ASSHAT AWARDS: Even more of the Best of the Worst PMs & emails received

Hi how are you doing
Do you want to have fun

we can start by making out then taking each other clothes off then kissing your body then kissing around your pussy then eating your pussy then doing 69 then we can fuck and then I would fuck the fuck out of your anal and anything you want to add but if you don’t like this plan we can make a new one what ever you want to do

I will be your slave I will do anything you want me to do

Immediately ignored.

This is the shit I just don’t understand: NONE of this is anything my profile even hints at me liking or wanting to talk about. NONE. And a quick look at my post history says I’m not really flirty, I’m a submissive, and I have my needs filled (rather well, thank You very much). Why do these people not read what I have conveniently provided for them (in several places) before messaging?!!? This is a literature site, right? Read!!

Also, kinda lowkey curious how one would “fuck the fuck” out of an anal. 🤦
Hi how are you doing
Do you want to have fun

we can start by making out then taking each other clothes off then kissing your body then kissing around your pussy then eating your pussy then doing 69 then we can fuck and then I would fuck the fuck out of your anal and anything you want to add but if you don’t like this plan we can make a new one what ever you want to do

I will be your slave I will do anything you want me to do

Immediately ignored.

This is the shit I just don’t understand: NONE of this is anything my profile even hints at me liking or wanting to talk about. NONE. And a quick look at my post history says I’m not really flirty, I’m a submissive, and I have my needs filled (rather well, thank You very much). Why do these people not read what I have conveniently provided for them (in several places) before messaging?!!? This is a literature site, right? Read!!

Also, kinda lowkey curious how one would “fuck the fuck” out of an anal. 🤦
When I get stuff like this, I assume it's just copied and pasted to anyone who is online and appears to be female and breathing. (The breathing bit is probably optional.) It does puzzle me as to how much success people have doing this. But then, when my brother was on Tinder, he was one of those guys that swipes right on every single woman, and now he has a lovely girlfriend. *shrug*
Hi how are you doing
Do you want to have fun

we can start by making out then taking each other clothes off then kissing your body then kissing around your pussy then eating your pussy then doing 69 then we can fuck and then I would fuck the fuck out of your anal and anything you want to add but if you don’t like this plan we can make a new one what ever you want to do

I will be your slave I will do anything you want me to do

Immediately ignored.

This is the shit I just don’t understand: NONE of this is anything my profile even hints at me liking or wanting to talk about. NONE. And a quick look at my post history says I’m not really flirty, I’m a submissive, and I have my needs filled (rather well, thank You very much). Why do these people not read what I have conveniently provided for them (in several places) before messaging?!!? This is a literature site, right? Read!!

Also, kinda lowkey curious how one would “fuck the fuck” out of an anal. 🤦
Jesus! Is that even English?

I better be careful

I know you may know I have taken it upon myself to go after more than one troll here and in AmPics, and even one in Fetish. Heck, I even scolded a moron in the feedback thread on the new format. I have lost track of them. Most have left (or transformed into an Alt).

Anyway. You may also know that I write. It is why I came here in the first place. I am no Stephen King or Robert A Heinlein or Chloe Tzang (she is a prominent Lit writer)...but I write ok sex stories on lots of themes. They are not great literature, and I desperately need an editor, but so far they have been well-received and my numerical scores were decent. I even had a few "H" for "High Quality".

Notice the past tense.

I got inspired to finish a story I started ages ago for the Geek Pride event. I wanted to check on a couple of old stories in reference to a scene, so I logged in on "the other side" and brought up my story screen.

My stories have been downvoted into the dirt. As best as I can tell this happened in the past month or so. The likely scenario is some Asshat went in there and voted 1s and 2s using multiple Alts until stories that have been around for years have 75 or 100 extra votes and the scores are trash.

I know this is nothing compared to some of the things the Women of Lit have suffered over the years.

And I am not going to stop calling out Trolls and Asshats, because I want this place to be fun for Adults and I am sick of jerks ruining it for the rest of us.

I am going to stop writing, or at least stop publishing here, and I am thinking of taking down what's there. I am looking for a new home for my smut. If anyone has any suggestions, PM me.

Asshats, Twatwaffles and Trolls, GTAFFAARD (Go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut)
Jesus! Is that even English?

I better be careful

I know you may know I have taken it upon myself to go after more than one troll here and in AmPics, and even one in Fetish. Heck, I even scolded a moron in the feedback thread on the new format. I have lost track of them. Most have left (or transformed into an Alt).

Anyway. You may also know that I write. It is why I came here in the first place. I am no Stephen King or Robert A Heinlein or Chloe Tzang (she is a prominent Lit writer)...but I write ok sex stories on lots of themes. They are not great literature, and I desperately need an editor, but so far they have been well-received and my numerical scores were decent. I even had a few "H" for "High Quality".

Notice the past tense.

I got inspired to finish a story I started ages ago for the Geek Pride event. I wanted to check on a couple of old stories in reference to a scene, so I logged in on "the other side" and brought up my story screen.

My stories have been downvoted into the dirt. As best as I can tell this happened in the past month or so. The likely scenario is some Asshat went in there and voted 1s and 2s using multiple Alts until stories that have been around for years have 75 or 100 extra votes and the scores are trash.

I know this is nothing compared to some of the things the Women of Lit have suffered over the years.

And I am not going to stop calling out Trolls and Asshats, because I want this place to be fun for Adults and I am sick of jerks ruining it for the rest of us.

I am going to stop writing, or at least stop publishing here, and I am thinking of taking down what's there. I am looking for a new home for my smut. If anyone has any suggestions, PM me.

Asshats, Twatwaffles and Trolls, GTAFFAARD (Go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut)
I'm sorry. That sucks. I actually think the authors have it worse, probably the female authors, but the only power asshats have with most female non authors is the power to send an insulting messages. It changes nothing. In the cases of stories and authors, they have a say in ranking, so more power.
Yesterday evening on the 'swingers' site I'm on (because it's about the only 'sex positive' option we have here) ... "can you host hi". From a couple. Like, sure, as a single woman living alone (which is relatively obvious from my profile), I'm going to drop everything for a couple I've never even spoken to before, and invite them into my home at 9 on a school night.

I fully expect that had I said yes, by the time 'they' could here there would have been some mysterious reason why the woman half of the couple couldn't make it.
Yesterday evening on the 'swingers' site I'm on (because it's about the only 'sex positive' option we have here) ... "can you host hi". From a couple. Like, sure, as a single woman living alone (which is relatively obvious from my profile), I'm going to drop everything for a couple I've never even spoken to before, and invite them into my home at 9 on a school night.

I fully expect that had I said yes, by the time 'they' could here there would have been some mysterious reason why the woman half of the couple couldn't make it.
So, how do you meet like-minded people who aren't lurking creeps? I assume any sort of public gathering is still out for the kink community?
Jesus! Is that even English?

I better be careful

I know you may know I have taken it upon myself to go after more than one troll here and in AmPics, and even one in Fetish. Heck, I even scolded a moron in the feedback thread on the new format. I have lost track of them. Most have left (or transformed into an Alt).

Anyway. You may also know that I write. It is why I came here in the first place. I am no Stephen King or Robert A Heinlein or Chloe Tzang (she is a prominent Lit writer)...but I write ok sex stories on lots of themes. They are not great literature, and I desperately need an editor, but so far they have been well-received and my numerical scores were decent. I even had a few "H" for "High Quality".

Notice the past tense.

I got inspired to finish a story I started ages ago for the Geek Pride event. I wanted to check on a couple of old stories in reference to a scene, so I logged in on "the other side" and brought up my story screen.

My stories have been downvoted into the dirt. As best as I can tell this happened in the past month or so. The likely scenario is some Asshat went in there and voted 1s and 2s using multiple Alts until stories that have been around for years have 75 or 100 extra votes and the scores are trash.

I know this is nothing compared to some of the things the Women of Lit have suffered over the years.

And I am not going to stop calling out Trolls and Asshats, because I want this place to be fun for Adults and I am sick of jerks ruining it for the rest of us.

I am going to stop writing, or at least stop publishing here, and I am thinking of taking down what's there. I am looking for a new home for my smut. If anyone has any suggestions, PM me.

Asshats, Twatwaffles and Trolls, GTAFFAARD (Go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut)

I’m sorry to hear that.
I understand wanting to take the stories down and find another place to publish, but I would suggest contacting Laurel first. I think she might be able to look into it and even if not, site owners need to hear about the problem.
“you think too much. you don’t need me to make you a whore. if you want to be a whore—be a whore.”

I really don’t need them to make me a whore, so true enough I guess?
Jesus! Is that even English?

I better be careful

I know you may know I have taken it upon myself to go after more than one troll here and in AmPics, and even one in Fetish. Heck, I even scolded a moron in the feedback thread on the new format. I have lost track of them. Most have left (or transformed into an Alt).

Anyway. You may also know that I write. It is why I came here in the first place. I am no Stephen King or Robert A Heinlein or Chloe Tzang (she is a prominent Lit writer)...but I write ok sex stories on lots of themes. They are not great literature, and I desperately need an editor, but so far they have been well-received and my numerical scores were decent. I even had a few "H" for "High Quality".

Notice the past tense.

I got inspired to finish a story I started ages ago for the Geek Pride event. I wanted to check on a couple of old stories in reference to a scene, so I logged in on "the other side" and brought up my story screen.

My stories have been downvoted into the dirt. As best as I can tell this happened in the past month or so. The likely scenario is some Asshat went in there and voted 1s and 2s using multiple Alts until stories that have been around for years have 75 or 100 extra votes and the scores are trash.

I know this is nothing compared to some of the things the Women of Lit have suffered over the years.

And I am not going to stop calling out Trolls and Asshats, because I want this place to be fun for Adults and I am sick of jerks ruining it for the rest of us.

I am going to stop writing, or at least stop publishing here, and I am thinking of taking down what's there. I am looking for a new home for my smut. If anyone has any suggestions, PM me.

Asshats, Twatwaffles and Trolls, GTAFFAARD (Go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut)
I am so sorry!

But do what Iris suggested - write to the support. I think they keep the records of time of any voting and they can check what happened there. If there are 20 votes on an old a few min from each other from different IP addresses all over the world, it just means that somebody is running a VPN and voting from every location they can find.
It happens from time to time and I know Lit was able to fix it before, they just rolled everything back to the pre-attack numbers. Hopefully with all the changes they are still able to do it.
So, how do you meet like-minded people who aren't lurking creeps? I assume any sort of public gathering is still out for the kink community?
Depends on the country - in the US even indoor gatherings do not require neither masks, nor vaccination records anymore. Restaurants and bars are working as they did in 2019, so there is no reason not to bring munches back.
So, how do you meet like-minded people who aren't lurking creeps? I assume any sort of public gathering is still out for the kink community?


I don't know the answer for the women's a male minefield for sure. As a male here, I am reluctant to PM any woman for fear of sounding like a creep, or a desperate dude, or worse. Recently, a woman here has reached out to me, and so far it is very intriguing, and has some real potential for both of us.
So, how do you meet like-minded people who aren't lurking creeps? I assume any sort of public gathering is still out for the kink community?

I forgot about this question ... hmmm. I guess for me the important bit is the person. The kink tends to be secondary (although I do seem to have a knack for being attracted to guys who have at least some sort of dominant streak in them).
With any site - Tinder, swingers sites, FetLife - it's just the standard process of engaging in an exchange with someone who seems interested/ing, and weeding out the ones who are clearly just there for free sex. And the ones who are looking for their soul mate. And the ones who are fascists. And the ones who clearly have some sort of personality disorder (that I can't live with). And the ones who are married and fooling around. And the ones who are under 40. Etc.
It's easy really :rolleyes:

I don't know the answer for the women's a male minefield for sure. As a male here, I am reluctant to PM any woman for fear of sounding like a creep, or a desperate dude, or worse. Recently, a woman here has reached out to me, and so far it is very intriguing, and has some real potential for both of us.
Don't be that hard on yourself! If you want to talk to somebody, there is nothing wrong with Lit PMs, after all, if they don't want any PMs from people they don't know, they can always turn them off.

As for how not to sound like a creep or a desperate dude... Just don't be one? LOL

But seriously, why do you want to talk to her? Probably she said something on a board that cought your attention, right? Did you check her our, read her profile and other comments? And everything still looks good? Great!
"Hi N, I saw your comment about xyz and I have to say it surprised me. I always thought that bla-bla-bla, but from your reply it seems that at least some women bla-bla-bla... Do you know if this is a universal thing? A common one? Really differs from person to person?"
The general idea: I read your words and got interested. Teach me more on the subject.
Works like a charm!

And it does not matter if your a dom, or a sub, or a switch, or an explorer, or whatever - all that will come out later, but no matter who you are on the D-s spectrum, there is nothing wrong with admitting that you don't know everything. If she thinks that Doms are not supposed to ever ask, you probably don't want to talk to her anyway 😉

And when she replies, most likely she will, thank her, continue with the topic, and add exactly what you said here: you were very hesitant to write to her because you did not want to come off as a creep etc. and you know how tuff it could be for women on Lit. Let her reassure you that all is good and well and she was not offended in the least. At a minimum it shows that you are aware of the problem and trying your best not to be that guy. So even if something comes out a bit wrong, she will be more likely to overlook it as by then she will know that it was not your intention.
Don't be that hard on yourself! If you want to talk to somebody, there is nothing wrong with Lit PMs, after all, if they don't want any PMs from people they don't know, they can always turn them off.

As for how not to sound like a creep or a desperate dude... Just don't be one? LOL

But seriously, why do you want to talk to her? Probably she said something on a board that cought your attention, right? Did you check her our, read her profile and other comments? And everything still looks good? Great!
"Hi N, I saw your comment about xyz and I have to say it surprised me. I always thought that bla-bla-bla, but from your reply it seems that at least some women bla-bla-bla... Do you know if this is a universal thing? A common one? Really differs from person to person?"
The general idea: I read your words and got interested. Teach me more on the subject.
Works like a charm!

And it does not matter if your a dom, or a sub, or a switch, or an explorer, or whatever - all that will come out later, but no matter who you are on the D-s spectrum, there is nothing wrong with admitting that you don't know everything. If she thinks that Doms are not supposed to ever ask, you probably don't want to talk to her anyway 😉

And when she replies, most likely she will, thank her, continue with the topic, and add exactly what you said here: you were very hesitant to write to her because you did not want to come off as a creep etc. and you know how tuff it could be for women on Lit. Let her reassure you that all is good and well and she was not offended in the least. At a minimum it shows that you are aware of the problem and trying your best not to be that guy. So even if something comes out a bit wrong, she will be more likely to overlook it as by then she will know that it was not your intention.

Wow, thank you for that detailed response, that was awesome and it is much to study my homework :)
Somebody with a an account over a year old and zero posts sends this as a way of hello:


I love your profile picture, I'd love to be tied to my bed, blindfolded and ridden by someone like you

I feel generous today, so I answered that this is a loosing approach, it was time for him to think about maybe changing it up. And then I got this:

what makes you think I wanted something from you? I was just merely appreciating your profile pic...get off your high horse, there's plenty of fish in the sea

Somebody with a an account over a year old and zero posts sends this as a way of hello:


I love your profile picture, I'd love to be tied to my bed, blindfolded and ridden by someone like you

I feel generous today, so I answered that this is a loosing approach, it was time for him to think about maybe changing it up. And then I got this:

what makes you think I wanted something from you? I was just merely appreciating your profile pic...get off your high horse, there's plenty of fish in the sea

Not enough eyerolls in the world for that guy.
"How kinky are you?"
2x this was followed by naked photos w dogs. Once asked if I would let her fuck her dog.
I have a ton of odd ans funny but those are sick.
"How kinky are you?"
2x this was followed by naked photos w dogs. Once asked if I would let her fuck her dog.
I have a ton of odd ans funny but those are sick.

Ugh. Just ... ugh. Who TF does that - like just sends photos like that without first checking that you'd be even slightly into it? That's just ignoring any concept of consent.
Ugh. Just ... ugh. Who TF does that - like just sends photos like that without first checking that you'd be even slightly into it? That's just ignoring any concept of consent.
I'm a big boy, but yeah, that was so creepy. Both times they acted like it was a reward for me; like I was waiting to see that.
At least the third gave me the option to say no.
Then again, I get the weirdest and creepiest requests which I will not post here. I am sure women get much more than I do but I am still shocked by out-of-the-blue awfulness.
I sometimes hope it is a really a guy pretending to be a woman. Alas, I get proven wrong, and lose my faith in humanity a bit more.
Jesus! Is that even English?

I better be careful

I know you may know I have taken it upon myself to go after more than one troll here and in AmPics, and even one in Fetish. Heck, I even scolded a moron in the feedback thread on the new format. I have lost track of them. Most have left (or transformed into an Alt).

Anyway. You may also know that I write. It is why I came here in the first place. I am no Stephen King or Robert A Heinlein or Chloe Tzang (she is a prominent Lit writer)...but I write ok sex stories on lots of themes. They are not great literature, and I desperately need an editor, but so far they have been well-received and my numerical scores were decent. I even had a few "H" for "High Quality".

Notice the past tense.

I got inspired to finish a story I started ages ago for the Geek Pride event. I wanted to check on a couple of old stories in reference to a scene, so I logged in on "the other side" and brought up my story screen.

My stories have been downvoted into the dirt. As best as I can tell this happened in the past month or so. The likely scenario is some Asshat went in there and voted 1s and 2s using multiple Alts until stories that have been around for years have 75 or 100 extra votes and the scores are trash.

I know this is nothing compared to some of the things the Women of Lit have suffered over the years.

And I am not going to stop calling out Trolls and Asshats, because I want this place to be fun for Adults and I am sick of jerks ruining it for the rest of us.

I am going to stop writing, or at least stop publishing here, and I am thinking of taking down what's there. I am looking for a new home for my smut. If anyone has any suggestions, PM me.

Asshats, Twatwaffles and Trolls, GTAFFAARD (Go take a flying fuck at a rolling donut)
That's a huge bummer about your stories. I've thought for a while about how a site like Lit might create more of a social index that made opinions or comments from people who are more engaged and get lots of positive feedback worth more than random folks with zero posts. Sort of a "verified reviewer" thing or something. Maybe you could have 2 scores for each story, one from "verified reviewers" who you could rely on to be thoughtful, committed reviewers, and another one that just was the "unfiltered" score and included everyone.

IDK...filtering through crap here can be hard...PMs, people on chat, stories, etc. Worth it when you find good folks or stories, though!
I finally closed my PMs for a bit.
It feels good.
In all seriousness, any time I am remotely thinking about re-opening my PM box, I stop by this thread.

And think, "Nope. If they wanna be an asshole, they can do so right out in the open for everybody to see rather than taking a private conversation and doing a hatchet job to make me out to be the ass in the equation."

You know. Like we used to do in the offline world when we would have lots of meetings and conversations in public spaces before we ever tried to lure someone off alone.

***shrug*** I just can't imagine anyone has anything to say to me (at least not that I care to hear anymore) that they can't say publicly.

And I can't imagine being a woman on here and not welding my mailbox shut.
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