AH Fantasies: An AH chain story

drksideofthemoon said:
Minor details, just think how handy a horse would be in a traffic jam....

my god the traffic where she is...ha! NOTHING would do any good out there! its freakin insane! people practically running into each other, no strict road network, BEEPING CONTINUOUSLY! argh my god i hated being in any way involved in the traffic over there.

ps. dampy, didi...something was wrong with my msn and it was mean to me :( sorry i missed you.
FallenfromGrace has convinced me to throw my name in the ring as an author as well...Here's hoping my muse comes back sometime in the next half a year :eek:
Oh hell, I'll write one too. I should have time to research the person and get to know them in six months.
deathlynx said:
FallenfromGrace has convinced me to throw my name in the ring as an author as well...Here's hoping my muse comes back sometime in the next half a year :eek:
Ohhhh delicious... ;) :D :devil:
Tossing my hat into the ring!

I'll write, and be written as any of you see fit! :) This is a great project!!!

Oh yeah... This might be useful... Haha!

123lbs... today
Hair: Brown - straight with no layers or bangs, falling to mid-scapula & usually in a ponytail
Eyes: Says "Hazel" on my driver's license, though lately my eyes have taken on a greenish hue.
Boobs: Small. :rolleyes:
Body Type: On the athletic side of Average
Orientation: Lesbian (Think "Will" from "Saving Face" - Except not chinese and I don't smoke)


Favorite Music and food?
Music: Entirely a mood thing. But generally I can listen to classical at all times.

No Mushrooms. No olives. I would eat more seafood... but unfortunately, I have a tendency to wind up in hospitals after doing so. So none of that either. Beyond that... EVERYTHING.

Favourite Literature and Films: Books:
*laughs* Jules Verne has been my favorite author since 4th grade.

*blushes* I have a fondness for Disney movies. And the Classics! "I AM SPARTACUS!"

Expletives most often used?
Though I'll slip up occationally, I go out of my way not to use them.

Do you smoke?

Do you drink alcohol?
No. Though I enjoy a good virgin Margarita, with lot's of salt.

Favourite pastime?
rock climbing

Do you have any particular fetishes or extreme likes?
Backs, pregnant women, long hair

What are your priorities in life?
Find love, marry her, have a family, specialize in my career field.

If granted one wish, what would it be? (no you cant ask for a thousand more wishes)
To not be given a wish. I want nothing that is not meant to be mine on its own terms.
Edited to add: Ok... maybe... the ultimate cure for cancer.

Optimist or pessimist: Why?
Optimist! Because sometimes, all that's left is hope, and when those times come, it is either sink or swim. I choose to swim.

Introvert or extrovert: Why?
Introvert. Expressing myself vocally can be a challenge for me. I am always shy at first. But I warm up quickly.

Extremely skilled and unskilled at:
Skilled: Massage, grahpic arts, photography, entertaining children
Unskilled: Cooking, talking on the phone, writing letters, shopping

What are your mannerisms?
I am very accident prone. VERY. Accident prone. I am quick to smile, and I'm generally happy and calm. I like to maintain eye contact when I am speaking with someone. I sometimes rely on body language for communication. I'm told that my face is very expressive.

Describe yourself in 3 words:
Loyal, observant, quiet

Ask someone else to describe you in 3 words:
tender, intense, sensual

How do perceive a crisis and change?
I will keep my cool if the distress is my own. I have a high threshold for pain both physical and emotional. When it has something to do with someone I love, however, I have been known to crack under the pressure. As for change, it is inevitable. It will happen wether I like it or not, so might as well adapt and keep moving.
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I am going to end up writting about 10 stories...:S AUTHORS...STOP ADDING YOURSELVES...you're driving me mad! lol...

if it wasnt my damned need to focus heavily on 2 characters...i'd have more main characters in each story!

*le sigh* the fantasy is going awfully well though :D and a certain friend of mine is doing all that she can to fan those flames. :eek:.
ungenderless said:
Sorry to interrupt, but I just have to say: Dampy, you have one of the most awesomest avatars ever! I loved your snuggly one, but this new one is so clever and vivid. :rose:
Thank you. I finally got the courage to post my face up there. Well, kind of. :eek:
Fallenfromgrace said:
my god the traffic where she is...ha! NOTHING would do any good out there! its freakin insane! people practically running into each other, no strict road network, BEEPING CONTINUOUSLY! argh my god i hated being in any way involved in the traffic over there.

ps. dampy, didi...something was wrong with my msn and it was mean to me :( sorry i missed you.
:D :D :D

We're not insane. We just like to live life dangerously. All that adrenaline... Yeeeaahhhh! I drive over here and love it. It gets my aggressive side out. ;) I think I'm going to miss this when I go somewhere else and have to be straight and proper about driving. :D
Oh, and I'm loving all the new authors joining in. (Let's get more and have Grace write an even dozen chapters :D )

And please, someone needs to write about MagicaPractica's gorgeous blue eyes. I want to read it.
damppanties said:
Oh, and I'm loving all the new authors joining in. (Let's get more and have Grace write an even dozen chapters :D )

And please, someone needs to write about MagicaPractica's gorgeous blue eyes. I want to read it.

You should see the rest of her. Rowr! :catroar:
I'm officially putting out a request for Jenny Jackson to write a chapter. Please? Pretty please? :heart:
If we're doing requests, I want one by Abs. (And I still want that thumb story!!!) sigh.
Is there any chance of a deadline extension?

And yes... I've had considerable experience of asking this question
scheherazade_79 said:
Is there any chance of a deadline extension?

And yes... I've had considerable experience of asking this question

If you can get someone else in the list to switch with you, I'm game. Ask around and let me know.