Gather, a spring challenge

This is beginning to feel like a game of Clue :D
Tod, E is not mine, though the style is similar to mine.

Oh, edit to add, I've got Seanathon down for D, A has a Remec feel to me, I think Piscator is H or N and I think maybe PP is Mirrorimage.
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Bah humbug I guess I may as well resign if I can't even pick out one of yours :p
This is beginning to feel like a game of Clue :D
Tod, E is not mine, though the style is similar to mine.

Oh, edit to add, I've got Seanathon down for D, A has a Remec feel to me, I think Piscator is H or N and I think maybe PP is Mirrorimage.

I actually went back to check on Pp ... alas, no ... not me.

Like playing literary detective : each poet has certain idiosancracies & writin' mannerisms which give a clue to his or her authorship to the would be Sherlock Holmes or Jane Marple & then cold reality hits ........Bah ....?!
going to recheck poems, but i had to wonder if your alt-named entry was by Seanathon... given the name :D

Unless this is a deeper ruse than I am aware of, Seanathon has been around for a couple years and he is a hell of a prose writer.
well, H's participants list has not been visited enough by me, but i went for a snoop around just now and found some remarkable pieces by amoveablebeast. what an introduction :D
And I was so damn sure of myself :D
Ah well onward to the next round soon and then the trouble will start I.e. how do I make any more cuts :(

It was a very, very good guess. I can't tell you how good until at least the first cut of the competition. :)
well, H's participants list has not been visited enough by me, but i went for a snoop around just now and found some remarkable pieces by amoveablebeast. what an introduction :D

This guy's worth watching. I'm assuming "Flight of the Intrepid Goddess" is part of that list.

There are a few gems popping up on "New Poems" worth reading.
I haven't even had time to guess. My Spring chickens got hit with the bird flu ( lost 6 so far ), my laptop died, my router went on the fritz, trying to get a million things done around the farm now that Winter is finally fucking over with up here in Cheeselog, Wisconsin ....
I haven't even had time to guess. My Spring chickens got hit with the bird flu ( lost 6 so far ), my laptop died, my router went on the fritz, trying to get a million things done around the farm now that Winter is finally fucking over with up here in Cheeselog, Wisconsin ....

Fingers crossed that your flock isn't too hard hit ... and good luck with the electronics!
Fingers crossed that your flock isn't too hard hit ... and good luck with the electronics!

Magnetron is so far out in the country that he uses bioelectromagnetics (hense Magenetron) to produce electricity for his household. It's some complicated process that I don't understand whereby anal probes in the chickens asses and a series of treadmills produces a tremendous amount of current. When some of them died there was a back surge that fried several to crispy golden nuggets.
Magnetron is so far out in the country that he uses bioelectromagnetics (hense Magenetron) to produce electricity for his household. It's some complicated process that I don't understand whereby anal probes in the chickens asses and a series of treadmills produces a tremendous amount of current. When some of them died there was a back surge that fried several to crispy golden nuggets.

* ships a Box O MagNuggets to Harry's house to go along with his Butter Spudder Wedges *