Any more Sci Fi fans her?

Well, DUH! Yes, I am an idiot. I don'tthink that I ever actually watched it. Wasn't that the one with Bruce Boxlightner?
Flashh said:
Well, DUH! Yes, I am an idiot. I don'tthink that I ever actually watched it. Wasn't that the one with Bruce Boxlightner?
yes thats the one
Well, I gave SciFi investigates it's last shot last night, and I think that after 3 episodes, it still sucks. Horribly. Just awful. Ridiculous.
Flashh said:
Well, I gave SciFi investigates it's last shot last night, and I think that after 3 episodes, it still sucks. Horribly. Just awful. Ridiculous.

I agree 110%.. time to put something worth watching on..
Battlestar Galactica is definitely something I watch on a weekly basis. the new Dr. Who is pretty great as well.

Hell, I even like the 5th Element, who am I kidding, I'm a sci-fi geek.
richard_daily said:
Battlestar Galactica is definitely something I watch on a weekly basis. the new Dr. Who is pretty great as well.

Hell, I even like the 5th Element, who am I kidding, I'm a sci-fi geek.

Are you kidding? The Fifth Element was one of the best movies ever! I think that I have seen it about a thousand times or so, and I still love it!

I tried watching Dr. Who the first few times it was on SciFi, but I just don't get most British TV.
Flashh said:
Are you kidding? The Fifth Element was one of the best movies ever! I think that I have seen it about a thousand times or so, and I still love it!

I tried watching Dr. Who the first few times it was on SciFi, but I just don't get most British TV.

the new dr who is flimed not far from me and i have even seen some shooting.
but got to say i am loveing all i see of the new nbc programe heroes
Heroes rocks! Every week it sucks you in deeper and deeper. I loved it when Hiro came back from the future in the subway. Who'd have thought that Hiro becomes a badass? And the blonde chick is smokin hot!

Can't wait for Galactice tonight. Looks to be a good one.
Sci-fi female fans!

Yeah you could say that I am somewhat of a sci-fi freak! In a good way though! lol My favorite shows include SG1 and Atlantis, along with the new Dr. Who, and even though we have a new doctor this time so new into the season, I am starting to like this doctor with every episode I see...

There's just something about him, what I don't know....yet!
LnC7471 said:
Yeah you could say that I am somewhat of a sci-fi freak! In a good way though! lol My favorite shows include SG1 and Atlantis, along with the new Dr. Who, and even though we have a new doctor this time so new into the season, I am starting to like this doctor with every episode I see...

There's just something about him, what I don't know....yet!
you should see the actor when he played casanova
very big fan of sci-fi

Star Trek...everything but the first movie
Red Dwarf...sci fi and funny all in one
Dr Who...i was crushed when our local PBS stopped showing it (Tom Baker was the best incarnation)
Old Battlestar Galactica...for its time was a very good show, haven't seen much of the new series
I almost never missed an episode of X-files until things began to fall apart
movies: X-men, Evolution, Galaxy Quest (okay those last two are more tongue-in-cheek scifi but still)....crap my mind is on overload
I liked the 5th Element and the Star Gate movie (not a big fan of the TV series, after all, how many ways can the same story be told...)
I'm sure i will chime in with more later
interfacial said:
Star Trek (Voyager) - I watched, I enjoyed it for what it was, but it was a rip off of TNG and so unoriginal. God I hated Janeway. They tried to make her Picard + female romantic boring crap. Jeri Ryan was there for her breasts. I enjoyed them immensely, but not her character.
you say that like it was a bad thing :D
I liked Voyager. I've really been getting into Enterprise, especially now that HDNet is running it. Very cool.
Flashh said:
I liked Voyager. I've really been getting into Enterprise, especially now that HDNet is running it. Very cool.

Enterprise had great potential but Rick Berman and Brannon Braga since they took over the franchise with the passing of Gene Roddenberry, the "Great Bird of the Galaxy," 15 years ago have tried to rewrite it into their own image and not what Roddenberry intended and it almost killed the franchise. Enterprise was just another example of their ineptness and lack of understanding when it comes to Star Trek. At least there is now a glimmer of hope since Gene Jr. is taking more of an active role in it's direction. I think the biggest down turn began with DS9 If Gene had been alive I don;t think that series would have ever been birthed at least not in the form it was done.. It was too dark and had none of the future hope Roddenberry always expected Trek to put forth. I'll put away my soap box for now and head to work.
I'm really getting into the Dr. Who series right now.

Also there is a new one called Torchwood staring Captian Jack. It's like Dr. Who crossed with CSI

Pretty cool
ShyGuy68 said:
Personally I'm a big Star Trek fan (Deep Space 9 being my favorite), but I also like other sci fi tv shows.

So I was just wondering if there are any more sci fi fans here, and if so, what are you a fan off?

Deep Space Nine was my favorite, too.

I've really miss Star Trek. I never could figure out when Enterprise came on or what channel, so I never watched that one too much.

Not sure if this is considered sci-fi or not, but I was also a big fan of X-Files.

Camille Savage said:
Deep Space Nine was my favorite, too.

I've really miss Star Trek. I never could figure out when Enterprise came on or what channel, so I never watched that one too much.

Not sure if this is considered sci-fi or not, but I was also a big fan of X-Files.
I loved DS9 as well, couldn't quite figure out why most Trekkies seemed to be so hard on it, maybe because it came after Next Generation. I still would rather watch the reruns of it over most Next Generation episodes, love the characters and the whole storyline of the Founders and the War.

I thought the third year of Enterprise was by far the best. They finally got a good writer in there who did some awesome storylines that also tied up some loose ends, damn shame they didn't get to continue.

Also love X-Files.
jacintexas said:
Enterprise had great potential but Rick Berman and Brannon Braga since they took over the franchise with the passing of Gene Roddenberry, the "Great Bird of the Galaxy," 15 years ago have tried to rewrite it into their own image and not what Roddenberry intended and it almost killed the franchise. Enterprise was just another example of their ineptness and lack of understanding when it comes to Star Trek. At least there is now a glimmer of hope since Gene Jr. is taking more of an active role in it's direction. I think the biggest down turn began with DS9 If Gene had been alive I don;t think that series would have ever been birthed at least not in the form it was done.. It was too dark and had none of the future hope Roddenberry always expected Trek to put forth. I'll put away my soap box for now and head to work.

The thing is, Roddenberry's vision had its time and place. Had he still been around and left the series unchanged throughout all of the post-TOS series, the series would have ended after a season or two of TNG. Times change, the world changed in that interval, the audience changed.

TOS was a great series, for its time. However, as one of the DS9 writers pointed out, the suspension of disbelief necessary to "swallow" TOS' view of technology became virtually impossible once every home had a computer with their attendant failures and frustration. Likewise, the post-split Germany/post-Soviet world wasn't looking for the world TOS imagined.

Personally, DS9, once the writers learned their lessons from Babylon 5, was possibly the best ST series to date. It was the first time ST has plots that lasted more than two episodes and the first time there was serious character development. Not to mention the first time that ST displayed real gender equality and had more than token aliens.

Papillon24 said:
Also there is a new one called Torchwood staring Captian Jack. It's like Dr. Who crossed with CSI

Sadly, from what I've seen/heard, it'll never make its way to the U.S. networks, at least not without FCC censorship. :( Ah well, here's hoping DVDs'll be available in the original, unedited, format.

I was just wondering, as a fan of the show "Lost", is it considered Sci-fi? I've seen it discussed on some sci-fi boards but never really thought of it that way.
SF music fan myself. Will indulge in a good SF book once in a while like works by Neal Stephenson and Isaac Asimov.
Hi there! I'd count myself as a fan, yes. Lately my shows are Dr. Who and Galactica. Used to enjoy B5 when it was on.

Having just recently started watching Dr.Who, and never having seen the show in any of its previous versions, does anyone know some good sites that Dr. Who newbs can use as a primer for the series?
sillywabbit said:
Hi there! I'd count myself as a fan, yes. Lately my shows are Dr. Who and Galactica. Used to enjoy B5 when it was on.

Having just recently started watching Dr.Who, and never having seen the show in any of its previous versions, does anyone know some good sites that Dr. Who newbs can use as a primer for the series?

There are several fan site out there. goggle DR. Who and you should be able to find them.. The BBC also had a pretty good DR. Who section.. haven't been on it in a long time though. you can try and go to the dr.who page
Yet another...

...Science fiction and sci fi fantasy fan. I was hooked when I was a little kid, and haven't gotten over it yet. From Asimov to Heinlen to DS9 and all the Trek shows -well, not so much Enterprise- have always enjoyed most things that have come along.

I remember the corny Lost in Space shows, Star Trek when it was first broadcast, and more 'B' "science fiction" movies than I can count...and yes, I'm enjoying "Heroes" also.

I don't have cable, but my son and a friend of his keep me up to date with the new Dr Who...
Don't really care whether Lost is considered SciFi or not, I'm friggin' hooked! that show rocks!

And of course, I loved the X-files. Gillian Anderson was just smokin' hot in that show!
Flashh said:
Don't really care whether Lost is considered SciFi or not, I'm friggin' hooked! that show rocks!

And of course, I loved the X-files. Gillian Anderson was just smokin' hot in that show!

new x files movie should be in production next year