Dr. John Gartner on a tale of two brains: "Biden's brain is aging. Trump's brain is dementing"

They say crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Trump is on his third attempt at running for President and hasn’t received the most votes in any election in his life.

They say crazy is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Trump is on his third attempt at running for President and hasn’t received the most votes in any election in his life.

Neither did B Clinton
I am fairly certain I remember what year my dad died. It was probably in spring. I remember other deaths as having happened, but not the years. So I can't fault Biden much for forgetting when his son died. There's another son still alive, but addicted, so that death will be more recent. Trump misnamed his wife in a speech. After so many wives, that can happen. Maybe he let slip his intention to marry someone named Mercedes. Which one is more senile doesn't matter that much if they both lose to a more competent candidate.
I am fairly certain I remember what year my dad died. It was probably in spring. I remember other deaths as having happened, but not the years. So I can't fault Biden much for forgetting when his son died. There's another son still alive, but addicted, so that death will be more recent. Trump misnamed his wife in a speech. After so many wives, that can happen. Maybe he let slip his intention to marry someone named Mercedes. Which one is more senile doesn't matter that much if they both lose to a more competent candidate.

Tripe. You'll vote for Trump. Both sides bullshit from a trumper is as valuable as a grain of sand in the desert.
LOL the depths of the excuse making. The video is available over all networks. At least the ones that will play them. There are those with vested interests in keeping Trump's obvious displays of cognitive failure from the eyes of their consumers.
LOL the depths of the excuse making. The video is available over all networks. At least the ones that will play them. There are those with vested interests in keeping Trump's obvious displays of cognitive failure from the eyes of their consumers.
The mental gymnastics must be exhausting.
Tripe. You'll vote for Trump. Both sides bullshit from a trumper is as valuable as a grain of sand in the desert.
You and some others seem fixated on the belief that one previous vote for Trump is a permanent brand or contamination. And there is still the possibility that both major parties decide to pull new candidates out of deep storage at the conventions. I could see the Pubs nominating Rand Paul. I don't see anyone on the Dem side being ready for this year's issues, but they have some time to fill a blank resume.
You and some others seem fixated on the belief that one previous vote for Trump is a permanent brand or contamination. And there is still the possibility that both major parties decide to pull new candidates out of deep storage at the conventions. I could see the Pubs nominating Rand Paul. I don't see anyone on the Dem side being ready for this year's issues, but they have some time to fill a blank resume.

Nah it's just your desire to own the libs from years of fear based propaganda. It's not rocket science.

Want to know how weird Donald Trump is? Just read this transcript​

Voters should be fully aware of how much worse and how much more bizarre former President Donald Trump has gotten after losing an election and living with the pressure of myriad legal issues.​

While network news shows and the political press at large continue treating the 2024 presidential race as if it’s a contest between two normal politicians, here’s a friendly reminder that it’s not. At all. Those of us who closely follow former president and current criminal defendant Donald Trump regularly see not only how mean, unserious and unhinged he is, but also how truly weird the guy can be. And not the good kind of weird. More like the “Oh, lord, what is this guy on about?” kind of weird.
Too often, the things Trump says in rallies and in campaign videos gets truncated into short clips or quick quotes. That sanitizes the rambling nuttiness of his drawn-out, self-obsessed, always-aggrieved soliloquies. And that’s a disservice. Voters should be fully aware of how much worse and how much more bizarre Trump has gotten after losing an election and living with the pressure of myriad legal issues.

"The radical left Democrats are at it again. They're constantly making up stories about me because their candidate is a mental and physical basket case. There's never been anything like it. He's also the worst president in the history of our country. He went on a very poorly rated show last night, and he talked about Donald Trump and his wife, I don't know the name of my wife...

"These people are really dishonest. They are absolutely something. They have a horrible candidate who's a horrible president. They make up things constantly. You take a look at when I use Barack Hussein Obama and I interject him into where it's supposed to be Biden, and I do it purposely for comedic reasons and for sarcasm because a lot of people say that Obama's running the country, not Biden, because he's sleeping all the time. They say, ‘Oh, I don't know the name of the president.’ Or when I imitate this guy getting off a stage, what they do is they say, ‘Oh, he had trouble getting off a stage.’ I have no trouble getting off a stage. Anybody that watches what I do at rallies would say, ‘Wow, that's amazing. He can go two hours without a teleprompter, not making even a little mistake.’ Very few people, maybe almost nobody, can do what I do."

Listening to Donald Trump speak is painful, but revealing​

That string of bizarro-world babbling nonsense is coming straight from the mouth of the man who a sizable swath of Americans think is the best choice to be president of the country.

You don’t have to like Biden or his age or his less-than-great oratorical skills or his policies. But you can’t read the transcript above and tell me this is a race between two politicians with differing styles. It takes staggering gall to question the 81-year-old current president's mental acuity while sitting back and applauding a 77-year-old man who just burped up a rambling two-minute screed about how everyone is amazed by his stage stamina.
Trump would be better off letting the fly do the speaking.

I want more from the highest office holder in the land than a rambling bumbling unprofessional blowhard in full blown cognitive failure.
The problems apparently arise when he goes off the script. He can't keep anything straight - facts, dates, people etc. He mumbles, slurs, invents words - phonemic paraphasia. His brain is irreparably damaged. He's like the Energizer Bunny with bad programming.
That tic that manifests itself whenever he tries to say, Evangelical/Evangelist, etc. is God smiting him.
That tic that manifests itself whenever he tries to say, Evangelical/Evangelist, etc. is God smiting him.

Karma's a bitch.

He has that happen quite a bit actually. Raising of one shoulder, pause in speech, slack jaw and then forced hard reboot.
Nah it's just your desire to own the libs from years of fear based propaganda. It's not rocket science.
Owning the libs would be a short and futile game. I look ahead at the long game, the decline and end of our civilization. Libs and cons look equally obsolete to me.
That tic that manifests itself whenever he tries to say, Evangelical/Evangelist, etc. is God smiting him.

Or it’s part of the corrupt orange traitor’s compact with the Devil.

1) Must break every commandment.

2) Must hold all bibles upside down.

3) Must not say “Evangelical”.

4) Must deny Eric.

Or it’s part of the corrupt orange traitor’s compact with the Devil.

1) Must break every commandment.

2) Must hold all bibles upside down.

3) Must not say “Evangelical”.

4) Must deny Eric.

Poor Eric.

Barron is doomed. 😞