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Chicklet said:
I don't know, tate, I sorta think that the setting should be similar...the same facts are happening, just, different things are effec...affect...effecting them.



Gotcha. Same cast, same setting, different events to relate.

Thanks - and thank you also for pointing out I got an "E" ... it's my first, and it gave me quite a thrill! :eek:
(Something in my gut tells me we're all getting "E"'s for this one...)
Svenskaflicka said:
G-g-g-getting an "E"?

No, I don't feel any pressure now! :(

But this is good, no? We should all feel this pressure when writing anything. Sure, sometimes we'll still screw up and come up with something not as good as we wanted, but that's okay. The ups and downs of the creative challenge is to be expected. It's the challenge that brings out the best in us.

Be afraid, Svenska, be really afraid. lol. Since you are the kind of person who will make herself succeed, the result will be good, really good.

I have confidence in you.

- Judo
JUDO said:
It's the challenge that brings out the best in us.

also makes it more interesting. If life were simple, it would suck, no?

Check your PM's, Svenska.

Just kidding. You guys and gals are awakening my competitive side. *yawn. stretch. mmmhrrmm???:eek: *

I'll write one helluva story!!! Oh, right... Halloween's over...
Just to let you all know - the final version of chapter 4 was submitted earlier today.

It would have been sooner but I was ill till last night - I mean real bad in bed no where near my PC.

Now I have to get back to another story.

hey jon! glad you're feeling better, but I'm sorry that you were sick at all. Excellent to hear that your chapter is up = )

(I'm working on a submission for DP right now, too...)

CHICKLET ;) Welcome to the club,

The number of us who write for DP we ought to be starting our own writers group.

We could call it the HACK TIT TORTURERS GUILD

Nothing to do with the chain story but still now I must get back to earning a crust.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:

Your story done? submitted? <crosses fingers>

haven't seen this thread up for a while so I thought I'd ask = )

How'd you get an "E" and where is it?

I'd love to join a bunch of losers! LOL! Considering the ignoring my first chain effort got except for the kind friendship of Chicklet and 2 other volunteers, I feel right at home.

I'd like to return the favor4 and volunteer for a fetish episode if you'll have me.

the "E" is for "editors choice" and you can see it next to the name of a story.

sure, come aboard, join our gang. Your story would be due about mid january, sound good? do whatever topic you'd like, just let us know before too long.

Mid-January sounds just fine. I'll get back to you when I firm up some story outlines.


you still working on your chapter? anything that I can take a look at, yet?


I'm so, so, so sorry for keeping all of you waiting for chapter 5 - even more embarrassing as it was me who started this whole Nightmare of The Fucking Dead together with Chicklet in the first place!

OK, here comes the part with all my excuses, you can skip it if you want:
My internet connection has been down, due to misunderstandings between me, the bank, and the internet company. I assumed that if you pay your bills two days in advance, it will mean that you have payed the bills in good time. Uh-uh. You may have PAYED the bills in time, but that doesn't mean that the internet company has RECEIVED that money in time. And when the internet company doesn't get their money in time, they close down you internet connection, and it takes 12 hours to re-open it. 36, if you get some problem when they re-open the connection and has to phone the support center, which is only open until 8 pm...

Anywho... Chapter 5 was submitted today, December 3rd, 3 days too late, and I apologize to everyone, but now it will soon be up for reading.

Poor Adam... he's in a real timewarp here! I've followed up on jon's X-Files-influence, and now things are really getting twisted. I skipped the cab-ride home, though, as it would be too unrealistic to have him chasing all over town in one measily night!But, being a nice person, I've made a very nice finish, with some subtle clues here and there, that the next author in line can choose to pick up on or ignore, as the story can go either way from here...

Curious, yet?:p
Svenska -

Good going! I read it the day it was advertised by Lit and gave it high marks. Hope it's doing well.

Storywise, I thought it went well up until the time the two men were alone. I really expected Adam to be much more resistent to Darren's advances, or for Darren to be much more clever as to how he got Adam to have sex with him.

In spite of his permanent erection, I believe Adam's resolve would still be very much present to resist a homosexual experience, but perhaps after his experience with Jon's 'magician,' he would be of a different mind.

In order for the story to work for me, Adam would need to be "way down the path" towards achieving his orgasm in order to allow Darren to...ah, assist him.

I loved the setup with Darren promising Marnie and perhaps she could have "been in on it" with Darren to get into Adam's pants.

Anyway, all-in-all, a great effort. Best of luck.

- Judo
Hey, Chicklet and all you other wonderful writer's, keeping in mind that if allowed I will keep the girl's proportions they way they should be (winking at Chicklet), I would love to join this or another future, Chain story.

I think that was one long run-on sentence lol not a real good impression now is it. I think it would be fun to add each and every writer's own unique perspective to a story.

Thanks for the consideration. MV