Chain Story Sign Up!

I don't see any problem with letting another join in = ) just choose a category and let me know, okay?

Hmm that is interesting Chicklet, I could do a few different categories lol. So I ask you to surprise Me. Pick anyone but gay, I just don't write those well. And I will comply.

Give Me one that no one else will tackle or you would like to see Me do. If not I will settle for oh let's see fantasy. I could give poor Adam a little altered reality.
okay, fantasy. It looks like you'll be due at the end of january, unless something happens and everyone is bumped up. that okay?

That is fine Chicklet. When is the one before Mine due. Just so I have a little timeframe in mind? Thank you Chicklet and I hope I can keep up the tradition of excellence.
congrats svenska = ) we told you not to worry your pretty little head <wink>

master v, check the first post in this thread with the updated schedule.


How many parts do you envision for this chain story? Are we gonna run through the author list a second time, or let it die out?

Tate -

My original idea for this story was that each category should be filled, but I doubt it's ever going to happen. However, as many categories as I *can* get filled will be great - no one is obligated to write more than one chapter (we're not going through the list again) but I might write another one when everyone else is done.

Well then, I'll wait for a bit. Probably should wait until my chapter gets posted on the 29th, eh?

Horses, carts and all that.



Chicklet said:
Tate -

My original idea for this story was that each category should be filled, but I doubt it's ever going to happen. However, as many categories as I *can* get filled will be great - no one is obligated to write more than one chapter (we're not going through the list again) but I might write another one when everyone else is done.

Slink, slink, slink

Well, um... Dec. 15th just passed, and I didn't make the deadline.

Jeez, guys... I really am sorry. I've been working on a Xmas story that I just managed to get in under the wire. I checked this thread a couple days ago to double-check my deadline, thinking it was the 19th. Of course, I was wrong. It was the 15th. I thought I'd have time to finish it today, but again, I was dead wrong.

Still, there's no excuse. I should have been on top of this.

Is a late submission possible? I'd have it in by Tues night.

Don't worry about it! If you want, I know Tate would be willing to submit his chapter this very instant and you could have his deadline of the 29th - does that sound good?

YES! I'll definitely take you up on that.

Thank you, Chicklet. And Tatewaki, thanks to you, too. This new deadline would afford me some time to turn in something half-decent instead of a rush job.

Looking forward to adding my chapter to Adam's wacky night :)

I'll check back soon!

Svenskaflicka said:
I still feel like doing a sci-fi chapter, where Adam gets kidnapped and probed by aliens...:devil:

Hmmm... Been watching too many episodes of 'Taken,' Svenska?

Chapter and Catagory

Hi Chicklet!

Just thought I'd ask where I'm at in the expected chapter line-up and who and what catagories are taken.

Story submitted. It's in Laurel's hands, now!


Chicklet said:

Don't worry about it! If you want, I know Tate would be willing to submit his chapter this very instant and you could have his deadline of the 29th - does that sound good?

Hey chick...can you pm me and let me know what the current story is and what would be involved in signing up? I think I'd like to join in .
DN, check your Pm's.

Alicia, your date is January 14th and feel free to choose any subject you wish to write about.

Everyone, the schedule and subjects, along with links to chapters are here: First Post

Thanks all!

DN: jon.hayworth has already done a celeb story, about Fay Presto. We were thinking about trying to cover ALL categories on the list, and then go again, but I'd say we leave it up to Chicklet to decide if we should let all authors run free and choose their categories now already. *elegantly ducking away from taking responsibility*
Svenskaflicka said:
DN: jon.hayworth has already done a celeb story, about Fay Presto. We were thinking about trying to cover ALL categories on the list, and then go again, but I'd say we leave it up to Chicklet to decide if we should let all authors run free and choose their categories now already. *elegantly ducking away from taking responsibility*

oh, in the link that chick put up there wasn't a celeb story...what categories are left now?