"You Might Be Too Good For Me If....."

YMBTGFM if you see the word 'epitome' and your brain reads 'ep-it-om-e' as it should be spoken. Despite my knowing the word and being able to use and say it easily, whenever I see the word my stupid brain reads 'epi-tome' EVERY DAMNED TIME!
YMBTGFM if you see the word 'epitome' and your brain reads 'ep-it-om-e' as it should be spoken. Despite my knowing the word and being able to use and say it easily, whenever I see the word my stupid brain reads 'epi-tome' EVERY DAMNED TIME!
That is a tricky word. One that Brits and Yanks probably pronounce differently. I am pretty sure I do say ep-it-om-e like you mean though.
So, what you're saying is that I'm not even worthy of the world's biggest scumbag? :eek:

Well, I should just crawl under a rock right now. 😭😭😭😭

Ha! Funny story. A couple years back I tried going to this ‘rocknroll’ dive bar in Northeast London and they denied me entry for the way I was dressed. Even my own kids say I dress like a hobo.
YMBTGFMI you woke up on a Saturday with NO obligations but STILL got up to do productive stuff.
Because my tired ass ain't getting up until somebody DRAGS me out of this bed!
I am proud to announce that I have no standards and I would asphyxiate myself for you. I do draw the line at cutting my boobies off for you, though. Would 2 out of 3 be ok?
I like how you offer to asphyxiate for me...that sounds VERY kinky...2 out of 3 is acceptable...as long as instead of cutting off your boobies, you eagerly offer them up to me...
I like how you offer to asphyxiate for me...that sounds VERY kinky...2 out of 3 is acceptable...as long as instead of cutting off your boobies, you eagerly offer them up to me...
Whoah there. "Eagerly"? I don't know about eagerly. My usual approach is "why not", not "eagerly". Can I offer them but in a "they're here so you may as well interact with them" vibe?


Edited to add: it's shocking what I'd do if I'm bored enough.
YMBTGFMI you don't waste time daydreaming about seducing people you shouldn't try to seduce.

(Talking about ex-lovers, priests, your kids school teacher etc).

Ur more concerned with spelling and grammar than what I'm saying
You might be too good for me if you have ANY standards, or any kind of a life...
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