GUNFIGHT! (part 5)

I must say, the restrictions were much easier this time. ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
Suddenly, things got very quiet... You can feel the tension in the air. :D
I'm just quietly waiting until it's time for some harsh judgment.
Well, I was going to post the poem I received in PM, but now we all know it's from tungtied, because he's the only one carefree enough to be posting already, I can't. LOL :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Well, I was going to post the poem I received in PM, but now we all know it's from tungtied, because he's the only one carefree enough to be posting already, I can't. LOL :D

*Blowing the smoke from the barrel of my gun*
Here are the two poems, in no particular order. There are still 20 minutes left on the clock, so these may not be final versions. ;)

Fish bait

In other worlds they might have met as lovers
Today, he is a fish gazing up through crystal seas
she holds the pole with which to snag him
a twist of wrist, a subtle tug
she is a mistress of the come hither

but he has spent his life avoiding sirens' charms
dives deep to slip the hook
and yet can’t help but look
up into those eyes, her
laughing at his predicament
this pool seems small

she is omnipresent
stalking him along the shore
“Here fishy , fishy” she sings
beckoning with open palm
fingers wormlike, wriggling
a seductive dance
along the waters surface

Instinctively his mouth opens,
despite misgivings rises
to taste those mimicking morsels,
spies her lips curling,
he snaps jaws shut,
slips away as net comes swooping through
swims with joy, fins propelling him
high above safety’s domain
sleek scales shining in evening sun

He never feels liquid again
only hot fire and ivory teeth
as he is consumed,
his last supper


The Partners

In steel and glass they met
seven floors above the world
hushed by deep pile and tasteful art.
He sat, smug behind burled splendour
and quizzed her.
She replied, her eyes on his
From interest and expectation
she swiftly moved to vague dislike
he was so handsome – such a pity.

He delighted in her discomfort
tried to make her squirm –
so prim, so haughty, so damn sexy.
He stood so she must look up,
it made him swell with power
and she noticed.

Suddenly he grasped her hand
shook her arm and said
the job was hers.
She stood
accepted what she’d known was hers.

For months they sparred and argued.
Tense moments pricked the air
He new her work invaluable
For her, the pay was key.

She worked long hours to please him,
a pool of light held her prisoner
in the darkened tower.
He stormed and ranted,
banged her desk
while she sat calmly arguing

Infuriated, recognising an equal
he grasped her arms and
pulled her to her feet.
Their eyes blazed sparks
he yelled, she screamed
and pulled away aware of some new tic,
a shock of recognition.

He too, felt it,
the feelings he had denied boiled in him.
He held her then, his arms strong,
as she protested.
A kiss, fierce and long unsprung
had hushed their voice.

The desk became a monument,
designer shirts and documents
were shredded amidst sighs.
Her legs were even longer
Than he’d dreamed
and his package held delights
she’d only guessed at.

All in all
it was a productive partnership.
And that's it. Time is up. The judges will read now and get their veridicts back to me within 24 hours. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
Here are the two poems, in no particular order. There are still 20 minutes left on the clock, so these may not be final versions. ;)

Fish bait

The Partners

Congrats to both of you, I am looking forward to picking these apart :D Until tomorrow . . . .
Thank you

Lauren Eve, Charley, Reltne,and most of all Tess.

Despite the stain in my shorts, I really enjoyed this opportunity to stretch myself.

I discovered some things about myself and my writing I wasn't aware of.

I could stop right here and feel a winner... Tess, wonderful poem.
I'd join you on a desktop anytime.

And thanks to all those who joined in on the event....your participation made it all the more fun...but no less nervewracking...

Thanks from me too ~

I'm still shellshocked! What a great and terrifying experience.

I loved the pre-fight skirmishes that helped to relieve the tension.

Thanks to tungtied2u for being such a great opponent. I'm actually hoping he wins..

My thanks too, to Lauren for all her effort in setting this in motion and keeping it running and to Charley, Reltne and Wicked Eve who sit in judgement. (The cheques under the doormat.)

I found out that I do not write well under pressure but it was fun - in retrospect.

:D Thank you, all!
Great efforts, both of you. I'll be looking forward to the verdict, and the announcement who wrote which one. Although I do have a semi-deucated guess about that.

Putting awat hat, star and gun for this time...

I'm gone for the rest of the day so I'll have to be on tenterhooks until I get back to my 'puter.

*Starts on toe nails*


(and tungy, no matter what, you know I love you.)
I'm only waiting for the third judge to send me his decision, and will post the verdict immediately after. :)