AH Fantasies: An AH chain story

I'm following the suggestion of a friend. Hope I don't regret this.

If anyone would care to use me, hope the following provides enough info:

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 202 lbs.
Build: Stocky, muscular, a little soft in the middle
Hair: Black, short
Eyes: Brown/hazel
Tattoos: Libra symbol superimposed over tribal work on outside of right shoulder, Chinese characters for Love and Passion on lower left abdomen

Favorite Music and food? Glam-rock (Bon Jovi in particular) and Swing; favorite food: nachos, pizza, and STEAK!
Favourite Literature and Films? Read mainly non-fiction in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, physics and cosmology, but I love Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dumas, and HP Lovecraft. I love foreign films and well-done period pieces (Plunkett & MacLeane, Brotherhood of the Wolf), Monty Python and B-movies starring Bruce Campbell.

Expletives most often used? Fuck. Love that word.

Do you smoke? What? How much? Pack a day (Camel Turkish Silver)
Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? Beer. Anything dark, really. Favorites include Spaten, Mackeson and Shiner Bock. Failing that, single-malt Scotch (and ONLY single-malt)

Favourite pastime? Reading, writing, Xbox . . . and my lover, if I had one.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? If you've read my work, you know I love oral sex. And public sex. And any kind of sex.

What are your priorities in life? To make it to next year and take care of my friends.
If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes) Hmm . . . to never have to worry about my health

Optimist or pessimist: Why? Always the optimist . . . because as long as you survive, there's something good waiting for you.
Introvert or extrovert: Why? somewhere in the middle, i think. I'll stay quiet until something sparks my interest, then I move in.
Extremely skilled and unskilled at: skilled at: useless trivia, anything having to do with a bar/restaurant, leading others, listening. Unskilled at: hiding my emotions

What are your mannerisms? I'm the strong, silent type . . . usually. I don't talk much unless I need to, but around friends I can talk your ear off. I crack my knuckles a lot, too.

Describe yourself in 3 words: Patient, confident, stoic
Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: serious, sweet, intelligent

How do perceive a crisis and change? I revel in it. Even if it's something that affects or hurts me deeply, I am at my best when there's a crisis.

Okay. Feel free to abuse me to your heart's content! ;)
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Favorite Music and food? music...depends on the mood of the room im in. sex is great with gregorian chant. food? anything someone else cooks.
Favourite Literature and Films comedy

Expletives most often used? Well, shit! or Thank fuck for that.

Do you smoke? What? How much? sadly, yes i am a smoker but that will be changing soon, so i'd like to forget about that.
Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? Corona, rocks!

Favourite pastime? knitting, stained glass, basketry, spinning wool, baking, writting, making up words

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
im a lezbean.

What are your priorities in life?
to provide for my family.

If granted one wish, what would it be? enough money not to worry about bills.

Optimist or pessimist: cock-eyed optimist...*smirk*

Introvert or extrovert: extrovert. i seem to like making people feel comfortable so i'll go to those introverts and start talking.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: skilled at...? unskilled at...erm grammar.

What are your mannerisms? i wake at the ass crack of dawn. ill bite my cuticles when im nervous. i HAVE to multitask. im not happy when i don't have a squillion things going on.

Describe yourself in 3 words: giving, greedy, funny
Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: lucky says: generous, nurturing, strong

How do perceive a crisis and change? prioritise. what needs to be done first and what can wait until later? i tend to try to take the lead without trying.

k, thats me in a nutshell...kinda, sorta. :rolleyes:
RedHairedandFriendly said:
I'll try. :D lol. . .careful you two. . .we'll all be hauled in for thread jacking. ;) :p
Sorry, I'll stop then.

Oh just one more. Think of this conversation the next time you see one of those allergy medicine commercials where the cute girl is sneezing. ;)

Ok, I'm done now.
Favorite Music and food? Favorite Music is anything hard...metal, techno remixes of classical, some industrial. I hate country and Rap unless it's funny. Favorite food: steak (medium rare) baked potato with butter, side salad, milk.

Favourite Literature and Films Thrillers?
Science Fiction books, horror movies, anything by Pixar, anything funny and or anything that spoofs anything else.

Expletives most often used? Fuck and its derivatives....usually MotherFucker, Fuck it, and Fuck You top the list. Balls is another common word heard uttered in frustration. Awwpiss is one of the many Kevin-isms that is usually said right before something awful (painful) happens.

Do you smoke? What? How much? I hate smoking but don't mind if others are doing so.

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? Yes, though not often. I generally don't drink things that can't be lit on fire....Whiskey, Bourbon, and Gin top the list. If I drink beer, it's almost invariably Guiness Extra Stout, unless I'm hammered and I'll switch to Budweiser to help sober up.

Favourite pastime? Writing, listening to music, playing video games or board games.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? Redheads.

What are your priorities in life? God, Family, Friends, Country, Self.

If granted one wish, what would it be? To never have to worry about money again. Not necessarily be rich, but just to be comfortable and out of debt.

Optimist or pessimist: Why? Realist leaning toward Pessimist. Better to plan for the worst and take what you get.

Introvert or extrovert: Why? Yes. Depends on the situtation and location.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: Skilled at video games, computers, and figuring out people. Unskilled at Dancing and Dancing. Oh yeah, I can't dance for shit.

What are your mannerisms? I have an odd smile that creeps up when I think I have something figured out that others haven't yet. I also crack my joints fairly regularly, but only the bad ones: hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, back, and knees.

Describe yourself in 3 words: Kind, Confident, Larger-than-average
Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: Nice, Sexy, Cocky

How do perceive a crisis and change? A challenge can always be fun. That which does not kill me only delays the inevitable.
ungenderless said:
Sorry, I'll stop then.

Oh just one more. Think of this conversation the next time you see one of those allergy medicine commercials where the cute girl is sneezing. ;)

Ok, I'm done now.

LOL. . .I will probably think of it every time I sneeze. :p
Favorite Music and food? Music: it would take me forever to get this down on paper. The basics: I like most music, except for very heavy metal, country, and those absolute religious stuff. Music is an obsession with me. I live it, I breathe it, I feel it, I need it in my life. Food: I have a tendency to naturally choose foods that are healthy. Lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. I love pasta, and any food that has a bit of a bite to it. Good chocolate, of course. I consume more water than any person I know, I cannot function in the mornings without one cup of good coffee, but that is it. Tea for the rest of the day - chai, or green, or a pot of Darjeeling. Oh, and I am famous for my smoothie combinations!

Favourite Literature and Films I don't like the easy way out. It's not often that I choose movies that are easy to watch or books that read sugary. It has to make me think and feel. It has to touch me. I have to be able to make it mine.

Expletives most often used? Is "Goodness!" expletive enough? Either that or "Oh God" or " Goddess". " Oh fuck" sometimes, if kids are not around.

Do you smoke? What? How much? Rarely, but when i crave a cigarette, I will have one. I smoke weed on occasion.

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? Yes. I grew up on a wine farm and I am used to having a bottle of something good on the table during dinner. Other than that I have a good relationship with Jack and lime.

Favourite pastime? Sex. And people - I am a people - whore. I love meeting and connecting, touching, getting to know people. Other than that, I do yoga, and spend time with my daughter. And Wicca - I spend time working on the Craft, as spirituality has a huge influence in my life.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? I'm lesbian. I'm not getting into more than that right now . . . if you really want to know, pm me, and maybe we can discuss it.

What are your priorities in life? Caring for my daughter as best i can. Loving those I care for. Being true to myself.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes) To be with Her.

Optimist or pessimist: Why? Realist. It works for me.

Introvert or extrovert: Why? Both. Depends on the situation. I like my own company and I value my quiet time. But I need people too - on my terms.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: I'm good at yoga. I dance well (After taking classes for 15 years I should hope so) I play piano and a few other instruments. Unskilled - anything sport related, not only in terms of physically. I have no knowledge of sports in any shape or form, and I am not interested.

What are your mannerisms? I talk with my hands. I bite my lower lip when I am pondering something, and apparently, I raise one eyebrow . . . on occasion, to make a point.

Describe yourself in 3 words gentle, intense, caring

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words Imp says: pure, magical, mysterious

How do perceive a crisis and change? I ponder, but not for too long. I try to see things from all angles, look for the non-obvious, the non-conventional. And then I work with that, in combination with the reason for things. I ask " Why" often, even when I think I know the answer. I allow myself to feel whatever it is that I am feeling at the time.
Thanks to all who have answered the q's so far, i will add the link's to your post's tomorrow when i can be bothered :D If you return to edit your posts- it wont effect the link- the changes will show when the links are clicked.

Just as an idea, discussed with someone yesterday read a few pges back maybe) about disussing genre's of story you DO NOT wish to appear in

up to you if you want to specify this, i've made mine clear.
I'd say for stories I'd like not to be involved in.....well, I'm not into heavy bondage or S&M, I don't dig the dudes in that way, and I'm jealous of other guys with my wife, but I also trust her like I trust no other.

But, what the hell...it's fiction. Use me and abuse me, but keep in mind, I'm not the submissive type.
Favorite music? Indigo Girls & Melissa Etheridge.

Favorite food? Porterhouse steak, rare, broiled or grilled.

Favourite literature and films? Literature? Films? Shut up and touch me!

Expletives most often used? Shithead. Fuck.

Do you smoke? Quit tobacco 18 years ago. Never looked back. Partake of the hemp variety on very rare occasions.

Do you drink alcohol? Yeah. Beer. Cheap, sweet wines.

Favourite pastime? Three guesses.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? *cough* Uh huh.

What are your priorities in life? To make a difference.

If granted one wish, what would it be? See above.

Optimist or pessimist: Why? Realistic optimist. ;)

Introvert or extrovert: Why? Introvert, because I really don't like most people.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: Um... I don't boast well. Ask somebody else.

What are your mannerisms? I mostly observe/listen in social gatherings (unless I'm being spanked on a sofa in someone else's livingroom).

Describe yourself in 3 words: Resourceful, generous, sensual.

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: Anyone?

How do perceive a crisis and change? I'm great in a crisis & don't collapse until it's over. Then I fall apart (briefly).
Fallenfromgrace said:
Thanks to all who have answered the q's so far, i will add the link's to your post's tomorrow when i can be bothered :D If you return to edit your posts- it wont effect the link- the changes will show when the links are clicked.

Just as an idea, discussed with someone yesterday read a few pges back maybe) about disussing genre's of story you DO NOT wish to appear in

up to you if you want to specify this, i've made mine clear.

There's pretty much nothing I wouldn't -- or haven't -- done. I do, however, shy away from serious bondage and humiliation. if it's all fun and games, cool, I'm up for that.

Also, despite the fact that I have a few Incest stories out there, I don't fancy my own sister . . . or anyone else in my near or extended family . . . brrrr.
Favorite Music and food?If I had to pick one genre of music it would be singer/songwriter aka folk...
music effects my mood/emotions so I tend to be careful as to what I listen to

Food wise I used to enjoy pretty much anything... now nothing in the way
of food appeals

Favourite Literature and Films
Reading wise fantasy and fairytales... if you do a google search
on endicott studio you will get good idea of what I like to read
other than smutFilm wise don't see alot and tends to be eclectic in tastes
anything from mindless comedy to serious art films

Expletives most often used? fuck...pendejo... fud... whatever happens
to come out of my mouth at the time

Do you smoke? What? How much? yes... cigarettes...very occasionally
other things... don't recall last one was a few months ago before that
about ten or so a day... no I haven't quit

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much?very rarely... I could too easily climb
into a bottle and not come out... so I tend to just not...
though I will on rare occasion have a drink and what can vary
from a glass of wine to a beer(not the american swill) to hard liqour

Favourite pastime?reading

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
None that I can think of... would be easier to name dislikes

What are your priorities in life?
I'm supposed to have priorities? Why?

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes)
That the people I cared about had what they needed not neccesarily what they wanted.

Optimist or pessimist: Why? pessimist I expect the worst and
am happy when it doesn't occur for me it is better this than the
other way around which would upset me

Introvert or extrovert: Why? Introvert mostly... one on one can be quite extroverted once I am comfortable

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: averagely skilled at cooking...photography
(film not digital)...unskilled at the naughty stuff

What are your mannerisms?has conversations with self... uses elipses...has
facial tics... can be difficult to understand... tend to write and speak in stream
of conciousness.. have a hard time filtering

Describe yourself in 3 words antisocial...intense...sensitive
Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words if anyone has any ideas go for it

How do perceive a crisis and change?as a threat... I do not deal well with change..
I tend to get upset... luckily most people who "know" me tend to warn me if possible if a change is coming so I can prepare.

anything else one wants to know ask... I may or may not answer
Favorite music? I'm VERY Eclectic. As likely to be singing Black Sabbath as Toby Keith, dancing to Sean Paul or Brian Setzer. Even show tunes. Really, I mean it.

Favorite food? Carne Asada...and I like spicy & hot anything. but I can't stand tomatos and am allergic to avocado.

Favourite literature and films? Shakespeare & Tolkien. Kevin Smith & Bogart.

Expletives most often used? Fuck or Damn

Do you smoke? Quit in 1990. If I 'm with someone who is smoking I may have one. I very occasionally get stoned.

Do you drink alcohol? Guinness. Scotch. Red Wine. A little of everything else, but a bit of a snob. Give me Patron, not Cuervo.

Favourite pastime? Sports nut. Love it.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? I am extremely oral.

What are your priorities in life? My Friends and loved ones.

If granted one wish, what would it be? To be able to heal, magical-like. Vella's back? Lay on hands and....all better forever.

Optimist or pessimist: Why? Total optimist.

Introvert or extrovert: Why? extrovert

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: I'm good at sports but also a klutz. The kind that hits a home run and stumbles over first base.

What are your mannerisms? I try to be cool and fail miserably.

Describe yourself in 3 words: Passionate, intense, absent-minded

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: I need a volunteer...

How do perceive a crisis and change? Tend not to realize it's a crisis until it slaps me in the face and then I become intent on solving the problem. Sometimes after it's already solved. :eek:
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*taps mic* scuse me .................. is this thing on?? :cool:

i have an announcement to make. i now declare this thread an officially place. :nana: :nana: :nana:

for the remainder of this fantasy event we'll use it as a hangout

if you wanna of course :cathappy:

I'll be the chick opening sparkling wine if youre interested :catroar:
femininity said:
*taps mic* scuse me .................. is this thing on?? :cool:

i have an announcement to make. i now declare this thread an officially place. :nana: :nana: :nana:

for the remainder of this fantasy event we'll use it as a hangout

if you wanna of course :cathappy:

I'll be the chick opening sparkling wine if youre interested :catroar:

I know it's not even ten yet, but I need a boost. Forget the wine glasses. I want a pint of the stuff.
Favorite music? Genres: Reggae, R&B, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Classical, Motown. Artists: Ginuwine, Tyrese, D'Angelo, Heather Headley, Wyclef Jean, Vivaldi, Nina Simone, Sarah Vaughn, Toni Braxton, The Pussycat Dolls, Shakira, Shawn Colvin, kd lang (certain tracks), Melissa Etheridge, Sade, Norah Jones, Ne-Yo, Crazytown, Bonnie McKee, and more...

Favorite food? California rolls, veggies -- especially broccoli, Chinese and Japanese food, salads (dark leaf), anything strong in flavor and vegetarian, tuna steaks, salmon, orange roughy, etc.

Favourite literature and films? Literature: books by Ann Bannon, Stephen King, Ellen Gilchrist, Laurell K. Hamilton, V.C. Andrews, Sula and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, Charlotte Perkins-Gilman, Jamaica Kincaid, Kate Chopin, Jean Rhys, The Girl Who Owned A City by O.T. Nelson, and more

Films: Rent, Pulp Fiction, Set It Off, Kingdom Come, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Real Women Have Curves, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Corrina Corrina, Cowboy Be-Bop, City Lights, Lost and Delirious, Kissing Jessica Stein, Better Than Chocolate, But I'm A Cheerleader, The Conformist, and more.

Expletives most often used? Fuck, whore, shit, hell.

Do you smoke? Newport Box 100s, baby.

Do you drink alcohol? Occasionally..sloe gin and juice, vodka, anything fruity

Favourite pastime? Board games, blackjack, Nick at Nite/TVLand

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? Submitting/bottoming, discipline, bondage, extreme hand fetish...

What are your priorities in life?

If granted one wish, what would it be?

Optimist or pessimist: Why?

Introvert or extrovert: Why?

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:

What are your mannerisms?

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words:

How do perceive a crisis and change?

I'll get back to you on the rest of these...