AH Fantasies: An AH chain story

S-Des said:
OK, I'm not so sure abouut this, but here goes.

5'7, 205lbs (but a lot of it is muscle...seriously :rolleyes: )
Dark hair, goatee
Green eyes, light skin
Most often seen lifting 108lb weight as often as possible (usually while she lays on top of me :D ).
If you need anything else Skip, let me know.

Thanks, Des. Go back and click on my link for character descriptions and enter your information in the format provided there. kiten will be a character too, so you can expect some interesting scenes in my chapter.
OK, here are my answers revised.

Favorite Music and food? Music: I like all kinds of music, Beethoven/ Mozart/ Grieg to Marilyn Manson/ Chevelle/ Korn. Golden Oldie Indian/ Bollywood to Heavy Bhangra/ British Asian Beats. At the moment i am LOVING KD Lang, Alanis Morissette, KT Tunstall, ATB...*My Last fm- click to see my music habits*

Food: ok i might be a bit fussy- i dont like fish or lamb, i dont eat beef. Can't eat nuts/ eggs/ various Fruit & Veg. I LOVE pasta, like rice, polenta, couscous etc etc. Chinese food is my favourite.

Favourite Literature and Films Books: Thrillers or emotive, sometimes non-fiction- usually history related (Romanov, Titanic, Egypt)
Films/ TV: Action, SciFi, Adventure, Comic Fantasy, romcoms, Codies, tear jerkers. I HATE horror films. Love Bollywood.

Expletives most often used? 'bugger' 'shit' 'fuck'

Do you smoke? What? How much? Social cigerette smoker, often smoke shisha/hooah (click) - once a month if that- its worse for yu lungs than ciggies- no filter and arabic tobaccois STRONG.

Do you drink alcohol? What? How much? not often, archers and lemonade, bacardi and orange, alchopops, Martini and lemonade, Pear Kopperberg (Swedish Cider), Bailey's on Ice.

Favourite pastime? Writting, listening to music, drawing, painting, taking photographs on my SLR Pentax k1000 (36 year old camera :D)

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? i HAVE many: women :D Tattoos and piercings, power suits, glasses, motorbike leathers. I LOVE being bitten in the right places, an biting another anywhere between the chin and breastbone. i have a VERY erogenous back, and depending on the touch, i can snooze or become aroused.

What are your priorities in life? this, i have yet to figure out. Something along the lines of 'self discovery', siblings, uni, future career.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes) Again i have yet to figure out what part of my life needs the most intervention.

Optimist or pessimist: Why? both depending on the situation (usually pess tho)

Introvert or extrovert: Why? depends on the situation- i could talk the ears off a stranger on a bus, but stick me in front of someone i fancy and i get tongue tied. I also NEVER make 1st moves. EVER. I can be shy, but i can also be the loudest :D

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:

Skilled at procrastinating, writting LONG stories lol (not the quality, just the ability to waffle!)
Unskilled at focusing on uni work and controlling my cravings.

What are your mannerisms? I have many: I chew the top of pen's/ glasses stems, i rub my left eyebrow when stressed- causing the hairs to fall out. I pace the room/ house while on the phone, run my hands through my hair,. I cant stop fiddling- with my rings, my hair, my bracelets, chains, you name it. I have a right knee-shake issue.

I do not take compliments well, i also feel odd when 'worried about' by my AH friends.

Describe yourself in 3 words: attention seeking, kind, needy

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: DAMPY SAID: Adorable, loving, interesting.

How do perceive a crisis and change? depends on my mood, i can take both badly if down.

Crisis depends on the kind- group related uni work- im usually the glue- i prepare everything, make sure we have everything we need etc.
Family related- i get really upset.

Change- i havent really had to experience a lot of MAJOR change in my life. I'm geting better at being 'new' in an environment- new work/ moving to uni etc
I don't take bereavement well at all. on any level.

In general, im pretty weak willed, i punish myself a lot, procrastinate a lot, but i care deeply for those who enter my life. VERY deeply.
I LIVE for music and my art.
i cannot abide lateness in others, i get frustrated if something makes me late- transport etc.
i HATE commuters who insist on trying to find their travel passes as they stand at the the barriers!
i HATE slow walkers (i dont walk, i stride)- i'll dig em if they're cute tho ;).

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Favorite Music and food? Music: I love Texas blues, but can listen to most anything
Food: not a picky eater in the least. I can't stand brussel sprouts or asparagus.

Favourite Literature and Films: Books: Sherman Alexie is my favorite author, but for quick recreational reading I love murder mysteries.
Films: I'll watch just about anything, from comedies, to mysteries, to kids films,

Expletives most often used? "fuck" hands down.

Do you smoke? What? marlboro light 100's...about a pack a day

Do you drink alcohol? very little, but when I do, margaritas, baby!

Favourite pastime? reading, mostly. I make blankets for Pine Ridge while I watch tv (god, I sound so boring)

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes? none, really, except that I have never been able to get interested in clean cut guys. I've always liked the guys with long hair (a cultural thing?) and tattoos.

What are your priorities in life? my kids, I suppose

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes) That my life would be less complicated...less constrained

Optimist or pessimist: Why? I try to be optimistic, but sometimes it's just too damn much work

Introvert or extrovert: Why? extrovert, definitely. We moved around a lot while I was growing up, and if I'd been quieter, I'd never have had any friends.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at: I'm skilled at lots of little, inconsequential things: can fix the water heater, the computer, the faucet, etc....I'm "handy." Unskilled at housekeeping (okay, not unskilled, but I hate it, and get out of it any way I can)

What are your mannerisms? I dislike silence, it rings in my ears, so I have to have something on all the time...either the tv or the radio - even a box fan in the room when I sleep. I suppose it comes from growing up in a large, noisy family.

I got used to having a 30-minute lunch break when I was working, so I inhale my food...usually finish much sooner than everyone else.

I twist my hair with my fingers when I'm thinking hard and most times don't even realize I'm doing it.

Describe yourself in 3 words: opinionated, blunt, compassionate.

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words: volunteers? Bel says: fiery, spiritual, brave

Others said:
steadfast beliefs
fierce, loyal
strong, full of conviction, traditional
Steadfast in beliefs, protector
Cloud Warrior, Slayer of Trolls

How do perceive a crisis and change? I handle both well, and in a crisis I usually become the take charge person.
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Oh yeah, I forgot to add in my description that I have a gotee, but it's kinda visible in the Avatar isn't it?

And yup, I'm available for all kinds of humiliation...I'm used to it by now ;)
Moaning peeps.

gotta write

dont wanna

sigh .............................

whers my inspirational nurse?? :cool:
ok this may seem totally petty but i'm gonna say it anyway.

zade and i are writing the introduction story to this which intro's all the writers and a few of the extras. its a quirky funny kind of a story

so we have to pair up authors. some "little scenes" will have three or more people in them. i just wanna make sure that everyones gonna be comfortable with who they're paired up with.

SO if there someone that you like totally dont get along with or that u dont want to be paired up with in a story them please can u pm me? it wont go any further than me knowing.

i just dont want anyone to be uncomfortable
I forgot to add in my description that I wear glasses. (can't wear contacts because they give me headaches.)
How about updating the character list. I know some who have signed on that don't yet appear. And the opening chapter that's going to include everybody - you can pair, trio, quad me with any except males. I don't onject being with other males in the scene, but not intimately.
Patience, Skip. As far as I know, everyone who has volunteered up until yesterday has been added. I do have some semblance of a life you know. :p
CrimsonMaiden said:
Patience, Skip. As far as I know, everyone who has volunteered up until yesterday has been added. I do have some semblance of a life you know. :p

I should hope you do. I wasn't rushing you. Just a reminder. :rose:
Skip1934a said:
I should hope you do. I wasn't rushing you. Just a reminder. :rose:

I beleive its my task that is lacking at the moment...i need to link everyone's answers to the extra q's to their decriptions in my post. I also need to cross crim's list.

later.i promise.
Fallenfromgrace said:
I beleive its my task that is lacking at the moment...i need to link everyone's answers to the extra q's to their decriptions in my post. I also need to cross crim's list.

later.i promise.

drudgery. I applaud you ladies for all the effort you're putting in to the project.
CrimsonMaiden said:
I forgot to add in my description that I wear glasses. (can't wear contacts because they give me headaches.)

Girls in glasses are sexy... oh, and Crim, I know you have no life, so shut up and get to work on this story chain, would you? :p ;) :kiss:
SelenaKittyn said:
Girls in glasses are sexy... oh, and Crim, I know you have no life, so shut up and get to work on this story chain, would you? :p ;) :kiss:

Done it already Ms. Kittyn. :p :kiss: (And yes, I really don't have a life.) If there's someone else I've missed, will someone please let me know?
SelenaKittyn said:
Girls in glasses are sexy...

*fans self* arent they just!

i know im sad...but here are my fave glasses :D this style frames:

Mine have that same basic shape, but the frames are wire and the bottom of the lenses are frameless (plus the bottoms are a little more rounded).