Do guns make us more safe?

Um… Look. Sigh. I see that you’re new here but you’re off to a very bad start in reading and comprehension.
Adrina posted that over a year ago.
Not that it it’s not still relevant but none of what she posted were her attributed words. She quoted an article from HuffPost. You should attack that, but lemme guess- you’re a white conservative male? Well, again welcome, you’re fitting right in with the misogyny crowd.
The fact that it was posted some time ago doesn't make the response any less valid. I never attacked the poster( don't know why you inferred that) but instead offered an opinion as to why I believe I'm safer with a gun both in my house and on my person at times which was backed up by the report to which I referred. You made an awful lot of judgments for such a short post. Perhaps you're the one with issues! I won't guess as to your race or political leaning because ignorance come in all shapes and sizes!
Oh no! Two poor downtrodden dreamers used a illegally attained gun to relieve this victim of his watch....
How can this be? Why California has gun control, how can this happen?....woe is me, woe, woe is me.....and it two of the protected, Joe say it ain't so....

We could post these newsclips non-stop, day after day, and it would mean nothing to the "other side". It's a different philosophy of life and a different mindset and ne'er the twain shall meet, which is why as a country we are so consistently split down the middle on almost every issue there is. Unfortunately, if each side keeps trying to win on every issue, we will talk ourselves into a civil war because the divisions are becoming deeper and ever more pronounced and there is less and less possibility of compromise. What we really need is to work out how to balance the two view sets so we can live harmoniously together, each amongst their own.

What THAT means is splitting away large blue cities from red states, giving the States much greater responsibility and reducing the intrusion of the Federal Govt, and reducing Federal responsibilities to a few key functions such as Defense. I doubt we could ever do that but really, it's the only viable path forwards.

Expanding on that a bit further, where one side uses the Federal Govt and Federal legislation to override the views on the other - and abortion is one such issue - it become impossible to compromise and where one side DOES impose its views - as it did - it just arouses great and greater friction and hostility, wuth less and less compromise. Pushing this particular issue back to the States deflates that issue, which of course is why the Democrats are trying to push it as a Federal issue, because it inflames their cult members. There's a raft of other issues like this as well - once could cherry pick examples from everywhere, but really, the important thing is to de-escalate tensions and find a way forward so that we don't come to an impasse that's resolvable only by violence.
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On topic:

Here are sources for just one positive use of guns, self defense:

1. William English Study (2021):
- Title: "Defensive Gun Use in the United States"
- Published by: Georgetown University
- Key statistic: Estimated 1.67 million defensive gun uses annually
- Additional details:
- 81.9% of defensive gun uses did not involve firing the weapon
- 50.9% involved handguns, 56.8% occurred in or near the home

2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Report (2013):
- Title: "Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence"
- Key statistic: Estimated 500,000 to 3 million defensive gun uses annually
- Note: This wide range reflects the uncertainty and variability in different studies reviewed

3. National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) (ongoing):
- Conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics
- Key statistic: For the period 2007-2011, estimated about 235,700 defensive gun uses per year
- Note: This survey consistently produces lower estimates than other sources

4. Violence Policy Center annual reports:
- Title: "Firearm Justifiable Homicides and Non-Fatal Self-Defense Gun Use"
- Key statistic (from 2019 report): In 2016, there were 274 justifiable homicides involving a private citizen using a firearm
- Additional context: This report focuses on cases that resulted in fatalities, which represent a small subset of all defensive gun uses

5. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology (2015):
- Title: "Defensive Gun Uses: New Evidence from a National Survey"
- Authors: Gary Kleck and Marc Gertz
- Key statistic: Estimated 2.2-2.5 million defensive gun uses per year
- Note: This is an update to their original 1995 study, which has been criticized for potential overestimation

6. National Firearms Survey (2021):
- Conducted by William English at Georgetown University
- Key statistic: An estimated 25.3 million adults have used a gun defensively in their lifetime
- Additional detail: This equates to about 1.67 million defensive uses per year

According to studies, there is anywhere from hundreds of thousands to millions of examples of people using guns defensively annually. And this is just one metric of personal self defense, never mind other positive aspects of gun ownership and usage.
Four people were shot, including a New York police officer, when two officers opened fire while pursuing a subway rider who didn’t pay his fare, authorities said.

The suspect — who was wielding a knife — was among the four shot, along with two subway riders and a fellow responding officer, said New York Police Department Chief Jeffrey Maddrey at a Sunday news conference.

they saw him pass through the barriers without paying, followed him, asking him to stop... he muttered warnings to them that he'd kill them if they kept following

they caught up to him and told him to show his hands... he had a knife and refused to drop it, saying they'd have to kill him first.

he hops on a train, still ignoring commands, whereupon both cops tried to taser him but it was "ineffective"

he gets off the train and, according to the police, came at a cop with his knife and that's when they fired shots at him.

As they handcuffed the man, one of the officers realized he had been shot and was bleeding from his chest. The bullet struck under the officer’s left armpit, missing his vest and lodging in his back, Maddrey said.
Two bystanders, a man and a woman, were also shot by police. The woman was grazed by a bullet, Maddrey said, and the man was struck in the head.

now I'm not making claims about the perp's mental state or the need for cops to protect the officer being approached... but what a shit-show. It doesn't say if the tasers failed to operate or if the guy was so filled with drugs that they/it didn't take him down. If faulty equipment, that's probably not unusual as I've seen this reported many times before. Firing shots, though, in such a restricted space where people are getting on and off trains seems a very dangerous thing to do... just ask the civilians shot by the cops :(