Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"


"Like someone pulled the metaphorical plug": Dr. John Gartner on Trump's "accelerating dementia"

"Trump looks blank, stops in mid-sentence (or mid-word), his jaw goes a little slack"

In our last conversation, you warned that Trump is suffering serious cognitive decline as shown by his speech, memory, and other behavior. Almost on cue, Trump manifests these symptoms at CPAC and at other events over the course of several days. Once you see this pattern of aberrant behavior you can't unsee or otherwise ignore it.

This weekend, Trump showed more evidence of his accelerating dementia. Trump named the wrong month for the primary, said that Putin would rather see Biden as president and he agreed with him, and that he made Israel the capital of Israel. But most important are the fundamental breakdowns in his ability to use language. Once you become aware of a symptom, you start to notice it, whereas before you might have overlooked it.

Trump manifested a number of phonemic paraphasias. He was trying to say evangelist, for example, but haltingly said "evangelish.” He was trying to say “three years later," but said, “three years, lady, lady, lady.” Trying to spit out the word “lately,” he sounded like a car with a bad battery struggling to turn over. When Trump can't find a word his whole demeanor changes. It’s almost like someone pulled the metaphorical plug. Trump looks blank, stops in mid-sentence (or mid-word), his jaw goes a little slack, and when he starts to talk again, he slurs, speaks haltingly, and often looks confused. Trying to get the word out, he shifts to a non-word that is easier to pronounce. When people are losing their ability to use language they use non-words. They start with the stem of the real word, and then they improvise from there.

In my family we call sandwiches “slamichs” because that’s what my stepson called them when he was three. It was cute then. It’s not cute watching and adult man regress to the mental age of a three-year-old. It can make you even feel sorry for Trump in those moments when he appears so vulnerable, confused, and disoriented. I asked several highly specialized experts about Trump's use of language, and they told me that what Trump is doing in total, but especially the phonemic paraphasias, were almost certain evidence of brain damage. This is not minor, or within normal limits, like forgetting who the president of Germany is, for example, as Biden has been pilloried for. Trump is evidencing formal thought disorder, where his basic ability to use language is breaking down.

Trump is also showing signs of "semantic aphasia" where he is using words in the wrong way. For example, when Trump talked about "the oranges of the investigation." We saw an example of that this weekend, as well. Trump said, “We’re going to protect pro-God….” In mid-sentence, he goes blank and looks at the ceiling. The words he uses to complete the sentence don’t really make sense: “…context and content.”

Trump is bragging about passing the MOCA, a screening test for dementia, as if it made him MENSA, when it’s a test any kindergartener should pass. Specialists tell me a patient can be in steep diagnosable organic decline for an extended period before they fail the MOCA. Someone with an advanced degree from an Ivy League school, for example, has a lot of IQ points to give before they hit kindergarten level. If you pass the MOCA it certainly does not mean you’re cognitively equipped to be President of the United States. Trump can’t even name the current president of the United States. Seven times he’s said he’s running against Obama. That’s not a gaffe or joke. That’s hard clinical evidence of serious organic brain damage.
Public concern about age and fitness for office continues to be a much bigger problem for Biden than his opponent. Latest poll from NYT released 3/2.


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Public concern about age and fitness for office continues to be a much bigger problem for Biden than his opponent. Latest poll from NYT released 3/2.
True, it seems by the polls, but when the moment of truth comes around at the polling booth, people will have to decide if they want a person who has memory issues, or convicted fraudster leading the Country.

I'm betting they will choose the memory problems over the crook.

Donald Trump Mocked for Calling Obama President During Speech​

n a speech on Saturday night in Richmond, Virginia, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump confused Barack Obama as the current U.S. President. "And [Vladimir] Putin has so little respect for Obama that he's starting to throw around the 'nuclear' word. He's starting to talk nuclear weapons, today," the former president said during a "Get Out The Vote Rally."

This isn't the first time the former president has confused Obama and current President Joe Biden. Trump's latest gaffe was met with immediate mocking on social media. Ron Filipkowski, the editor-in-chief of the independent news network MeidasTouch, posted on X, formerly Twitter: "This will be yet another one of the 127 other instances where tomorrow Trump will claim he mixed up Obama and Biden again on purpose."

Just posting this here too.

The man is losing it fast.

But his supporters don't really listen to him so they will vote for a demented alzheimer's victim because to them that's better than any democrat. I can't think of much of a bigger fuck you than that to America.

But then....

None of this will matter to his supporters. The deplorables will still love him because he validates their bigotry, and the establishment Republicans will still tolerate him because at least he'll sign another tax cut for the rich.
None of this will matter to his supporters. The deplorables will still love him because he validates their bigotry, and the establishment Republicans will still tolerate him because at least he'll sign another tax cut for the rich.

Thankfully there are a lot of other people besides his supporters.
None of this will matter to his supporters. The deplorables will still love him because he validates their bigotry, and the establishment Republicans will still tolerate him because at least he'll sign another tax cut for the rich.

The "establishment republicans" will also tolerate that corrupt orange POS and the MAGAts because, when they’re gone, the "republican" party is gone,

Can you imagine what would happen if the MAGAt voters all stayed home because their dear orange leader somehow wasn’t available / eligible for the general election.


Ironically, the "establishment republicans" could simply migrate to the Democratic Party and form a super majority coalition centrist party, and render the MAGAts almost totally impotent. President Biden has basically been holding the door open for them and welcoming them with his centrist governing style.

I actually think many moderate "republicans" WILL migrate to the Democratic Party for the 2024 presidential election. - The MAGAts sabotaging of the Ukraine aid -border security deal, and some of the more extreme reproductive rights laws, might have been the last straw for some "establishment republicans".


Donald Trump's String of Gaffes Over Weekend Raises Eyebrows​

Ron Filipkowski, a Trump critic and the editor-in-chief of the independent news network MeidasTouch, posted a video on X, formerly Twitter, that compiled 32 incidents in both speeches in which, Filipkowski said, the Republican "mispronounced words, got confused, mixed up names, forgot names, and babbled insane nonsense.

Just watched these clips for the first time.

That's not the same guy from 2020. Wow. 😯
Just watched these clips for the first time.

That's not the same guy from 2020. Wow. 😯

No. It's not.

This is why I am saying that I don't think most Trump supporters have not really listened to him recently. He's a fucking mess.
No. It's not.

This is why I am saying that I don't think most Trump supporters have not really listened to him recently. He's a fucking mess.

They won't, either - because they're worried it's true.
They won't, either - because they're worried it's true.

A lot of them won't.

(LOL I just caught the double negative in my post. But you knew what I meant.)

I also think a lot of people in general haven't been listening to him lately. It's not like it's easy to. At best it's nails on chalkboard to listen to him for any length of time. But they need to be. Like you said, this is not the Trump of 2020. This is a Trump in cognitive failure. He is essentially a broken wind-up toy.
I think that progressives need to take a step back and really look at what they're saying.

Today the SCOTUS unanimously decided that Trump cannot be disqualified by the States under the 14th Amendment from appearing on the ballot. This is a narrative that you ALL supported because you said Trump is an insurrectionist.

You ALL said it. Just like you ALL are promoting this senility claptrap.

You were wrong. You were told you were wrong and that the attempt to deny Trump being on the ballot wasn't going to work but you persisted in believing it to be true.

You were wrong and today the SCOTUS told you that you were wrong.

You're wrong about this too. For the same reasons.

You progressives really need to take a step back and look at what you're doing/saying because whatever you think it is, you're wrong.