Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

It cracks me up that they think we're as dumb as they are.

Trumpers are in their own echo chamber. They continually spew the propaganda. They even actively seek it out. They work to discredit (any of) the democratic candidates all while ignoring the very real dementia/alzheimers issue with Trump.

If they actually sat down and listened to Trump objectively I'd be curious to see how they justify the behaviors he demonstrates all throughout every speech he gives - the slurring, the word meshing, word substitution, the sweating, the irrational and nonsensical tangents, outright paranoia and mistakes.
Trumpers are in their own echo chamber. They continually spew the propaganda. They even actively seek it out. They work to discredit (any of) the democratic candidates all while ignoring the very real dementia/alzheimers issue with Trump.

If they actually sat down and listened to Trump objectively I'd be curious to see how they justify the behaviors he demonstrates all throughout every speech he gives - the slurring, the word meshing, word substitution, the sweating, the irrational and nonsensical tangents, outright paranoia and mistakes.
It really just boils down to their inherent fear of "losing our country!"

...to the brown people they stole it from and the women who make the whole thing work.
It really just boils down to their inherent fear of "losing our country!"

...to the brown people they stole it from and the women who make the whole thing work.

Exactly. And teh gays. Can't forget teh gays. Heh.

It's all based around 50 years of conservative propaganda - which has taught them that it is patriotic to hate their fellow Americans.

A 12 minute sit down on a late night comedy show with more policy talk than 20 trump rallies put together. But yeah, DID EVERYONE SEE HIS LOOOONNG PAUSE IN TALKING ABOUT trump? That’s the real story. 🙄😡🙄😡
Trumpers are in their own echo chamber. They continually spew the propaganda. They even actively seek it out. They work to discredit (any of) the democratic candidates all while ignoring the very real dementia/alzheimers issue with Trump.

If they actually sat down and listened to Trump objectively I'd be curious to see how they justify the behaviors he demonstrates all throughout every speech he gives - the slurring, the word meshing, word substitution, the sweating, the irrational and nonsensical tangents, outright paranoia and mistakes.
Objectively??? They have no idea of what that word means anymore. I'm not sure they ever did...
Objectively??? They have no idea of what that word means anymore. I'm not sure they ever did...

Honestly if they just sat down and listened to him. It would be entertaining to watch them justify the world salad, the obvious dementia, the clear displays of cognitive failure.
Honestly if they just sat down and listened to him. It would be entertaining to watch them justify the world salad, the obvious dementia, the clear displays of cognitive failure.
I think they do listen to him, and they revel in the word salad. It fits with the narrative they created when he was first elected. The excuses they started to make of the misunderstood Trump, he didn't mean that, he meant this.... They've drank the kool aid and there is no turning back.
I think they do listen to him, and they revel in the word salad. It fits with the narrative they created when he was first elected. The excuses they started to make of the misunderstood Trump, he didn't mean that, he meant this.... They've drank the kool aid and there is no turning back.

I don't think they do. At least not the rank and file. The diehards who go to the rallies, yeah. And they will manage to rationalize anything. I think the rank and file republicans just revert back to Trump 2016 and 2020 not realizing he's fallen so far.
I think they do listen to him, and they revel in the word salad. It fits with the narrative they created when he was first elected. The excuses they started to make of the misunderstood Trump, he didn't mean that, he meant this.... They've drank the kool aid and there is no turning back.

I’m going to go out on a limb and submit that MANY MAGAts are just as ignorant and demented as the rapey, racist, misogynistic, corrupt orange traitor, (maybe more so) and have no idea that what they are listening to is complete word-salad nonsense and lies.


Of course, MANY of the MAGAts are rapey, racist, misogynistic, corrupt traitors as well, and don’t care what that orange POS says, as long as it advances their agenda.

The other big difference between Trump and Biden is that competent and honest people will work for Biden. Many of the crooks and rogues, including his own family, who worked for Trump last time have already made themselves unavailable, many others are serving time behind bars. What is he left with? Not just the trash but the trash at the very bottom of the trash can.
This is a valid observation. When the family refuses to lend their support and 'Mercedes' fails to stand at his side on the campaign trail, that's so telling as to how morally bankrupt Donald comes across.

So many bailed due to J-6; it looked like rats abandoning a sinking ship. Lawyers got hosed with such frequency that it became difficult to find one from the Yellow Pages.

Today in the Georgia hearing on Willis' and Wade's fiasco, Trump's lawyer needed guidance in formulating proper lines of questioning. To get things on track, the judge coached her on what questions she needed to ask to get the ball rolling. What kind of lawyer is that? Those legal experts who chimed in remotely for Trump were not much better at questions as the judge frequently remarked 'asked and already answered, let's move along.'

Colddiesel, below the last layer of trash, you will find the molds stuck to the rusty steel bottoms of those trashcans - that's what remains - remnants of the last vestiges of legal beagles. It's like that old saying, "What do you call a lawyer who graduated last in his class?" Ans: A lawyer. "It seems that Trump has hit a new low."
Honestly if they just sat down and listened to him. It would be entertaining to watch them justify the world salad, the obvious dementia, the clear displays of cognitive failure.
Most people usually only remember about 17 to 25% of the things they listen to; the rest goes into thin air.

Today, I came across another interesting statement on listening - "Listening to nagging or complaining for 30 minutes or more can cause damage to the part of your brain that handles problem-solving skills. That's something to keep in mind the next time you're stuck talking to a Negative Nancy. (source)"

Given Trump's usual rant length, that means about 75% of what Trump says isn't remembered, and the rants are damaging the brains of those who tune in to his rallies. It's no wonder when interviewed on television as to what they believe Trump has done for the country, his MAGA base is unable to recall anything and generally blurt things like, "I can't remember right now, but I'm sure he has done many good things for the country."
Reading the article about Biden's botches okay those are well within the acceptable range that even someone in their prime was highly likely to make. Unless you're just the biggest Lincoln fan or something botching that is more than just that. Could, at least a few years back, repeat word for word Agent Smith's speech to Neo in Matric Reloaded? Yes, yes I could. But I loved that movie. I could stumble through Alfred's speech in 'The Dark Knight' about Trump. . .sorry Joker.

Then he mispoke and immediately corrected.

One of the huge problems here is that the media judges Republicans as a whole and Trump in particular on a serious curve. Standards only apply to the Left. Trump spends two whole months telling his followers things like "Stand back and stand by" (which means await further instructions), "Fight like hell or we're not going to have a country", "The election was stolen" amongst other things and lets face it. The only reason anybody outside of her district knows who Maxine Waters is is because she's the closest thing they can find to the kind of rhetoric that pours out of Trump and his followers on a daily basis.

Its been nearly 8 years since Hillary made her comment about deplorables and people are still bringing it up amongst other things. Meanwhile Trump and Bobert make a daily habit of calling the Left pedophiles and groomers. They attack the media constantly as well. There is nobody in what we call the Mainstream Media constantly dunking on Fox. They will call out specific members for specific reasons but even that isn't common.
He's a renowned doctor and professor from John Hopkins.

You can disagree with him but to outright dismiss his analysis of the observable and public behaviors of the two men would be disingenuous. At best.

There is a rule in the medical society against a diagnosis without an exam.

Yet you support a violation of that rule. Not surprising.
That is some of the stupidest shit I've seen in a long, long time. Not everybody likes ice cream or has even had it. So I'd love to see where this data came from.
Holy fuck.

If anyone can understand the word salad....

Beyond the “word salad”, it’s the histrionic / hysterical presentation.

“Unhinged” is the perfect word for the corrupt orange traitor’s behavior highlighted in that video.

And what’s really disturbing, is that the MAGAts respond positively to that psycho-babble.



"If there were a problem I'd tell you I'd tell you."

The message is being received loud and clear. He's telling us.