AH Fantasies: An AH chain story

vella_ms said:
you know what?
i usually dont care if i'm used in a story or not.
you had better give me a cameo if nothing else, mr. thumb!
dont make me hunt you down.

I think I may have to do 2 or 3 stories...... I still think you and lucky and some home improvement hottie would be so sexy and wild :D
Salvor-Hardon said:
I think I may have to do 2 or 3 stories...... I still think you and lucky and some home improvement hottie would be so sexy and wild :D
sweetie, i was kidding. i love that you think lucky and i would be a great home improvement chickies, though.
i keese you!
scheherazade_79 said:
Favorite music? Southern, British-invasion/'70s/80s rock, especially Led Zeppelin, Lynyrd Skynyrd, CCR, and Aerosmith; least fave is gangster rap- can't stand it

Favorite food? so much food, so little time...steak, fajitas, spaghetti with meatballs, and any kind of seafood, almost any form of potato dish (except potato salad)

Favourite literature and films? Gore Vidal's Julian ranks up there, as do Mark Twain's works, Cooper's, Doyle's, Dickens's, anything Shakespearean or Homeric, Tom Clancy's works, Colleen McCullough's First Man In Rome series (amazingly entertaining and informative), William W. Johnstone's Ashes series; films would include Spartacus, The Vikings, Gladiator, U-571, Enemy At The Gates, Star Wars series, Gettysburg/Gods and Generals, The Patriot, Bruce Almighty, The Meaning of Life, the Life of Brian, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Dogs of War, Devil's Advocate, Titus, Amistad, Men In Black, Escape From LA

Expletives most often used? damn, ass, shit, hell, and fuck...sorry, nothing more unusual...I cuss like a typical Southerner, unless I do it in Latin

Do you smoke? no

Do you drink alcohol? now and then, mostly beer and some whiskey and wine/champagne

Favourite pastime? reading, writing, movies, music, and sex (duh)

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? I'm a bisexual swinger and switch with a heavy Dominant bent...I think that about sums it up, don't you?

What are your priorities in life? writing, family, friends, seeing this country have some kind of sane government for a change, and sex

If granted one wish, what would it be? for me and my gf to lose our health problems

Optimist or pessimist: Why? Pessimist; had a pessimistic mom and it rubbed off...trying to move away from pessimism, though; heard that it might be bad for me or something, not sure if that's true

Introvert or extrovert: Why? Introvert....habit picked up from being sick so much as a kid and having to spend time reading

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: skilled at grammar, history, that sort of thing, unskilled at mechanical shit...sorry, I'm not Mr. Handy...that's my brother

What are your mannerisms? aristocratic, just like me

Describe yourself in 3 words:intellectual, horny, political

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words:hmm...who could describe me...

How do perceive a crisis and change? time to buckle down and do something...I'm at my best when pressed for time
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I'm filling this out because Fallenfromgrace thinks I won't.

I'm not volunteering to be a character a lead in anyone's fantasy (bwhahahaha)... but I can stand in as Fifth Business if anyone requires. Roberston Davies made up the term for his book, but I always loved the concept:

Roberston Davies, excerpt from Fifth Business
"Who are you? Where do you fit into poetry and myth? Do you know who I think you are, Ramsay? I think you are Fifth Business.

"You don't know what that is? Well, in opera in a permanent company of the kind we keep up in Europe you must have a prima donna -- always a soprano, always the heroine, often a fool; and a tenor who always plays the lover to her; and then you must have a contralto, who is a rival to the soprano, or a sorceress or something; and a basso, who is the villain or the rival or whatever threatens the tenor.

"So far, so good. But you cannot make a plot work without another man, and he is usually a baritone, and he is called in the profession Fifth Business, because he is the odd man out, the person who has no opposite of the other sex. And you must have Fifth Business because he is the one who knows the secret of the hero's birth, or comes to the assistance of the heroine when she thinks all is lost, or keeps the hermitess in her cell, or may even be the cause of somebody's death if that is part of the plot. The prima donna and the tenor, the contralto and the basso, get all the best music and do all the spectacular things, but you cannot manage the plot without Fifth Business! It is not spectacular, but it is a good line of work, I can tell you, and those who play it sometimes have a career that outlasts the golden voices. Are you Fifth Business? You had better find out."
Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian
Status: Married
Height: 5'1" (on a really good day)
Weight: hah ... just mark me down as Rubenesque
Age: 38
Hair: Dark brown, short, silver white starting to come in over my left temple
Eyes: Green with blue rings ... when I'm emotional, they appear blue

Favorite Music
I have eclectic tastes ... Diana Krall, Nina Simone, Dinah Washington, Nine Inch Nails, Led Zepplin, Tom Jones ... whatever strikes me at the moment.

Favourite food?
For cuisine? Vietnamese is probably my favourite.
For actually foodstuffs/dishes? Most things.

Favourite Literature
Ah ... literature sounds so stuffy. I like books. I read what I like. Any genre, any author ... as long as it is well written and engages my interest

Favourite Films
This changes all the time based on my mood and what I've seen recently. Faves include Moulin Rouge, Strictly Ballroom, Brazil, Magnolia, Bound,

Expletives most often used?
I have a potty mouth, so just about anything goes.

Do you smoke? What? How much?
I quit about two years ago

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much?
On a very rare occasion ... and I have an extremely low tolerance. Every sip of alcohol reduces my IQ by 2 points ... :cool:

Favourite pastime?
Reading probably. Now writing is kinda fun ... if I'm in the right mood for it.

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
Ticklish to the extreme. Whoops ... that is NOT a fetish. That is an extreme dislike.
No fetish or extreme likes ... I'm rather easy to please.

What are your priorities in life?
They change based on what is going on. I keep my partner in the forefront though.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes)
Hmmm, this one will take some thought.

Optimist or pessimist: Why?
Pessimist. Because ... ;)

Introvert or extrovert: Why?
Intensely introverted. I tend to score on the far end of the scale.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:
Very unskilled.

What are your mannerisms?
I'm rather quiet and tend to hang off to the side or the back and observe. When I'm nervous I speak faster ... unless I'm making a very conscious effort to slow myself down. When I smile, it always shows in my eyes.

Describe yourself in 3 words
Sensitive, Caring, Brooding

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words

How do perceive a crisis and change?
At work ... its part of the everyday and I roll and adapt.
At home .. I hate it.
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A question to the writers. Are you telling the people in your stories they are being featured or are you going to wait and then let them know once the story posts?
Favorite Music and food?
Music...varies with mood, most listened to things in my collection are my ABBA albums, "Bat Out of Hell", the Bangles, Kim Wilde, B-52s, REM, and "Nevermind"
Food...quick and easy stuff--meat and potatoes, casseroles, burgers, pizza (no fungi or fish), not a lot of veggies beyond basics (green beans, carrots, corn, olives)

Favourite Literature and Films
Books...SciFi and Fantasy mostly--McCaffrey, Eddings, Donaldson, Tolkein, Niven, Hambly, Jordan, Gaiman
Films...eclectic as well, some faves are:Bladerunner, Empire Records, Rocky Horror, Shock Treatment, Galaxy Quest

Expletives most often used?Damn, fuck, friggin', crap, shit,

Do you smoke? What? How much? Not regularly anymore, was Marlboro or Camel Lights and the occasional bowl or joint
Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? Purely on social occasions (an occasional shot of Schnapps after a long day not withstanding) *g* vodka-based drinks or else Southern Comfort. Will do tequila shots with the right people, hehehe

Favourite pastime? Trying to write, shuffling about the web, playing D&D or Magic:The Gathering

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? Distinct preferences for green eyed redheads with nice curves, assman, have a penchant for control/being controlled but haven't explored it all that much

Will be back with the rest
CrimsonMaiden said:
A question to the writers. Are you telling the people in your stories they are being featured or are you going to wait and then let them know once the story posts?

Erm, I don't know. I've not thought that far ahead yet :)
SelenaKittyn said:
Ditto. I haven't even decided who yet!

Oh, I've decided who, I'm just afraid one of them is going to say "I don't want you writing a story about me!"
CrimsonMaiden said:
Oh, I've decided who, I'm just afraid one of them is going to say "I don't want you writing a story about me!"
If their name is in the character list, then they've given themselves up to be used by any author.
As long as I have approximately the same amount of bodily fluids that I started with I'm cool.

Except don't try to chain me up. Bad things will happen, the ending will be unhappy and you'll have to post the story in Erotic Horror. ;)
damppanties said:
If their name is in the character list, then they've given themselves up to be used by any author.

Exactly - I really can't see anyone being anything but flattered by being a star in one of your stories :)
damppanties said:
If their name is in the character list, then they've given themselves up to be used by any author.

Oh I know that. It doesn't keep the self-doubt from coming up and telling me he'll cringe at the thought though, lol.

Thanks EL. :rose:
rgraham666 said:
As long as I have approximately the same amount of bodily fluids that I started with I'm cool.

Except don't try to chain me up. Bad things will happen, the ending will be unhappy and you'll have to post the story in Erotic Horror. ;)

Oh don't worry dear, I don't have any chains planned for you. ;)
CrimsonMaiden said:
Oh I know that. It doesn't keep the self-doubt from coming up and telling me he'll cringe at the thought though, lol.

Thanks EL. :rose:
Um, kill him in the end? No cringing. :devil:

Seriously, you are one amazing woman for putting all this together and like EL said, I don't see anyone who wouldn't like to be in your story. Forget the self-doubt and go ahead and do it. Everyone in the character list is fair meat... er... game.
damppanties said:
Seriously, you are one amazing woman for putting all this together

Thanks. It's not that difficult, really. Besides, if it wasn't for Fem's wonderful idea, it wouldn't be happening. And FallenfromGrace has been a tremendous help handling the description part.
Nirvanadragones said:
Isn't it interesting how we see people differently from how they see themselves? I don't think of you as clumsy at all. You carry yourself well - I like the way you describe being relaxed, because you are, until you become interested in something and it really catches your attention. Then you're completely absorbed and focused.

There's something in the way you move. It's more than grace - it's smooth, flowing motions. Reminds me of layers and layers of lava overflowing from a volcano . . . :kiss:
i love u too :kiss:
*squeals at RL* :D :D blessness!

Some people are aware that they are in my stories, others arent.

Some people have cameos- again some are aware others arent yet.

*i will update the descriptions etc soon. i promise, tomorrow evening i think*
hihi ^_^ lol ok.... skip told me i need to come over here. what exactly am i supposed to do? o_O
blackrose_216 said:
*volunteers* lol now... how exactly am i being used? *laughs*
You'll find out when you read my chapter. Go back to Falling's place and click on the link for character descriptions and add your. I'll tell you the nature of my chapter on Falling's site.
OK, I'm not so sure about this, but here goes.

5'7, 205lbs (but a lot of it is muscle...seriously :rolleyes: )
Dark hair, goatee
Green eyes, light skin
Most often seen lifting 108lb weight as often as possible (usually while she lays on top of me :D ).
If you need anything else Skip, let me know.
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