’ve got that covered on my own.”

The issue usually happens in their next reply. It is commonly something that cuts at my physical appearance (‘your a fat bitch NE way’) or at the fact that I just don’t know what I’m missing out on (‘I’m better with 10 hard inches to share with you’). At that point I’m left without the spoons to continue a conversation.
I like performing photo tributes on occasion, and I had a guy awhile back who kept bugging me to do a tribute for his wife. Not rude, unpleasant, or incendiary in any way about it, but he was persistent and it got annoying. What I want to know is why isn't he doing a real-life tribute on his own wife (or maybe he was!). That and I just didn't find his wife that attractive, quite frankly. I'm sorry, but that is kind of important to me.
Sometimes I feel like it is worse because I have an ampic thread…

I got this gem yesterday:

I'm [Real Name Redacted Because I’m a Good Person] and I saw your pics and I wish I could kiss your beautiful sexy body I would suck on your nipples every night and wake you by eating your yummy pussy

This is the first PM this person has ever sent me that I recollect and I have not responded. I get a lot of these “I want to do things to your body” messages, and when I do get the inkling to respond it is with something close to “thanks, but no thanks- I’ve got that covered on my own.”

The issue usually happens in their next reply. It is commonly something that cuts at my physical appearance (‘your a fat bitch NE way’) or at the fact that I just don’t know what I’m missing out on (‘I’m better with 10 hard inches to share with you’). At that point I’m left without the spoons to continue a conversation.

I've been a fan of yours for years now. I think that you are one of the sexiest and most beautiful souls on Lit. I love your body and your poetry. I am sorry this happens to you so often.

I used to think that PMing a woman a compliment was the more polite thing to do, because no one would comment on what I said, or take offense, or read into it. I've come to see now that it makes it feel seedy and dirty and like it's something to be ashamed of.

Most of the time I tend not to say anything at all, and just lurk, because I fear anything I say will be insulting or degrading. I try to avoid confrontation when I can, and saying anything to a woman about her sex appeal in any fashion, if not invited to, feels wrong.

Once again, I am sorry on behalf of myself and any other man who might be stupid enough to think that is okay.
I don’t think PMing a woman a compliment like this is out of bounds at all. It’s lovely. “I think you’re physically beautiful and I love your words?” Perfect.

What she said.

Just ask permission before offloading your fantasy and you're good

I met my current SO by PMing her a warning about a particularly sick and dangerous person here at Lit, Lancegibs, who has a habit of telling women he wants to cut things off of their bodies. He gets stalkery and follows women around, posting after them obsessively, sending PMs of his sick and violent fantasies, getting steadily more twisted until he is full on serial killer mode.

Given his example, I absolutely hesitate to ever send a PM unless I've already known that person.
And yes I named names and dont give a fuck. He shoulda been gone long ago.
I've been a fan of yours for years now. I think that you are one of the sexiest and most beautiful souls on Lit. I love your body and your poetry. I am sorry this happens to you so often.

I used to think that PMing a woman a compliment was the more polite thing to do, because no one would comment on what I said, or take offense, or read into it. I've come to see now that it makes it feel seedy and dirty and like it's something to be ashamed of.

Most of the time I tend not to say anything at all, and just lurk, because I fear anything I say will be insulting or degrading. I try to avoid confrontation when I can, and saying anything to a woman about her sex appeal in any fashion, if not invited to, feels wrong.

Once again, I am sorry on behalf of myself and any other man who might be stupid enough to think that is okay.

Nevyn, first off, I appreciate and enjoy compliments in public and privately and yours here are very kind. Thank you.

The thing I was trying to say was more about when or where did I give consent to be told about how I fit into another person’s fantasy? There is an obvious difference between “I think you have gorgeous breasts and your nipples are absolutely suckable” and “I want to suck on your nipples and cum all over your gorgeous breasts.” One is about me. The other is not.

Also, I do the same thing as you do as far as commenting - I’m more likely to just not because often I don’t think I have the right words or would be interesting enough. I tend to take TLC’s advice and stick to the rivers and the lakes that I’m used to.
Nevyn, first off, I appreciate and enjoy compliments in public and privately and yours here are very kind. Thank you.

The thing I was trying to say was more about when or where did I give consent to be told about how I fit into another person’s fantasy? There is an obvious difference between “I think you have gorgeous breasts and your nipples are absolutely suckable” and “I want to suck on your nipples and cum all over your gorgeous breasts.” One is about me. The other is not.

Also, I do the same thing as you do as far as commenting - I’m more likely to just not because often I don’t think I have the right words or would be interesting enough. I tend to take TLC’s advice and stick to the rivers and the lakes that I’m used to.
This is where I really do not envy the men of lit. Truth is, we have it easier meeting people. If men are trying to engage with women on lit, they have to pay attention to their style and often adapt. I would not be bothered by either statement, but both bore me. Unsolicited dick pictures don't bother me, but usually bore me. Things that some other women find attractive, make me uncomfortable, and contrariwise. We are all very different. Many women like "good girl" and it makes me cringe unless I know they are screwing with me then I like that they are screwing with me, but I also appreciate a simple growl or howl more than sugar sweet compliments, which bore me. I don't like deep romanticized declarations, but I know some women do. Is it possible there really are women who the stranger telling him he wants to cum on her tits excites? Is it possible there are women who enjoy the strangers creepy rape fantasy? Could some women really do get off on that mommy BS that I despise? Honestly, I think all those are probably men pretending to be chicks, but what do I know. Saying nothing obviously gets you nowhere, but safe compliments likely get men nowhere with most too. Sometimes I wonder if these lines just make them appear to be twatfalafels because they landed on the wrong chick, and my perspective is just too closed. IDK.

I will also admit to at least attempting to be all TLC, and sticking to where I fit best, or at least attempting to adapt to the space after observing. Likely, many of us do.
I met my current SO by PMing her a warning about a particularly sick and dangerous person here at Lit, Lancegibs, who has a habit of telling women he wants to cut things off of their bodies. He gets stalkery and follows women around, posting after them obsessively, sending PMs of his sick and violent fantasies, getting steadily more twisted until he is full on serial killer mode.

Given his example, I absolutely hesitate to ever send a PM unless I've already known that person.
And yes I named names and dont give a fuck. He shoulda been gone long ago.

I was warned about Lance. Not for the same things you have mentioned above. He sent me one PM that was a bit “creepy” so I avoided him for a while. He would still PM but there was nothing offensive so I started to chat with him. He apologised for his previous “creepy” PM. He was very respectful, never pushed things, in fact he didn’t really come on to me in a sexual way at all. It was more of a complimentary, romantic way. Those that know me would know that this is not how to get me interested in you! After a few chats, Lance told me something and I didn’t like it and I told him that I wouldn’t be able to chat with him anymore. To this day he has respected that and has not PM’d again. He understood my upset and that no meant no.

If other people have received the type of messages you are talking about from him, then they should have reported it. If not for themselves, but also to prevent it happening to others. If they did report it and the Mod did nothing, then that Mod should hang their head in shame. Yes he could be banned and come back as another user but if he is reported each time, then he will continue to get banned.
I was warned about Lance. Not for the same things you have mentioned above. He sent me one PM that was a bit “creepy” so I avoided him for a while. He would still PM but there was nothing offensive so I started to chat with him. He apologised for his previous “creepy” PM. He was very respectful, never pushed things, in fact he didn’t really come on to me in a sexual way at all. It was more of a complimentary, romantic way. Those that know me would know that this is not how to get me interested in you! After a few chats, Lance told me something and I didn’t like it and I told him that I wouldn’t be able to chat with him anymore. To this day he has respected that and has not PM’d again. He understood my upset and that no meant no.

If other people have received the type of messages you are talking about from him, then they should have reported it. If not for themselves, but also to prevent it happening to others. If they did report it and the Mod did nothing, then that Mod should hang their head in shame. Yes he could be banned and come back as another user but if he is reported each time, then he will continue to get banned.

*nods* I have talked to three women he has said the same things to, including the woman I lived with for 10 years. He specifically seems to focus on the idea of cutting a woman's breast off. They did report him. He has been banned and he comes back, every single time. This behavior goes back for many years, he's been several people on this site.
*nods* I have talked to three women he has said the same things to, including the woman I lived with for 10 years. He specifically seems to focus on the idea of cutting a woman's breast off. They did report him. He has been banned and he comes back, every single time. This behavior goes back for many years, he's been several people on this site.
For the past four years, he has been Lance so maybe he has changed or maybe people have stopped reporting him or maybe he isn’t the alt that you think he is.