Challenging Discussion

LeBroz said:
BTW, since I'm always looking for quicker ways to do some things I'm always looking for ways to avoid cut-and-paste work. Such as holding down the Alt key while punching in 4-digit codes for certain symbols (this can also be found in that character map). Such as Alt+0185= ¹ or Alt+169=© or {here's a goody} instead of doing a double hyphen when you want a long dash, go for Alt+0151= —


*giggling madly*
yeah that's soooooo much easier.
I know people like you cause I hang around with smart people to make myself look good. My mate often explains carefully to me why this 18-step process is actually far simpler than the 3-step process I've been using. I tell him that it's not that I don't believe him...

unpredictablebijou said:
*giggling madly*
yeah that's soooooo much easier.
I know people like you cause I hang around with smart people to make myself look good. My mate often explains carefully to me why this 18-step process is actually far simpler than the 3-step process I've been using. I tell him that it's not that I don't believe him...


Let me clarify — I'm speaking of avoiding cut-and-paste work for a dozen or so special characters, where it's quicker to use the Alt+nbr keypad combo than to pull up the character map to do a cut-and-paste for a single known character; makes it easier when repeatedly using special characters such as those found in cliché or the copyright symbol ©.

LeBroz said:
Learn something new everyday. Totally fascinating. I can see a possible answer to that perennial problem everyone seems to have about having blank lines following the final line of text in the poem — put in a couple breaks when pasting in the text for submission, such as
<br />
<br />
I bet that just might do the trick.

After seeing all these details, I can see why Ange only went for posting the poems in the thread. Submitting them as you did goes well beyond the challenge and the detail work required is so ... detailed!

BTW, since I'm always looking for quicker ways to do some things I'm always looking for ways to avoid cut-and-paste work. Such as holding down the Alt key while punching in 4-digit codes for certain symbols on the number pad (the codes can also be found in that character map). Such as Alt+0185= ¹ or Alt+169=© or {here's a goody} instead of doing a double hyphen when you want a long dash, go for Alt+0151= —


Do you remember when we used to do the challenges and, rather them post them in the thread, we'd all wait and submit them on the designated day? I actually prefer doing that. All the poems show up at the same time and you can read everyone's response to the challenge. I love doing that so I can see at once all the different and creative ways people respond to the same thing. But no one seems to want to do that anymore, so I go with the flow.

All this code makes my head hurt. I'm totally dumb about this sort of thing. :cool:
Angeline said:
Do you remember when we used to do the challenges and, rather them post them in the thread, we'd all wait and submit them on the designated day? I actually prefer doing that. All the poems show up at the same time and you can read everyone's response to the challenge. I love doing that so I can see at once all the different and creative ways people respond to the same thing. But no one seems to want to do that anymore, so I go with the flow.

All this code makes my head hurt. I'm totally dumb about this sort of thing. :cool:

I missed most of those challenges but I agree with you that having them all submitted on the same date makes for an interesting read. I think I may have seen a couple same title challenges and was rather impressed by how wildly different were the texts.

As for all the code, I've learned more about HTML since I've been wandering the PF&D than any time before. This reminds me of pre-Windows days when you typed in commands at the C\: prompt and Word Perfect was the premier word processing program; I don't miss the 'good old days'.

The_Fool said:
Okay Ange. I am so pissed at you. You are so on my shit list. How dare you allow me to misinterpret the rules to your Thanksgiving challenge. I am so going to go sulk in a corner until I decide to come out and write another one...



What did you do darling?

And you know you love me. I'm the woman who got you to write a sestina! A good one, too.

Do you have a copy of that illustrated blues poem I wrote for you? The one with the pick-up truck? I was looking for that the other day and realized I left it on my old computer when I moved to Maine, darnit.

LeBroz said:
Let me clarify — I'm speaking of avoiding cut-and-paste work for a dozen or so special characters, where it's quicker to use the Alt+nbr keypad combo than to pull up the character map to do a cut-and-paste for a single known character; makes it easier when repeatedly using special characters such as those found in cliché or the copyright symbol ©.


You do know that I spoke in complete respect, right? Of course, much like my mate, when you explain stuff like that it makes perfect sense but on the surface it's usually rather hilarious to a dolt like me.

Like I say, I enjoy hanging around with smart people.

Angeline said:
Do you remember when we used to do the challenges and, rather them post them in the thread, we'd all wait and submit them on the designated day? I actually prefer doing that. All the poems show up at the same time and you can read everyone's response to the challenge. I love doing that so I can see at once all the different and creative ways people respond to the same thing. But no one seems to want to do that anymore, so I go with the flow.

All this code makes my head hurt. I'm totally dumb about this sort of thing. :cool:
Most of my challenge response poems are just so darn good (I think) that to submit them here at lit is to do the broader public an injustice by not having them eligible for publication anywhere else.

Of course, there are places that don't mind... Red Pulp Underground and a few other ezines. I suppose I could get my head outta my ass and write enough poems to go around too. :) I'm waiting for those damned January reading periods to open so that I can send stuff in and get it on the right ;) write :p pile.
unpredictablebijou said:
You do know that I spoke in complete respect, right? Of course, much like my mate, when you explain stuff like that it makes perfect sense but on the surface it's usually rather hilarious to a dolt like me.

Like I say, I enjoy hanging around with smart people.


Okay — I'll take it as a compliment. And I like hanging w smart folk too — I can learn much from them. And there are lots of folk smarter than give themselves credit.

Angeline said:
What did you do darling?

And you know you love me. I'm the woman who got you to write a sestina! A good one, too.

Do you have a copy of that illustrated blues poem I wrote for you? The one with the pick-up truck? I was looking for that the other day and realized I left it on my old computer when I moved to Maine, darnit.


I went looking, but I am sorry, I can't find a copy of it either.
I'd like to think about (if not join in) writing something for Tzara's Challenge, but I'm always really bad about making decisions on what to write about. Could someone maybe give me some ideas of where to look?


Remec said:
I'd like to think about (if not join in) writing something for Tzara's Challenge, but I'm always really bad about making decisions on what to write about. Could someone maybe give me some ideas of where to look?



Here's an idea: Go to All Posters. They have tons of art there and you can look through them and see if you can find something that inspires you. :)
Great Eckphrastics!

Tzara, your Eckphrastic Challenge is one of the best here in a while. A great idea, very accessible, produces good writing.

I predict that thread will be around for a long time. It's just too much fun. :)
Angeline said:
Tzara, your Eckphrastic Challenge is one of the best here in a while. A great idea, very accessible, produces good writing.

I predict that thread will be around for a long time. It's just too much fun. :)

Hear hear. I've found it pretty inspiring. Screw deadlines, let's just rename the thread without the November part and keep it going!

unpredictablebijou said:
Hear hear. I've found it pretty inspiring. Screw deadlines, let's just rename the thread without the November part and keep it going!


We can't change thread titles. Well, maybe Eve or Lauren knows how, but I don't think we can. We can unstick or stick threads, move them or delete them but titles are set in stone. It'll just be forever November in that thread. Ok by me. I love autumn. :)
I'm glad that any of the challenge threads can still be dredged up from the archives if you search in the advanced search feature, poetry forum threads, key words 'challenge'; thread titles only. That's why it's really important to include 'challenge' in the thread title when you're posing one -- so that those of us who still wish to either read or post can find them once they've dropped off the front page.

Don't forget that those poems still remaining on the thread are still around to critique or feedback. We love rehashing the stuff that still hides inside the mycorrhizal growth of the thread archives.
4 Degrees!

Great writing on the 30-30 thread. Love the three poems there so far. :)

What is the general consensus on challenges? Do you prefer the single STCs, multi-worded or somer other kind of generator? Which was your fave - most productive?
What is the general consensus on challenges? Do you prefer the single STCs, multi-worded or somer other kind of generator? Which was your fave - most productive?

I like them all. The STCs are fun although I prefer those when we all post on the same day. It's fun to read all the different takes on the same title at once. But I also love some of the other challenges we've done like Tzara's eckphrasticness.

Maybe we should have a poll?
I like them all. The STCs are fun although I prefer those when we all post on the same day. It's fun to read all the different takes on the same title at once. But I also love some of the other challenges we've done like Tzara's eckphrasticness.

Maybe we should have a poll?
I liked the STCs where we all submitted/posted on the same day too. More of a camaraderie feel to it. I also liked Anna's Purple Paint
I liked the STCs where we all submitted/posted on the same day too. More of a camaraderie feel to it. I also liked Anna's Purple Paint

I forgot about that one Anna did. That was a good one, produced some wonderful poems. The zodiac challenge (maybe Champ's, I forget) produced good poetry too.

Fooly has had great same title challenges, but my favorite (for me) was Copacetic Persuasion, which I think Cordelia suggested. I wrote one of my favorite poems on that one (good jazz connection lol).

And of course you and I had some fun with illustrated poetry. Didn't you suggest the dialect one? That's where I wriote my Jersey Threat poem. I liked that challenge. :)


Just went through the December Challenge poems and I am impressed by so many and my overall reaction is Wow!

It's just too bad the open voting is just a single round. Having to pick just one in each poll was a tough call and I ended up choosing based on my mood this evening. Who knows which ones I'd have selected yesterday or tomorrow with a different mood.

Congratulations to all for making it such a tough call.

Let me echo Leon on The December Contest. Several truly good poems, poets—multiples, in fact, on each voting thread.

My general impression? Don't be discouraged if you aren't picked (er, voted) to continue on. There is a smackload of good poems here. People can only pick one.

And, hey anybody! We should do this more often. I like the anonymity of the exercise. Makes you just look at the writing. You might guess who wrote what, of course, but I'm guessing those guesses would most often be wrong. Or, at least, some often be wrong. Anyway, fun thing.

Merry solstice.
I've been in reading and voting on the December contest, and while i did go ahead and submit votes on the first and second sets (it was tough, really tough to decide, but I did, finally) I find I cannot possibly pick one from the third set to vote on -damn, there are some solid pieces in there. A bunch. Can't possibly decide.

I'll try again later but I'll probably fail again. Y'all are friggin brilliant.

well done, everybody.
