Gather, a spring challenge

Hmm. There are 11 poems where I'm pretty sure I know who wrote them; another where I'm not positive. GM, I think I found all of yours! And at least two of Annie's. And one I am positive butters wrote. And tods. And Pel. And Tzara though I disagree with GM, so who knows? And just maybe Remec.

Great challenge, Harry!
One of the standouts for me is Bloom (Cc). With 5 seemingly simple lines (the last a killer closing) it speaks to me of mature woman ("stolid cherry") finding new love, conveys sensuality ("Blush from her bared and spread limbs") and a gentle touch of eroticism ("With the idle lap of sun"). Ahh, that last line! Simply divine!

I love the tongue in cheekiness of Harry's Law(n). I had origionally pegged that one as Tzara but Cruising also has a Tzara feel to me, so I can't call either.

BB feels like a Todski piece.

I'm still trying to suss out the others...

Wait, I'll be surprised if the acrostic isn't UYS, still trying to tap her others though.

With so many new contributors it's going to be a wild ass guessing game to try to match 'em all up. :D
Hmm. There are 11 poems where I'm pretty sure I know who wrote them; another where I'm not positive. GM, I think I found all of yours! And at least two of Annie's. And one I am positive butters wrote. And tods. And Pel. And Tzara though I disagree with GM, so who knows? And just maybe Remec.

Great challenge, Harry!

I just made a place for our poets to gather; they've done all the hard work.
on a different note, did you see J lo's hair on American Idol tonight? I want mine fixed like that.
I just made a place for our poets to gather; they've done all the hard work.
on a different note, did you see J lo's hair on American Idol tonight? I want mine fixed like that.

Nope. But I'm a bit frightened by what I'm imagining. :D
I'm useless at guessing but I think I might have Remec and I'm not sure who has posted with big blue writing before which should be a big clue if I could only remember!
Hey all,

I wandered over here from the AH when I heard about the challenge because I remembered posting a question wondering why the views and votes were so low when I wrote a couple of poems for the Survivor contest last year and receiving the answer that, "Only poets read poems."

I'm definitely no poet, but I'm glad I wandered over. Besides being a nice break from banging out porn for the Literotica masses, the challenge has also given me a great opportunity to witness the creative talent dwelling in this tiny, hidden (probably intentionally) corner of Lit.

I've enjoyed reading the entries (both erotic and non-erotic) to the challenge but, with little knowledge of poetry other than what I remember from grade 11 English, have had a tough time judging any of the poems based on technical merit. Instead, my votes are based on simply whether I liked it or not.

And a few that I have liked so far (not in any order) include CC, X, N, KK.

Thanks again to the organizers and to everyone who took the time to participate ~ Seanathon
were we supposed to do order of preference? i didn't - just went through first to last, eliminating as i went.

I just sent mine in alphabetically, no preferences ... thought it might be easier for the person sorting and counting the votes.
I liked seeing acrostics entered. It was one of the first things that came to mind, but my Muse decided against it. (She's a bit daft that way.) :D

Acrostic for those not familiar with the form. They make me crazy and I've yet to write one.
Acrostic for those not familiar with the form. They make me crazy and I've yet to write one.

I'll have to drag out another Teach in and we'll soon have you trotting them out, then it'll be onto Double Acrostics and I even have the Quadruple I invented to really do your head in :D
Annie you had me going nutz today trying to figure out why my votes dinna tally right, you only voted 19 times; if you had used the ballot I would have caught it
:caning: sorry for fussing :eek: yiu should have seen me with tic marks on a shower of typewrite paper trying to figure out what went wrong, I started a spread sheet got it now
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Annie you had me going nutz today trying to figure out why my votes dinna tally right, you only voted 19 times; if you had used the ballot I would have caught it
:caning: sorry for fussing :eek: yiu should have seen me with tic marks on a shower of typewrite paper trying to figure out what went wrong, I started a spread sheet got it now

so annie was responsible. so glad i'm not involved in all this complexity! :eek: