Post an audio of you dramatically reading the lyrics to any song. Think - a Shakespearian monologue of Back Dat A$$ Up.

This was a challenge many years ago on the original audio thread where @AlpineFresco dramatically reading Fancy by Reba McEntire went down into legend.
For best results -
- Think about choosing a song that's sexy or funny. Repetitive songs might not be very fun for you.
- Really commit to the dramatic moment! Dont be scared of voices or accents.
- Remember bravery and creativity will always be rewarded.

Remember the main rules which can be found >>here<<
One post per Litster. Have those submissions in by Friday (winner announced on Friday afternoon).
And even if you don't participate in this challenge, like and comment on your favorites!

Haven't listened to other's submissions...
*at least I made the deadline*


Post an audio of you dramatically reading the lyrics to any song. Think - a Shakespearian monologue of Back Dat A$$ Up.

This was a challenge many years ago on the original audio thread where @AlpineFresco dramatically reading Fancy by Reba McEntire went down into legend.
For best results -
- Think about choosing a song that's sexy or funny. Repetitive songs might not be very fun for you.
- Really commit to the dramatic moment! Dont be scared of voices or accents.
- Remember bravery and creativity will always be rewarded.

Remember the main rules which can be found >>here<<
One post per Litster. Have those submissions in by Friday (winner announced on Friday afternoon).
And even if you don't participate in this challenge, like and comment on your favorites!
Guess I will give this one a shot
This was hard one, guys!! Every single person really surprised me. Your performances, your song choices, your voices. I thought it would come down to the reactions, but at the last minute someone came in whose interpretation of the challenge just spoke to my soul. So... for his dramatic King Lear worthy performance of an Afroman classic, the winner of Week 2's Challenge is.....


Everyone give it up for the performance of a lifetime!!!


Thanks again to everyone for playing!! You guys amaze me. New challenge tomorrow!!!